Gestión logística en Pymes del sector de operadores de carga del Departamento del Atlántico
Martínez Ventura, Jairo
De la hoz Bossio, Johanna
García Guiliany, Jesús
Molina, Isaías
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Asociacion de Profesionales y Tecnicos del CONICIT.
El objetivo del artículo es analizar la gestión logística en las PYME del sector de operadores de
carga del departamento del Atlántico. Para cumplir con ello, se realizó una investigación
cuantitativa de enfoque epistémico positivista, descriptiva y diseño no experimental
transeccional; en la que la recolección de información primaria se llevó a cabo a través de la
aplicación de un cuestionario simple con escala ordinal tipo Likert. La población estuvo
constituida por 25 directivos y 25 coordinadores operativos del sector empresarial de las
PYMES, para un total de 50 sujetos. Como resultado, se destaca la certificación a los
proveedores, la existencia de fichas de registro y la verificación de los requerimientos de la
empresa. A partir de esto, se concluye que en este tipo de empresa existe un alto nivel de
eficiencia en lo que respecta al desempeño logístico.
The objective of the article is to analyze the logistics management in the SMEs of the sector of cargo operators of the Atlantic department. To accomplish this, a quantitative investigation of positivist, descriptive and non-experimental transectional epistemic approaches was carried out; in which the collection of primary information will be carried out through the application of a simple questionnaire with Likert-type ordinal scale. The population was constituted by 25 executives and 25 operative coordinators of the business sector of the SMEs for a total of 50 subjects. As a result, the certification to suppliers, the existence of registration forms and the verification of the requirements of the company stand out. From this, it is concluded that in this type of company there is a high level of efficiency in terms of logistics performance.
The objective of the article is to analyze the logistics management in the SMEs of the sector of cargo operators of the Atlantic department. To accomplish this, a quantitative investigation of positivist, descriptive and non-experimental transectional epistemic approaches was carried out; in which the collection of primary information will be carried out through the application of a simple questionnaire with Likert-type ordinal scale. The population was constituted by 25 executives and 25 operative coordinators of the business sector of the SMEs for a total of 50 subjects. As a result, the certification to suppliers, the existence of registration forms and the verification of the requirements of the company stand out. From this, it is concluded that in this type of company there is a high level of efficiency in terms of logistics performance.
Palabras clave
Gestión logística, PYME, Operadores de carga, Logistics management, SME, Charge operators