Evaluación de los factores asociados a la seguridad del paciente en la unidad de cuidados intensivos
Jinete Acendra, Janeth
Barraza Ospino, Damar
Morales Aguilar, Rosa
Pardo Vásquez, Alba
Siado Figueroa, Milagros
González-Torres, Henry J.
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Sociedad Venezolana de Farmacología y de Farmacología Clínica y Terapéutica
Introducción: El conjunto de procesos, elementos e instrumentos y metodologías basadas en la evidencia medica que reducen considerablemente el riesgo de que el paciente sufra un evento adverso (EA) de cualquier tipo o en su defecto disminuir el impacto del mismo, se denomina seguridad del Paciente.
Objetivo: Identificar los factores que afectan la seguridad en los servicios de cuidados intensivos, indicador relevante de la calidad de la atención en salud
Metodología: Estudio descriptivo, transversal. Se revisaron cuatro aspectos básicos que impactan en la seguridad del paciente. El pronóstico de los pacientes se evaluó con APACHE II y la necesidad de atención por el TISS score, Adhesión a Guías, Cultura de Seguridad del Paciente y la Percepción de Carga Laboral. Las variables cualitativas se resumen a través de frecuencias absolutas y porcentuales. La magnitud de la asociación entre APACHE II y TISS Score fue realizada a través de².
Introduction: The set of processes, elements and instruments and methodologies based on medical evidence that considerably reduce the risk of the patient suffering an adverse event (AE) of any kind or, failing that, reduce its impact, is called safety of the patient. Patient. Objective: Identify the factors that affect safety in intensive care services, a relevant indicator of the quality of health care Methodology: Descriptive, crossectional study. Four basic aspects that impact patient safety were reviewed. The prognosis of the patients was evaluated with APACHE II and the need for attention by the TISS score, Adherence to Guidelines, Patient Safety Culture and Perception of Workload. The qualitative variables are summarized through absolute and percentage frequencies. The magnitude of the association between APACHE II and TISS Score was made through².
Introduction: The set of processes, elements and instruments and methodologies based on medical evidence that considerably reduce the risk of the patient suffering an adverse event (AE) of any kind or, failing that, reduce its impact, is called safety of the patient. Patient. Objective: Identify the factors that affect safety in intensive care services, a relevant indicator of the quality of health care Methodology: Descriptive, crossectional study. Four basic aspects that impact patient safety were reviewed. The prognosis of the patients was evaluated with APACHE II and the need for attention by the TISS score, Adherence to Guidelines, Patient Safety Culture and Perception of Workload. The qualitative variables are summarized through absolute and percentage frequencies. The magnitude of the association between APACHE II and TISS Score was made through².
Palabras clave
Seguridad del paciente, Unidad de cuidados intensivos, Eventos adversos, Estrés laboral, Patient safety, Intensive care unit, Adverse events, Work stress