Afectación en la salud mental durante el embarazo de alto riesgo: revisión de avances investigativos
Escudero Romero, Andrea Camila
Martínez Rueda, Maureen Andrea
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
De manera favorable se puede indicar que actualmente existe mayor interés en la salud
mental, y preocupación sobre sus afecciones, y efectos en el ciclo de vida. Un aspecto relevante
en el estudio de este fenómeno ha sido el período de la mujer gestante, teniendo en cuenta las
posibles afectaciones a la salud mental que pueden generarse. Por esto, la presente revisión tuvo
como objetivo identificar los avances investigativos en esta área. A través del buscador
booleano Mental health or mental illness or mental disorder or psychiatric illness AND high
risk pregnancy or complicated pregnancy en la base de datos EBSCO durante los años de 2012
hasta 2022 se identificaron 60 artículos que abordaron temas relevantes para esta investigación.
Se establecieron prevalencias de afecciones a la salud mental durante la mujer en estado de
embarazo de alto riesgo como: episodios recurrentes de depresión, conductas autolesivas,
desesperanza, ansiedad, estrés, psicosis posparto y factores asociados a estas problemáticas como
el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas, desempleo, problemas intrafamiliares, violencia de pareja
y pobreza, aspectos que inciden en el índice de riesgo en la evolución del feto, alteraciones en un
nacimiento a término, y en su posterior desarrollo cognitivo y psicológico. Ante este panorama,
es necesario motivar el desarrollo de investigaciones que permitan ahondar y aportar al
entendimiento del fenómeno que puede afectar a gran parte de la población femenina gestantes y
lactantes. Retomando la premisa que desde la gestación comienza el ciclo de la vida y el
desarrollo de los seres humanos.
In a favorable way, it can be indicated that currently there is greater interest in mental health and concern about its affections and effects on the life cycle. A relevant aspect in the study of this phenomenon has been the period of the pregnant woman, taking into account the possible effects on mental health that can be generated. Therefore, the aim of this review was to identify research advances in this area. Through the Boolean search engine Mental health or mental illness or mental disorder or psychiatric illness AND high-risk pregnancy or complicated pregnancy in the EBSCO database during the years 2012 to 2023, 60 articles were identified that addressed topics relevant to this research. Prevalence of mental health conditions in high-risk pregnant women was established, such as: recurrent episodes of depression, selfinjurious behaviors, hopelessness, anxiety, stress, postpartum psychosis and factors associated with these problems such as the consumption of psychoactive substances, unemployment, intrafamily problems, partner violence and poverty, aspects that affect the risk index in the evolution of the fetus, alterations in a full-term birth, and in its subsequent cognitive and psychological development. In view of this scenario, it is necessary to motivate the development of research to deepen and contribute to the understanding of the phenomenon that may affect a large part of the pregnant and lactating female population. Taking up the premise that the cycle of life and the development of human beings begins from gestation.
In a favorable way, it can be indicated that currently there is greater interest in mental health and concern about its affections and effects on the life cycle. A relevant aspect in the study of this phenomenon has been the period of the pregnant woman, taking into account the possible effects on mental health that can be generated. Therefore, the aim of this review was to identify research advances in this area. Through the Boolean search engine Mental health or mental illness or mental disorder or psychiatric illness AND high-risk pregnancy or complicated pregnancy in the EBSCO database during the years 2012 to 2023, 60 articles were identified that addressed topics relevant to this research. Prevalence of mental health conditions in high-risk pregnant women was established, such as: recurrent episodes of depression, selfinjurious behaviors, hopelessness, anxiety, stress, postpartum psychosis and factors associated with these problems such as the consumption of psychoactive substances, unemployment, intrafamily problems, partner violence and poverty, aspects that affect the risk index in the evolution of the fetus, alterations in a full-term birth, and in its subsequent cognitive and psychological development. In view of this scenario, it is necessary to motivate the development of research to deepen and contribute to the understanding of the phenomenon that may affect a large part of the pregnant and lactating female population. Taking up the premise that the cycle of life and the development of human beings begins from gestation.
Palabras clave
Embarazo de alto riesgo, Salud mental, Sustancias psicoactivas, Depresión, Ansiedad, Alcohol, High-risk pregnancy, Mental health, Psychoactive substances, Depression, Anxiety