Estado del arte de la alimentación del adulto mayor
Gordon Ruiz, Malory
Quiñonez Ríos, Darly Eliana
Valencia Peña, Daniel Norberto
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Analizar los estudios realizados sobre prácticas en la alimentación del adulto mayor, a través del proceso de investigación y la recopilación de la información existente, para determinar cómo ha sido abordado el tema. Metodología: se desarrollo este estudio del arte como una investigación documental fundamentada en los diferentes tipos de literatura, publicaciones, proyectos y experiencias investigativas divulgadas sobre la temática. Después de identificar las fuentes bibliográficas con referencia al tema, se registraron los datos obtenidos, ordenando la información, y clasificándola dentro del trabajo, luego se realizo el análisis del material literario y finalmente se hizo la interpretación de este, concluyendo que una alimentación adecuada en la edad geriátrica es de suma importancia porque ayuda a mantener en equilibrio los diferentes sistemas del organismo que generalmente se ven afectados en esta etapa, Las personas mayores suelen tener muy arraigados sus estilos de vida y sus hábitos alimentarios, por lo que es necesario la educación nutricional y mantener un sistema de vigilancia nutricional, fomentando aportes dietéticos saludables e identificando de manera oportuna adultos mayores en riesgo y que requieran de intervenciones especiales o atención especializada. La comida en este período de la vida debe ser fácil de preparar, higiénica, estimulante para el apetito, bien presentada, apetecible, de fácil masticación y digestión. Además, durante la vejez es necesario mantener una ingesta que asegure el aporte de macro y micronutrientes que contribuyan a un sano estado nutricional.
To analyze the studies on the feeding practices of the elderly, through the research process and the compilation of existing information to determine how the issue has been addressed. Methodology: This study development of art as documentary research, based on different types of literature, publications, projects and research experience on the subject released. After identifying the bibliographic sources with reference to the subject, data were recorded, ordering information and classifying it into the work, then carry out analysis of literary material and finally made the interpretation of this, concluding that adequate food in geriatric age is very important because it helps to balance the different organ systems usually affected at this stage, older people tend to have entrenched their lifestyles and their eating habits, so education is needed nutrition and maintaining a nutritional surveillance system, promoting healthy dietary contributions in a timely manner and identifying older adults at risk and require special interventions or specialized care. The food in this period of life should be easy to prepare, hygienic, stimulating appetite, well-presented, appetizing, easy chewing and digestion. Moreover, in old age is necessary to maintain an intake to ensure the supply of macro and micronutrients that contribute to a healthy nutritional status.
To analyze the studies on the feeding practices of the elderly, through the research process and the compilation of existing information to determine how the issue has been addressed. Methodology: This study development of art as documentary research, based on different types of literature, publications, projects and research experience on the subject released. After identifying the bibliographic sources with reference to the subject, data were recorded, ordering information and classifying it into the work, then carry out analysis of literary material and finally made the interpretation of this, concluding that adequate food in geriatric age is very important because it helps to balance the different organ systems usually affected at this stage, older people tend to have entrenched their lifestyles and their eating habits, so education is needed nutrition and maintaining a nutritional surveillance system, promoting healthy dietary contributions in a timely manner and identifying older adults at risk and require special interventions or specialized care. The food in this period of life should be easy to prepare, hygienic, stimulating appetite, well-presented, appetizing, easy chewing and digestion. Moreover, in old age is necessary to maintain an intake to ensure the supply of macro and micronutrients that contribute to a healthy nutritional status.
Palabras clave
Adulto mayor, Alimentación, Estilos de vida saludable, Hábitos alimentarios, Nutrición, Elderly, Food, Healthy lifestyles, Food habits, Nutrition