Los procesos de formación en ciencias naturales y su respuesta frente a fenómenos de contingencia sanitaria por COVID-19
Rojas Villamizar, Carmen Cecilia
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La presente investigación lleva por título los procesos de formación en ciencias naturales y su respuesta frente a fenómenos de contingencia sanitaria por COVID-19 y se enmarca en las necesidades de atender los problemas presentes en los espacios de enseñanza de las ciencias naturales, donde resalta una educación tradicional y desligada de las necesidades de los estudiantes. A esto, se suma la presencia de una nueva realidad enmarcada por la virtualidad producto del COVID-19 y luego por el retorno a la presencialidad, la cual se caracteriza por la necesidad de enmendar algunos procesos de calidad en la educación. Ante ello, el presente trabajo se planteó como objetivo general Analizar los procesos de formación en ciencias naturales desde la respuesta de fenómenos de contingencia sanitaria por COVID-19, en la institución educativa Colegio Mariano Ospina Rodríguez de Cúcuta Norte de Santander. En tal sentido, fue necesario desarrollar la investigación el en marco de una metodología cualitativa orientada por el paradigma interpretativo y el método fenomenológico. Para ello, se concretaron cuatro docentes y cuatro estudiantes los cuales actuaron como sujetos informantes, el instrumento utilizado fue la entrevista semiestructurada y el procesamiento de los datos se llevó a cabo por medio de la categorización y la triangulación. Por otra parte, entre los principales resultados destaca la necesidades de orientar procesos formativos que atiendan las falencias heredadas por la virtualidad educación que se llevó a cabo por la presencia del COVID-19 El estudio concluye destacando la importancia formativa de las ciencias naturales en la educación básica secundaria colombiana, en cuanto a la necesidad de entender la acción formativa contextualizada en el debate de la presencialidad y la virtualidad en la práctica escolar natural y espontánea. Igualmente aporta conocimientos que pueden contribuir a mejorar la enseñanza de las ciencias naturales en el contexto entre lo presencial tradicional y lo virtual en tiempos de pandemia.
The present research is entitled training processes in natural sciences and their response to health contingency phenomena by COVID-19 and belongs to the need to address current problems in natural science teaching spaces, where traditional education and detached from the needs of students stand out. In addition, there is the presence of a new reality framed by virtuality as a result of COVID-19 and then by the return to face-to-face teaching, which is characterized by the need to amend some quality processes in education. Given this, the general objective of this work was to analyze the training processes in natural sciences from the response to contingency phenomena by COVID-19 in the educational institution Colegio Mariano Ospina Rodríguez in Cúcuta Norte de Santander. Concerning this, it was necessary to develop the research within the framework of a qualitative methodology oriented by the interpretative paradigm and the phenomenological method. For this purpose, four teachers and four students acted as informants, the instrument used was the semi-structured interview, and the data processing was carried out through categorization and triangulation. On the other hand, the main results highlight the need to orient formative processes that address the shortcomings inherited by virtuality education due to the appearance of COVID-19. Furthermore, the study concludes by highlighting the formative importance of natural sciences in Colombian basic secondary school, in terms of the need to understand the contextualized train action in the debate of face-to-face and virtuality in natural and spontaneous school practice. Likewise, provides knowledge that can contribute to improve the teaching of natural sciences in the context between the traditional face-to-face and the virtual in times of pandemic.
The present research is entitled training processes in natural sciences and their response to health contingency phenomena by COVID-19 and belongs to the need to address current problems in natural science teaching spaces, where traditional education and detached from the needs of students stand out. In addition, there is the presence of a new reality framed by virtuality as a result of COVID-19 and then by the return to face-to-face teaching, which is characterized by the need to amend some quality processes in education. Given this, the general objective of this work was to analyze the training processes in natural sciences from the response to contingency phenomena by COVID-19 in the educational institution Colegio Mariano Ospina Rodríguez in Cúcuta Norte de Santander. Concerning this, it was necessary to develop the research within the framework of a qualitative methodology oriented by the interpretative paradigm and the phenomenological method. For this purpose, four teachers and four students acted as informants, the instrument used was the semi-structured interview, and the data processing was carried out through categorization and triangulation. On the other hand, the main results highlight the need to orient formative processes that address the shortcomings inherited by virtuality education due to the appearance of COVID-19. Furthermore, the study concludes by highlighting the formative importance of natural sciences in Colombian basic secondary school, in terms of the need to understand the contextualized train action in the debate of face-to-face and virtuality in natural and spontaneous school practice. Likewise, provides knowledge that can contribute to improve the teaching of natural sciences in the context between the traditional face-to-face and the virtual in times of pandemic.
Palabras clave
Procesos formativos, Ciencias Naturales, COVID-19, Training processes, Natural Sciences, COVID-19