Propuesta de reforzamiento estructural y adecuaciones arquitectónicas para el edificio donde funciona la dirección regional y el centro de comercio y servicios del Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje, regional Atlántico – SENA
Badrán Loreo, Félix David
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ingenierías
Facultad de Ingenierías
La Dirección Regional del SENA Atlántico, recibió comunicación con radicado No. 1-2018-003869 del 14 de agosto de 2018, por parte de la Oficina de Gestión del Riesgo de la Alcaldía de Barranquilla DEIP, cuyo asunto fue “bienes inmuebles de interés cultural en estado de deterioro”, en la cual se realizaron diferentes observaciones respecto de la conservación del edificio ubicado en la carrera 43 con calle 42 y con la entrada en vigencia del Decreto No. 926 de 2010, que implementó la Norma Sismo Resistente NSR10, se reclasificó las edificaciones de uso educativo dentro del Grupo de Uso III, es decir, de atención a la comunidad, y las pone por lo tanto dentro del grupo de edificaciones que deben ser evaluadas en su vulnerabilidad sísmica e intervenirlas.
Siguiendo los lineamientos del PMI, se ha elaborado este proyecto que consta de cuatro (4) capítulos fundamentales. En el primer capítulo se hace una descripción del SENA. En el segundo se analiza en problema desde la metodología del marco lógico, teniendo en cuenta que el SENA, básicamente, realiza una función social. En el capítulo tres realizamos el proceso de inicio del proyecto y se destaca el acta de constitución del proyecto. En el capítulo cuatro desarrollamos el ciclo de vida del proyecto, la gestión de control de cambios, gestión de los interesados, gestión del alcance, gestión del cronograma, gestión de costos, gestión de la calidad, gestión de los recursos, gestión de las comunicaciones, gestión de riesgos y gestión de las adquisiciones. Desarrollamos todos los tópicos del grupo de procesos de inicio y planificación del PMI.
The Regional Directorate of SENA Atlántico, received communication with file No. 1-2018-003869 of August 14, 2018, by the Risk Management Office of the Mayor's Office of Barranquilla DEIP, whose subject was "real estate of cultural interest in a state of deterioration ”, in which different observations were made regarding the conservation of the building located on Carrera 43 with Calle 42 and with the entry into force of Decree No. 926 of 2010, which implemented the NSR10 Earthquake Resistant Standard, It reclassified the buildings for educational use within Use Group III, that is, for community service, and therefore places them within the group of buildings that must be evaluated for their seismic vulnerability and intervened. Following the PMI guidelines, this project has been prepared, which consists of four (4) fundamental chapters. In the first chapter a description of SENA is made. In the second, the problem is analyzed from the logical framework methodology, taking into account that the SENA, basically, performs a social function. In chapter three we carry out the project initiation process and the project's charter is highlighted. In chapter four we develop the project life cycle, change control management, stakeholder management, scope management, schedule management, cost management, quality management, resource management, communications management. , risk management and procurement management. We develop all the topics of the group of processes of initiation and planning of the PMI.
The Regional Directorate of SENA Atlántico, received communication with file No. 1-2018-003869 of August 14, 2018, by the Risk Management Office of the Mayor's Office of Barranquilla DEIP, whose subject was "real estate of cultural interest in a state of deterioration ”, in which different observations were made regarding the conservation of the building located on Carrera 43 with Calle 42 and with the entry into force of Decree No. 926 of 2010, which implemented the NSR10 Earthquake Resistant Standard, It reclassified the buildings for educational use within Use Group III, that is, for community service, and therefore places them within the group of buildings that must be evaluated for their seismic vulnerability and intervened. Following the PMI guidelines, this project has been prepared, which consists of four (4) fundamental chapters. In the first chapter a description of SENA is made. In the second, the problem is analyzed from the logical framework methodology, taking into account that the SENA, basically, performs a social function. In chapter three we carry out the project initiation process and the project's charter is highlighted. In chapter four we develop the project life cycle, change control management, stakeholder management, scope management, schedule management, cost management, quality management, resource management, communications management. , risk management and procurement management. We develop all the topics of the group of processes of initiation and planning of the PMI.
Palabras clave
Patología estructural, Vulnerabilidad sísmica, Suelos, Adecuaciones, Sena, Infraestructura, Marco lógico, Sismoresistencia, Patrimonio arquitectónico, Diseño estructural, Structural pathology, Seismic vulnerability, Soils, Adaptations, Seine, Infrastructure, Logical framework, Earthquake resistance, Architectural heritage, Structural design