Homicidas de pareja. Una propuesta de tratamiento
Orduz Gualdron, Frank Steward
Clavijo Villamizar, Adriana Marcela
Aldana Cetina, Erika Lorena
Obregón Saravia, Lady Dayana
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Sociedad Venezolana de Farmacología Clínica y Terapéutica
Antecedentes: La problemática de la violencia de pareja havenido aumentado en los últimos años, por ello esta temáticaha sido de interés por investigadores de las ciencias sociales,sin embargo estas investigaciones han girado en tornoa la violencia de perpetrada por agresor de sexo masculino,perdiendo de vista las características las mujeres agresorasde pareja.Objetivo: Analizar aspectos contextuales y personales de mujeresy hombres homicidas de pareja en la ciudad de Cúcuta.Métodos: El estudio se realiza desde un enfoque cualitativo,con alcance descriptivo y metodología complementaria. Estaexploración se llevó a cabo mediante el estudio de caso deun hombre y una mujer que se encuentran condenados porel homicidio de su pareja, en ambos casos se analizaron aspectossociodemográficos, de la dinámica familiar y de personalidadde los participantes.Resultados: Hallándose como resultado que ambos casos(hombre y mujer) los aspectos de personalidad tienen unamayor relevancia frente a la conducta homicida contra la pareja,en particular trastornos del ánimo como la manía y trastornode personalidad paranoide.Conclusiones: El tratamiento propuesto para hombres ymujeres que cometido homicidio contra su pareja debe estardirigido a varios aspectos, manejo de emociones, fortalecimientode la comunicación y a nivel terapéutico se debe generarun tratamiento que este dirigido al manejo del trastornoparanoide de la personalidad.
Background: The problem of dating violence has been increasing in recent years, so this issue has been of interest to researchers in the social sciences, however these investigations have revolved around violence perpetrated by a male aggressor, losing sight of the characteristics of women aggressors as partners. Objective: Analyze contextual and personal aspects of homicidal women and men in the city of Cúcuta. Methods: The study is carried out from a qualitative approach, with descriptive scope and complementary methodology. This exploration was carried out through the case study of a man and a woman who are convicted of the homicide of their partner, in both cases sociodemographic aspects of the family and personality dynamics of the participants were analyzed. Results: Finding as a result that both cases (male and female) personality aspects are more relevant to homicidal behavior against the couple, particularly mood disorders such as mania and paranoid personality disorder. Conclusions: The proposed treatment for men and women who committed homicide against their partner should be aimed at various aspects, emotion management, strengthening communication and at the therapeutic level a treatment should be generated that is aimed at the management of paranoid personality disorder.
Background: The problem of dating violence has been increasing in recent years, so this issue has been of interest to researchers in the social sciences, however these investigations have revolved around violence perpetrated by a male aggressor, losing sight of the characteristics of women aggressors as partners. Objective: Analyze contextual and personal aspects of homicidal women and men in the city of Cúcuta. Methods: The study is carried out from a qualitative approach, with descriptive scope and complementary methodology. This exploration was carried out through the case study of a man and a woman who are convicted of the homicide of their partner, in both cases sociodemographic aspects of the family and personality dynamics of the participants were analyzed. Results: Finding as a result that both cases (male and female) personality aspects are more relevant to homicidal behavior against the couple, particularly mood disorders such as mania and paranoid personality disorder. Conclusions: The proposed treatment for men and women who committed homicide against their partner should be aimed at various aspects, emotion management, strengthening communication and at the therapeutic level a treatment should be generated that is aimed at the management of paranoid personality disorder.
Palabras clave
Perfil criminológico, Violencia de pareja, Homicidios, Perfil victimológico, Violencia de género, Criminological profile, Partner violence, Victimological profile, Gender violence