El conocimiento jurídico de los contratistas que atienden la emergencia sanitaria del COVID 19 en la E.S.E. Hospital Materno Infantil Ciudadela Metropolitana de Soledad Atlántico en cuanto al cumplimiento de lo estipulado en la normatividad de la contratación pública durante los años 2020 a 2022
Marriaga Suárez, Hernando José
Pulgar Severiche, Johnny Eduardo
Rapalino Vargas, Rose Mary
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La presente investigación abordó la contratación administrativa en temas de salud dentro del Hospital Materno Infantil de Soledad para la atención de la emergencia sanitaria del COVID 19, se hizo importante resaltar con ello los fines del Estado y lo establecido en el artículo 2 de la Norma Superior, puesto que allí se estableció que el Estado debe servir a la comunidad como también velar porque participen en las decisiones que les sean dadas, así entonces dichas acciones deberán estar encaminadas a buscar garantizar el nivel de vida de los ciudadanos teniendo en cuenta las herramientas que dispone.
En atención a lo anterior, parte de las acciones que el ejecutivo hace dentro de la administración pública tiene que ver con la utilización de los recursos económicos, por ello se deberán utilizar mecanismos para que se garantice el uso de forma eficiente y que los mismos sean destinados para lo que fueron creados o asignados teniendo siempre presente las necesidades de la comunidad.
Es menester resaltar que se diseñan programas, proyectos y políticas de carácter público por lo que se invierten recursos, frente a ello la Norma Superior definió las competencias dentro del Congreso para que se aprobara el estatuto general de la contratación que por medio de la Ley 80 de 1993 Colombia lo adopta teniendo como finalidad que las entidades busquen que se cumpla lo preceptuado y la prestación
de servicios sociales, ya que los mismos obtienen a lo largo del desarrollo utilidades y el cumplimiento de los fines.
La E.S.E. Hospital Materno Infantil Ciudadela Metropolitana de Soledad entidad pública del sector salud fue creada el 23 de agosto como Empresa Social del Estado, mediante Acuerdo Municipal 005 del año 2000, por el Concejo Municipal de Soledad.
Es importante también indicar que frente a la emergencia sanitaria muchos contratos dados dentro del Hospital Materno Infantil de Soledad por la premura de lo que se venía debido al COVID 19 la regulación en cuanto a contratación tuvo ciertos cambios, pero estos mismos no dejan de lado los principios establecidos dentro de lo regulado por la contratación pública.
Pese a lo enunciado, se reconoce también que Colombia frente a la promulgación de la contratación pública ha tenido una serie de problemas de corrupción demostrando el incumpliendo por parte de los contratistas y como consecuencia de ello se generaron perdidas monetarias de recursos públicos.
For this reason, the President of the Republic of Colombia issued Decree 418 of March 18, 2020, by which transitory measures were issued to issue regulations on public order, noting that the direction of public order in order to prevent and control the spread of the Coronavirus COVID-19 in the national territory and mitigate its effects, in the framework of the health emergency caused by the coronavirus COVID-19, will be headed by the President of the Republic; which has issued various decrees that have generated mandatory preventive isolation, selective isolation and individual distancing and partial openings of various sectors of the economy. For this reason, some territorial authorities, in use of their legal powers and as a preventive measure, have decreed measures to restrict movement, among others, a curfew or other measures in their territorial constituencies aimed at mitigating or controlling the spread of the Coronavirus COVID-19. 19. Indeed, the generalized quarantines were disastrous for the national and regional economy, thus generating an increase in unemployment and labor informality, taking into account the impact on the sectoral operation, which tends to be higher in activities where virtualization is difficult. In turn, the Municipality of Soledad accepted this emergency and declared the manifest urgency to attend to the situation, making various contracts for it, which range from food aid, personal protection elements, hospital and clinical products, however Regarding contracting, there could have been pressing situations that were made under the figure of direct contracting, which in previous situations and in a very general way was used by several administrations throughout the country before the pandemic, which also generated at the time the reproach of the citizens and of the control entities, establishing in turn legislative measures such as Law 1150 of 2007 and other regulations of a regulatory nature. The need to investigate whether the contracting was flawed, whether there were conflicts of interest, whether cost overruns were generated, whether the development of investigations against this situation, taking as a reference the criticism of citizens in propaganda, as well as the quantity and quality of the products, why it was not contracted directly with direct food suppliers and if the contract was handed over to a firm with direct or indirect ties to the president, or misuse of manifest urgency, which requires transparent institutions, which guarantee access to information on the investment of limited public resources, in the multiple needs derived from the covid-19 pandemic, in which many of the contracts were made directly, that is, both the emergency regulations were used as the ICT tools necessary for it, which could generate doubts regarding the transparency of the selection of contracts. ists, a practice that had been questioned since long ago.
For this reason, the President of the Republic of Colombia issued Decree 418 of March 18, 2020, by which transitory measures were issued to issue regulations on public order, noting that the direction of public order in order to prevent and control the spread of the Coronavirus COVID-19 in the national territory and mitigate its effects, in the framework of the health emergency caused by the coronavirus COVID-19, will be headed by the President of the Republic; which has issued various decrees that have generated mandatory preventive isolation, selective isolation and individual distancing and partial openings of various sectors of the economy. For this reason, some territorial authorities, in use of their legal powers and as a preventive measure, have decreed measures to restrict movement, among others, a curfew or other measures in their territorial constituencies aimed at mitigating or controlling the spread of the Coronavirus COVID-19. 19. Indeed, the generalized quarantines were disastrous for the national and regional economy, thus generating an increase in unemployment and labor informality, taking into account the impact on the sectoral operation, which tends to be higher in activities where virtualization is difficult. In turn, the Municipality of Soledad accepted this emergency and declared the manifest urgency to attend to the situation, making various contracts for it, which range from food aid, personal protection elements, hospital and clinical products, however Regarding contracting, there could have been pressing situations that were made under the figure of direct contracting, which in previous situations and in a very general way was used by several administrations throughout the country before the pandemic, which also generated at the time the reproach of the citizens and of the control entities, establishing in turn legislative measures such as Law 1150 of 2007 and other regulations of a regulatory nature. The need to investigate whether the contracting was flawed, whether there were conflicts of interest, whether cost overruns were generated, whether the development of investigations against this situation, taking as a reference the criticism of citizens in propaganda, as well as the quantity and quality of the products, why it was not contracted directly with direct food suppliers and if the contract was handed over to a firm with direct or indirect ties to the president, or misuse of manifest urgency, which requires transparent institutions, which guarantee access to information on the investment of limited public resources, in the multiple needs derived from the covid-19 pandemic, in which many of the contracts were made directly, that is, both the emergency regulations were used as the ICT tools necessary for it, which could generate doubts regarding the transparency of the selection of contracts. ists, a practice that had been questioned since long ago.
Palabras clave
Pandemia, Contratación pública, Transparencia, Emergencia sanitaria, Pandemic, Public contracting, Transparency, Health emergency