Validación de la escala de bienestar psicológico para jóvenes de Casullo en adolescentes montevideanos
García Álvarez, Diego
Hernández-Lalinde, Juan
Espinosa-Castro, Jhon-Franklin
Soler, María José
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Saber UCV, Universidad Central de Venezuela
Antecedentes: la escala de bienestar psicológico para jóvenes (BIEPS-J) propuesta por Casullo está basada en la teoría multidimensional de Ryff y está conformada por 13 ítems y cuatro dimensiones: control, vínculos, proyectos y aceptación. Es un instrumento que presenta evidencias de validez convergente y divergente, así como índices de confiabilidad adecuados a nivel global, encontrados en países como Argentina y Perú. Objetivo: determinar la validez de constructo y la confiabilidad de esta escala en adolescentes de Montevideo. Materiales y métodos: la validación del instrumento se realizó con base en dos muestras de adolescentes montevideanos seleccionadas en instituciones educativas públicas y privadas de la ciudad, una conformada por 473 sujetos; la otra integrada por 188 individuos. Para la recolección de los datos se emplearon, además de la BIEPS-J, las escalas de autoestima y malestar psicológico de Rosenberg y Kessler, respectivamente. Resultados: el análisis factorial confirmatorio permitió validar la estructura de cuatro dimensiones, encontrándose medidas adecuadas de ajuste. La consistencia interna global del instrumento fue apropiada, aunque la fiabilidad de las dimensiones fue baja. También se encontraron deficiencias internas de validez convergente y discriminante, aunque la escala correlacionó apropiadamente con las medidas externas mencionadas. Discusión y conclusión: se concluye que la escala BIEPS-J puede ser utilizada como herramienta de cribado para posibles diagnósticos en el tema del bienestar psicológico.
Background: The Scale of Psychological Well-Being for Young People (BIEPS-J) proposed by Casullo is based on Ryff’s Multidimensional Theory and consists of 13 items and four dimensions: Control, Links, Projects and Acceptance. It is an instrument that presents evidence of convergent and discriminant validity, as well as adequate reliability indices at a global level, found in countries such as Argentina and Peru. Objective: to determine the construct validity and reliability of this scale in adolescents from Montevideo. Materials and methods: the validation of the instrument was based on two samples of Montevideo adolescents selected in public and private educational institutions of the city. One sample consisted of 473 subjects; the other of 188 individuals. In addition to BIEPS-J, the Rosenberg’s Self-Esteem and Kessler’s Psychological Distress Scales were used to collect the data. Results: the confirmatory factorial analysis allows validated the fourdimensional structure, finding adequate adjustment measures. The overall internal consistency of the instrument was appropriate, although the reliability of the dimensions was low. Convergent and discriminant internal validity deficiencies were also found, although the scale correlated appropriately with the external measures mentioned above. Discussion and conclusion: it is concluded that the BIEPS-J scale can be used as a screening tool for possible diagnoses on the subject of psychological well-being.
Background: The Scale of Psychological Well-Being for Young People (BIEPS-J) proposed by Casullo is based on Ryff’s Multidimensional Theory and consists of 13 items and four dimensions: Control, Links, Projects and Acceptance. It is an instrument that presents evidence of convergent and discriminant validity, as well as adequate reliability indices at a global level, found in countries such as Argentina and Peru. Objective: to determine the construct validity and reliability of this scale in adolescents from Montevideo. Materials and methods: the validation of the instrument was based on two samples of Montevideo adolescents selected in public and private educational institutions of the city. One sample consisted of 473 subjects; the other of 188 individuals. In addition to BIEPS-J, the Rosenberg’s Self-Esteem and Kessler’s Psychological Distress Scales were used to collect the data. Results: the confirmatory factorial analysis allows validated the fourdimensional structure, finding adequate adjustment measures. The overall internal consistency of the instrument was appropriate, although the reliability of the dimensions was low. Convergent and discriminant internal validity deficiencies were also found, although the scale correlated appropriately with the external measures mentioned above. Discussion and conclusion: it is concluded that the BIEPS-J scale can be used as a screening tool for possible diagnoses on the subject of psychological well-being.
Palabras clave
Bienestar psicológico, Adolescencia, Validez, Confiabilidad, Montevideo, Psychological well-being, Adolescence, Validity, Reliability