Metodología ágil para el desarrollo de software web basada en scrum y patrones de seguridad OWASP que fortalecen la seguridad de la información como atributo de calidad del producto final
De Arco Chiquillo, Augusto César
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ingenierías
Facultad de Ingenierías
En esta Tesis de maestría se abordó como objeto de estudio el bajo nivel de
seguridad presentados en los desarrollos de aplicativos orientados a la web que
permiten afectaciones importantes a la información. Se realizó un diagnóstico de la
situación actual de las metodologías ágiles y estándares de seguridad de la información
en proyectos de desarrollo de software, consiguiendo caracterizar los principales
componentes de Scrum y Owasp para formular a través de un método
descriptivo/propositivo una metodología ágil denominada SCOWP para el desarrollo de
software orientado a la web que incluye dentro de sus etapas el cumplimiento de
controles a vulnerabilidades y tiene en cuenta los atributos de calidad generados por
necesidades no funcionales de seguridad. Se logró demostrar que es posible mejorar
las técnicas de desarrollo de software web fortaleciendo los aspectos de seguridad de
la información como un atributo de calidad que valoriza el producto final.
In this thesis document, the low level of security presented in the development of web-oriented applications that allow significant impact on the information was addressed as an object of study. A diagnosis was made of the current situation of agile methodologies and information security standards in software development projects, managing to characterize the main components of Scrum and Owasp to formulate through a descriptive / proactive method an agile methodology called SCOWP for the development of web-oriented software that includes, within its stages, compliance with vulnerability controls and takes into account the quality attributes generated by nonfunctional security needs. It was demonstrated that it is possible to improve web software development techniques by strengthening the information security aspects as an attribute of quality that values the final product.
In this thesis document, the low level of security presented in the development of web-oriented applications that allow significant impact on the information was addressed as an object of study. A diagnosis was made of the current situation of agile methodologies and information security standards in software development projects, managing to characterize the main components of Scrum and Owasp to formulate through a descriptive / proactive method an agile methodology called SCOWP for the development of web-oriented software that includes, within its stages, compliance with vulnerability controls and takes into account the quality attributes generated by nonfunctional security needs. It was demonstrated that it is possible to improve web software development techniques by strengthening the information security aspects as an attribute of quality that values the final product.
Palabras clave
Metodologías ágiles, Vulnerabilidades de software, Seguridad de la información, Riesgos informáticos, SCOWP, Agile methodologies, Software vulnerabilities, Information security, Computer risks, SCOWP