Análisis de las políticas públicas de salud, vivienda y educación que inciden en el bienestar de la población socioeconómicamente vulnerable de Jalisco - México y Norte de Santander - Colombia
Navarro Álvarez, Luz Alejandra
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La presente investigación es una revisión documental la cual tiene como objetivo general Indagar sobre las políticas públicas de salud, vivienda y educación de Jalisco – México y Norte de Santander – Colombia, que inciden en el bienestar de la población socioeconómicamente vulnerable, para ello se realizó la identificación del nivel de participación de la población de Jalisco y Norte de Santander, sobre las políticas públicas de salud, vivienda y educación existentes, lo que permitió conocer la factibilidad de la implementación de dichas políticas y así determinar su incidencia.
Todo lo anterior se logró con la utilización de veinte fuentes de información, por medio de las cuales se realizó el análisis, para ello se utilizaron técnicas de subrayado y triangulación categorial, asimismo se encontró el enfoque de pobreza, pues siendo la pobreza una desigualdad la cual se evidencia en la mayoría de sectores poblacionales, ya que las pocas oportunidades y la baja calidad de vida, trae graves consecuencias a nivel de bienestar, por tal motivo el presente proyecto se direccionó en analizar las políticas públicas de México y Colombia enfocadas en los sectores poblacionales más vulnerables los cuales son afectados por la pobreza, además de encontrar cual es la incidencia, las poblaciones que logran acceder a ellas y si están siendo factibles o no; como respuesta a las problemáticas sociales especialmente para el tipo de población, asimismo también se analizan los entes participativos tanto los ciudadanos como los gubernamentales ya sean nacionales o internacionales.
A su vez desde el Trabajo Social se visualiza el rol de los profesionales, puesto que esta investigación permitirá obtener el conocimiento de las políticas públicas en estos países, existentes en pro de responder a las problemáticas y aportar a la disminución de las desigualdades sociales, además proporcionar mayor seguridad para gestionar y garantizar los derechos humanos.
This research is a documentary review whose general objective is to investigate the public health, housing and education policies of Jalisco - Mexico and Norte de Santander - Colombia that affect the welfare of the socioeconomically vulnerable population. identification of the level of participation of the population of Jalisco and Norte de Santander, on the existing public health, housing and education policies, which allowed to know the feasibility of the implementation of the existing public health, housing and education policies on the population of Jalisco and Norte de Santander to determine its incidence. All of the above allowed for an analysis of public health, housing and education policies that affect the wellbeing of the population, for which underlined and categorical triangulation techniques were used, and the poverty approach was also found, since poverty an inequality which is evident in most population sectors of Colombia and Mexico, since the few opportunities and the low quality of life, brings serious consequences at the level of well-being, for this reason the present project was addressed in analyzing public policies of Mexico and Colombia focused on the most vulnerable population sectors which are affected by poverty, in addition to finding what is the incidence, the populations that manage to access them and whether they are being feasible or not, as a response to social problems especially for the type of population, also the participative entities are analyzed both citizens You as the governmental already national or international. At the same time, the Social Work visualizes the role of professionals and the usefulness of research, since it will make it possible to obtain knowledge of existing public policies in order to respond to problems and contribute to the reduction of social inequalities
This research is a documentary review whose general objective is to investigate the public health, housing and education policies of Jalisco - Mexico and Norte de Santander - Colombia that affect the welfare of the socioeconomically vulnerable population. identification of the level of participation of the population of Jalisco and Norte de Santander, on the existing public health, housing and education policies, which allowed to know the feasibility of the implementation of the existing public health, housing and education policies on the population of Jalisco and Norte de Santander to determine its incidence. All of the above allowed for an analysis of public health, housing and education policies that affect the wellbeing of the population, for which underlined and categorical triangulation techniques were used, and the poverty approach was also found, since poverty an inequality which is evident in most population sectors of Colombia and Mexico, since the few opportunities and the low quality of life, brings serious consequences at the level of well-being, for this reason the present project was addressed in analyzing public policies of Mexico and Colombia focused on the most vulnerable population sectors which are affected by poverty, in addition to finding what is the incidence, the populations that manage to access them and whether they are being feasible or not, as a response to social problems especially for the type of population, also the participative entities are analyzed both citizens You as the governmental already national or international. At the same time, the Social Work visualizes the role of professionals and the usefulness of research, since it will make it possible to obtain knowledge of existing public policies in order to respond to problems and contribute to the reduction of social inequalities
Palabras clave
Políticas púbicas, Pobreza, Incidencia, Participación, Problemáticas sociales, Public policies, Poverty, Incidence, Participation, Social problems