Factores Laborales que influyen en los problemas de salud mental en los trabajadores de la región caribe colombiana
Alandete Castro, Laura
Brito Cano, Andrea
Caballero Ospino, Yesenia
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
El objetivo de esta investigación consistió en determinar la prevalencia de estrés,
ansiedad y depresión en los trabajadores de la salud región Caribe Colombiana,
mediante un estudio realizado de corte transversal y descriptivo con un universo de
60 trabajadores de las empresas ESE Hospital Materno Infantil ciudadela
metropolitana de soledad, ESE Hospital Local San Sebastián, IPS Convivencia
social S.A.S. Se evalúo la salud mental mediante el cuestionario DASS-21 para
identificar la presencia y niveles de depresión, ansiedad y estrés en las personas.
Los resultados muestran el predominio de trabajadores expuestos a estrés (43.33%)
con prevalencia de leve, moderada y severa (19%, 54% y 27%), con ansiedad (45%)
en niveles leve, moderada, severa y extremadamente severa (11%-52%-11%-26%).
Además dejan en evidencia que síntomas con categorías de moderados a severos
son los más representativos de cada problema de salud mental y que efectivamente
estamos ante la presencia de estrés, ansiedad y depresión en el personal asistencial
y administrativo, con variables que influyen positivamente como son los turnos y la
duración de la jornada laboral; encontrando más síntomas en los trabajadores de
más de 8 horas laborales y con turnos nocturnos, en estas áreas encontraríamos
médicos, auxiliares de enfermería, auxiliares de laboratorio, facturadores, personal
de aseo entre otros , se evidencia que las responsabilidades depositadas en un área
específica de la empresa afecta directamente el funcionamiento individuo
provocando alteraciones que lo conllevan a la aparición estrés. Se evidenció niveles
moderados de ansiedad, niveles severos y extremadamente severos en
trabajadores con más de 5 años de antigüedad en la modalidad presencial en los
cuales las estrategias de afrontamiento están siendo insuficientes para afrontar
dicha situación. Así mismo la depresión se encuentra principalmente en rango
moderado, siendo este un dato importante ya que puede existir la presencia de
factores que pueden afectar la productividad y cumplimiento de las obligaciones del
puesto de trabajo, los trabajadores afectados en su gran mayoría son los
administrativos y operativos, sin embargo; realizando un análisis descriptivo de los
resultados obtenidos se evidencia que los empleados del área de administración
presenta menores niveles de estrés, ansiedad, y depresión lo que deduce que los
administrativos en el área de la salud presentan mejores niveles de desempeño
laboral, a diferencia de las áreas operativas donde los trabajadores tienen niveles
de estrés, ansiedad y depresión de moderados a severos en mayor porcentaje, los
empleados tienen menores niveles de desempeño laboral en estas áreas
provocando alteraciones en los individuos tales como: ausentismos, accidentes
laborales y enfermedades, que le impiden desenvolverse de manera idónea en su
sector de trabajo.
Si estas condiciones continúan por un tiempo prolongado empezarán a aumentar
las condiciones severas en salud mental y salud física. Las fortalezas de este
estudio radican en la cuantificación de los riesgos psicosociales y contar con
un screening de salud mental en una muestra representativa de trabajadores de
diversos hospitales, sobre la cual es posible realizar prevención y control, también
servirán para investigaciones futuras, resulta clave que los hospitales tomen
conciencia que el trabajo en salud impacta en la salud de los trabajadores y como
aquello puede además repercutir en indicadores organizacionales. Además, que se
realicen evaluaciones dirigidas a riesgos ocupacionales y como tal generen políticas
de salud ocupacional que posibiliten crean planes preventivos y de tal manera
generar ambientes de trabajo saludables, para generar una sensación de seguridad
y salud a los trabajadores.
The objective of this research was to determine the prevalence of stress, anxiety and depression in health workers in the Colombian Caribbean region, through a cross-sectional and descriptive study with a universe of 60 workers from the companies ESE Hospital Materno Infantil ciudadela metropolitana de soledad, ESE Hospital Local San Sebastián, IPS Convivencia social S.A.S. Mental health was evaluated using the DASS-21 questionnaire to identify the presence and levels of depression, anxiety and stress in people. The results show the predominance of workers exposed to stress (43.33%) with a prevalence of mild, moderate and severe (19%, 54% and 27%), with anxiety (45%) at mild, moderate, severe and extremely severe levels (11%-52%-11%-26%). They also show that symptoms with moderate to severe categories are the most representative of each mental health problem and that we are effectively facing the presence of stress, anxiety and depression in the care and administrative staff, with variables that positively influence such as shifts and the duration of the working day; Finding more symptoms in workers of more than 8 working hours and with night shifts, in these areas we would find doctors, nursing assistants, laboratory assistants, billers, cleaning staff among others, it is evident that the responsibilities deposited in a specific area of the company directly affect the individual's functioning causing alterations that lead to the appearance of stress. Moderate levels of anxiety, severe and extremely severe levels were evident in workers with more than 5 years of seniority in the face-to-face modality in which coping strategies are being insufficient to face this situation. Likewise, the depression is mainly in the moderate range, this being an important fact since there may be the presence of factors that can affect productivity and compliance with the obligations of the job, the workers affected in their vast majority are administrative and operational, however, by performing a descriptive analysis of the results obtained, it is evident that employees in the administration area have lower levels of stress, anxiety, and depression, which deduces that administrators in the health area have better levels of work performance, unlike the operational areas where workers have levels of stress, anxiety and depression from moderate to severe in a higher percentage, it is understood that employees have lower levels of work performance in these areas causing alterations in individuals such as: absenteeism, accidents Labor and illnesses, which prevent them from functioning in an appropriate way in their work sector. If these conditions continue for a long time, severe mental health and physical health conditions will begin to increase. The strengths of this study lie in the quantification of psychosocial risks and having a mental health screening in a representative sample of workers from various hospitals, on which it is possible to carry out prevention and control, they will also serve for future research, it is key that hospitals become aware that health work has an impact on the health of workers and how it can also have an impact on organizational indicators. In addition, that evaluations aimed at occupational risks be carried out and as such generate occupational health policies that make it possible to create preventive plans and in such a way generate healthy work environments, to generate a sense of safety and health for workers.
The objective of this research was to determine the prevalence of stress, anxiety and depression in health workers in the Colombian Caribbean region, through a cross-sectional and descriptive study with a universe of 60 workers from the companies ESE Hospital Materno Infantil ciudadela metropolitana de soledad, ESE Hospital Local San Sebastián, IPS Convivencia social S.A.S. Mental health was evaluated using the DASS-21 questionnaire to identify the presence and levels of depression, anxiety and stress in people. The results show the predominance of workers exposed to stress (43.33%) with a prevalence of mild, moderate and severe (19%, 54% and 27%), with anxiety (45%) at mild, moderate, severe and extremely severe levels (11%-52%-11%-26%). They also show that symptoms with moderate to severe categories are the most representative of each mental health problem and that we are effectively facing the presence of stress, anxiety and depression in the care and administrative staff, with variables that positively influence such as shifts and the duration of the working day; Finding more symptoms in workers of more than 8 working hours and with night shifts, in these areas we would find doctors, nursing assistants, laboratory assistants, billers, cleaning staff among others, it is evident that the responsibilities deposited in a specific area of the company directly affect the individual's functioning causing alterations that lead to the appearance of stress. Moderate levels of anxiety, severe and extremely severe levels were evident in workers with more than 5 years of seniority in the face-to-face modality in which coping strategies are being insufficient to face this situation. Likewise, the depression is mainly in the moderate range, this being an important fact since there may be the presence of factors that can affect productivity and compliance with the obligations of the job, the workers affected in their vast majority are administrative and operational, however, by performing a descriptive analysis of the results obtained, it is evident that employees in the administration area have lower levels of stress, anxiety, and depression, which deduces that administrators in the health area have better levels of work performance, unlike the operational areas where workers have levels of stress, anxiety and depression from moderate to severe in a higher percentage, it is understood that employees have lower levels of work performance in these areas causing alterations in individuals such as: absenteeism, accidents Labor and illnesses, which prevent them from functioning in an appropriate way in their work sector. If these conditions continue for a long time, severe mental health and physical health conditions will begin to increase. The strengths of this study lie in the quantification of psychosocial risks and having a mental health screening in a representative sample of workers from various hospitals, on which it is possible to carry out prevention and control, they will also serve for future research, it is key that hospitals become aware that health work has an impact on the health of workers and how it can also have an impact on organizational indicators. In addition, that evaluations aimed at occupational risks be carried out and as such generate occupational health policies that make it possible to create preventive plans and in such a way generate healthy work environments, to generate a sense of safety and health for workers.
Palabras clave
Salud mental, Trabajadores, Factores laborales, Mental health, Workers, Labor factors