Acoso laboral: generalidades, garantías constitucionales y procedimiento para su protección en Colombia
Sierra Piña, Eduardo
Camacho García, Jean Franko
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El acoso laboral se entiende como aquella conducta persistente y demostrable, ejercida sobre un empleado por parte de un empleador, un jefe o superior jerárquico inmediato o mediato, un compañero de trabajo o un subalterno, encaminada a infundir miedo, intimidación, terror y angustia, a causar perjuicio laboral, generar desmotivación en el trabajo, o inducir la renuncia del mismo. De allí a que existan diversas normas constitucionales e internacionales que procuren la salvaguarda de los derechos del trabajador que se vea expuesto a estas situaciones. Dentro de estas normas encontramos aquellas como la Ley 1010 de 2006, por medio de la cual se adoptan medidas para prevenir, corregir y sancionar el acoso laboral y otros hostigamientos en el marco de las relaciones de trabajo; y que con ocasión a la existencia de factores que impiden la denuncia de estas conductas como lo son el miedo y el desconocimiento de sus derechos y entidades ante las cuales acudir; se desarrolló el presente artículo investigativo a través de un enfoque cualitativo, bajo un paradigma interpretativo y una técnica de revisión documental para comprender el fenómeno de estudio. Y del cual fue posible establecer que la conducta de acoso laboral debe ser recurrente o sistemática contra un trabajador para que se considere como punible, que la confusión y el desconocimiento de la norma por parte del empleador, traen como consecuencia la falta de difusión de los distintos procedimientos y medidas preventivas y correctivas adecuadas, y por lo tanto, se limita el acceso a estos recursos para seguir el proceso correspondiente y que existen diversas entidades a las cuales acudir para denunciar dichos actos.
Workplace harassment is understood as that persistent and demonstrable conduct, exerted on an employee by an employer, a boss or immediate or immediate hierarchical superior, a co-worker or a subordinate, aimed at instilling fear, intimidation, terror and anguish, to cause labor damage, generate demotivation at work, or induce the resignation of the same. Hence, there are various constitutional and international standards that seek to safeguard the rights of the worker who is exposed to these situations. Within these regulations we find those such as Law 1010 of 2006, through which measures are adopted to prevent, correct and punish workplace harassment and other harassment within the framework of labor relations; and that on the occasion of the existence of factors that prevent the reporting of these behaviors such as fear and ignorance of their rights and entities to which to turn; This research article was developed through a qualitative approach, under an interpretive paradigm and a documentary review technique to understand the study phenomenon. And from which it was possible to establish that the behavior of workplace harassment must be recurring or systematic against a worker to be considered punishable, that the confusion and ignorance of the norm by the employer, result in the lack of dissemination of the different procedures and appropriate preventive and corrective measures, and therefore, access to these resources is limited to follow the corresponding process and that there are various entities to which to go to report such acts.
Workplace harassment is understood as that persistent and demonstrable conduct, exerted on an employee by an employer, a boss or immediate or immediate hierarchical superior, a co-worker or a subordinate, aimed at instilling fear, intimidation, terror and anguish, to cause labor damage, generate demotivation at work, or induce the resignation of the same. Hence, there are various constitutional and international standards that seek to safeguard the rights of the worker who is exposed to these situations. Within these regulations we find those such as Law 1010 of 2006, through which measures are adopted to prevent, correct and punish workplace harassment and other harassment within the framework of labor relations; and that on the occasion of the existence of factors that prevent the reporting of these behaviors such as fear and ignorance of their rights and entities to which to turn; This research article was developed through a qualitative approach, under an interpretive paradigm and a documentary review technique to understand the study phenomenon. And from which it was possible to establish that the behavior of workplace harassment must be recurring or systematic against a worker to be considered punishable, that the confusion and ignorance of the norm by the employer, result in the lack of dissemination of the different procedures and appropriate preventive and corrective measures, and therefore, access to these resources is limited to follow the corresponding process and that there are various entities to which to go to report such acts.
Palabras clave
Acoso laboral, Sistemático, Recurrente, Procedimientos, Workplace harassment, Systematic, Recurrent, Procedures