Parametrización del sistema de información implementado en la empresa COAL SAS para la administración idónea y requerida de las regalías en los trámites de exportación de carbón
Florez Omaña, Kerly Johanna
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ingenierías
Facultad de Ingenierías
La parametrización del sistema de información debe considerar y garantizar completitud y calidad de la información y documentación que se requiere para los tramites de exportación. Su implementación debe ser estructurada bajo la modalidad de indexación de documentos informativos.
De acuerdo a la importancia que tiene la correcta administración de las regalías de carbón en la empresa Coal SAS, se busca dar a conocer las mejores alternativas para la parametrización del sistema de información que actualmente implementa la compañía; con la finalidad de garantizar un funcionamiento idóneo de la automatización del control de las regalías y adquiriendo en el sistema una organización más rápida y concisa de la información generando gran aporte a la gestión tradicional.
Actualmente se administra manualmente todo los documentos y formatos relacionados con el proceso de regalías y su diversa documentación requerida para cumplir legalmente en el entorno nacional con el proceso de exportación del carbón. Se han planteado la posibilidad de sistematizar los controles administrativos para gestionar las regalías y documentos relacionados a la exportación con la finalidad de reducir los retrasos que conllevan a postergar embarques hasta más de 3 meses, siendo en el gran caso de las exportaciones proyectadas el tiempo consumido para agrupar la documentación requerida para habilitar la exportación.
En el desarrollo del proyecto se explicará el análisis realizado para la parametrización del sistema de información que actualmente implementa la compañía, proporcionando confianza para el desarrollo de las futuras actividades referentes a los procesos de exportación.
Con la finalidad de ver que tan viable es lo propuesto y planteado con respecto a la parametrización del sistema de información implementado en la empresa Coal SAS, se analizaran situaciones actuales, causas y problemáticas que se tienen para dar soluciones que sean optimas al control y administración de las regalías de exportación requeridas en los procesos de explotación. La comercializadora Coal SAS está constituida en Colombia desde el año 2014, desde entonces su enfoque principal es acoplarse comercialmente a los requisitos de sus proveedores, dejando un poco de lado el tema administrativo.
1. Mejoramiento oportuno en el control administrativo de las regalías de exportación.
2. Identificación correcta en la información documental en los tramites de exportación.
3. Automatización para la agrupación de información requerida en los tramites de exportación.
4. Reducción en los tiempos de ejecución para procesos de exportación y organización documental.
5. Disminución de las actividades laboral gracias a los controles administrativos.
6. Organizar la información importante para procesos de exportación y contar que se encuentre totalmente segura en el nuevo sistema de administración.
7. Analizar las técnicas operacionales aplicadas a los procesos de exportación para que sean muy eficientes, y disminuyan los retrasos.
8. Realizar avances en los procesos de exportación gracias al control documental de las regalías.
9. Controlar las solicitudes de exportación para identificarlas idóneamente, y así no requieran copia de seguridad o ser duplicadas.
10. Controlar los formatos para las exportaciones y no generar copia para asegurar su funcionamiento.
11. Acoplar las condiciones requeridas y adecuadas para el manejo de archivos de exportación.
12. Organizar la información documental de los tramites de exportación y contar con la seguridad en el guardado de sus archivos.
Materiales y Métodos:
- Diseñar el acta de constitución del proyecto y el plan de gestión del alcance.
- Elaboración, revisión y aprobación de los planes implementados en el proyecto.
- Detallar y presentar avances informativos del proyecto en las fechas estimadas.
- Ejecutar el cierre correcto y entrega final del proyecto.
- Levantamiento de la información mediante el método de observación directa con los involucrados principales y dueños del proceso.
- Análisis de datos resguardados en la empresa.
- Identificación de los puntos críticos del proceso de administración de las regalías de carbón.
- Evaluación de cada uno de los elementos fundamentales del proceso.
- Análisis y definición de las diferentes soluciones tecnológicas.
- Identificar la versión actual del sistema de información implementado en la empresa Coal SAS para cotejar la funcionalidad de la parametrización.
- Gestionar el plan de alcance para que contenga en detalle y claramente el propósito de la parametrización del sistema de información.
- Obtención de datos de la administración de las regalías de carbón.
- Diseño los nuevos procesos, procedimientos, instructivos y formatos correspondientes a la parametrización del sistema de información de la empresa Coal SAS.
- Definición de los indicadores que nos limitaran o indicaran las mejoras que se requieran. Definir la meta expectativa del proyecto.
- Aplicación y creación de carpetas con información única e irrepetible.
- Parametrización del sistema de información con lo requerido para su correcto funcionamiento.
- Implementación del sistema en la empresa coal SAS.
- se garantiza que los objetivos planteados al inicio, para el desarrollo y ejecución del proyecto se realizaron acorde a lo proyectado con la finalidad de contar con un correcto funcionamiento del sistema de información. Validar si los objetivos implementados cumplieron con las expectativas estimadas.
- se garantiza el buen funcionamiento de la plataforma con los miembros de la empresa que realizan constante uso al sistema de información.
- Se garantiza la calidad de la información y documentación requerida para los tramites de exportación, mediante la automatización, indexación y trazabilidad idónea de los procesos.
- Consolidación de los documentos de exportación en carpeta únicas de guardado de información relevante.
- Eliminación de la duplicidad de los documentos que requieren ser utilizados para los tramites de exportación, serán nombrados como archivos únicos e irrepetibles.
- entrega del informe final y de cierre definitivo a las correcciones, mejoras y demás observaciones planteadas en cada junta a lo largo del desarrollo y ejecución del proyecto de parametrización requerido para el control idóneo de las regalías de exportación en la empresa Coal SAS.
Background: The parameterization of the information system must consider and guarantee the completeness and quality of the information and documentation required for export procedures. Its implementation must be structured under the informative document indexing modality. According to the importance of the correct administration of coal royalties in the company Coal SAS, we seek to present the best alternatives for the parameterization of the information system currently implemented by the company; with the purpose of guaranteeing a suitable operation of the automation of the control of royalties and acquiring in the system a faster and more concise organization of the information, generating a great contribution to the traditional management. Currently, all the documents and formats related to the royalties process and its diverse documentation required to legally comply in the national environment with the coal export process are managed manually. The possibility of systematizing the administrative controls to manage the royalties and documents related to the export has been proposed in order to reduce the delays that lead to postpone shipments for more than 3 months, being in the great case of the projected exports the time consumed to group the required documentation to enable the export. In the development of the project, the analysis carried out for the parameterization of the information system currently implemented by the company will be explained, providing confidence for the development of future activities related to export processes. In order to see how viable is the proposed and proposed with respect to the parameterization of the information system implemented in the company Coal SAS, we will analyze current situations, causes and problems that have to give solutions that are optimal to the control and administration of export royalties required in the processes of exploitation. The trading company Coal SAS is constituted in Colombia since 2014, since then its main focus is commercially coupled to the requirements of its suppliers, leaving a little aside the administrative issue. Objective: 1. Timely improvement in the administrative control of export royalties. 2. Correct identification of the documentary information in the export procedures. 3. Automation for the grouping of information required in export procedures. 4. Reduction in execution times for export processes and document organization. 5. Reduction of labor activities thanks to administrative controls. 6. Organize important information for export processes and ensure that it is totally secure in the new administration system. 7. Analyze the operational techniques applied to the export processes to make them very efficient, and reduce delays. 8. To make progress in the export processes thanks to the documentary control of royalties. 9. Control export applications to identify them properly, so that they do not require backup or duplication. 10. Control the formats for exports and do not generate copies to ensure their operation. 11. To implement the required and appropriate conditions for the handling of export files. 12. To organize the documentary information of the export procedures and to count on the security in the storage of its files. Materials and Methods: - Design the project charter and scope management plan. - Development, review and approval of the plans implemented in the project. - Detail and present informative progress of the project on the estimated dates. - Execute the correct closure and final delivery of the project. - Information gathering through direct observation method with the main stakeholders and owners of the process. - Analysis of data stored in the company. - Identification of the critical points of the coal royalty management process. - Evaluation of each of the fundamental elements of the process. - Analysis and definition of the different technological solutions. - Identify the current version of the information system implemented in Coal SAS to check the functionality of the parameterization. - Manage the scope plan so that it contains in detail and clearly the purpose of the parameterization of the information system. Results: - Obtaining data from the administration of coal royalties. - Design of the new processes, procedures, instructions and formats corresponding to the parameterization of the information system of the company Coal SAS. - Definition of the indicators that will limit us or indicate the improvements that are required. Defining the project's target expectation. - Application and creation of folders with unique and unrepeatable information. - Parameterization of the information system with the required for its correct operation. - Implementation of the system in the company coal SAS. Conclusions: - to ensure that the objectives set at the beginning, for the development and implementation of the project were carried out according to plan in order to have a proper functioning of the information system. Validate whether the implemented objectives met the estimated expectations. - The proper functioning of the platform is guaranteed with the members of the company that make constant use of the information system. - The quality of the information and documentation required for export procedures is guaranteed through the automation, indexing and traceability of the processes. - Consolidation of export documents in a single folder for the storage of relevant information. - Elimination of duplicity of the documents required to be used for export procedures, they will be named as unique and unrepeatable files. - Delivery of the final report and final closure to the corrections, improvements and other observations raised at each meeting throughout the development and implementation of the parameterization project required for the proper control of export royalties in the company Coal SAS.
Background: The parameterization of the information system must consider and guarantee the completeness and quality of the information and documentation required for export procedures. Its implementation must be structured under the informative document indexing modality. According to the importance of the correct administration of coal royalties in the company Coal SAS, we seek to present the best alternatives for the parameterization of the information system currently implemented by the company; with the purpose of guaranteeing a suitable operation of the automation of the control of royalties and acquiring in the system a faster and more concise organization of the information, generating a great contribution to the traditional management. Currently, all the documents and formats related to the royalties process and its diverse documentation required to legally comply in the national environment with the coal export process are managed manually. The possibility of systematizing the administrative controls to manage the royalties and documents related to the export has been proposed in order to reduce the delays that lead to postpone shipments for more than 3 months, being in the great case of the projected exports the time consumed to group the required documentation to enable the export. In the development of the project, the analysis carried out for the parameterization of the information system currently implemented by the company will be explained, providing confidence for the development of future activities related to export processes. In order to see how viable is the proposed and proposed with respect to the parameterization of the information system implemented in the company Coal SAS, we will analyze current situations, causes and problems that have to give solutions that are optimal to the control and administration of export royalties required in the processes of exploitation. The trading company Coal SAS is constituted in Colombia since 2014, since then its main focus is commercially coupled to the requirements of its suppliers, leaving a little aside the administrative issue. Objective: 1. Timely improvement in the administrative control of export royalties. 2. Correct identification of the documentary information in the export procedures. 3. Automation for the grouping of information required in export procedures. 4. Reduction in execution times for export processes and document organization. 5. Reduction of labor activities thanks to administrative controls. 6. Organize important information for export processes and ensure that it is totally secure in the new administration system. 7. Analyze the operational techniques applied to the export processes to make them very efficient, and reduce delays. 8. To make progress in the export processes thanks to the documentary control of royalties. 9. Control export applications to identify them properly, so that they do not require backup or duplication. 10. Control the formats for exports and do not generate copies to ensure their operation. 11. To implement the required and appropriate conditions for the handling of export files. 12. To organize the documentary information of the export procedures and to count on the security in the storage of its files. Materials and Methods: - Design the project charter and scope management plan. - Development, review and approval of the plans implemented in the project. - Detail and present informative progress of the project on the estimated dates. - Execute the correct closure and final delivery of the project. - Information gathering through direct observation method with the main stakeholders and owners of the process. - Analysis of data stored in the company. - Identification of the critical points of the coal royalty management process. - Evaluation of each of the fundamental elements of the process. - Analysis and definition of the different technological solutions. - Identify the current version of the information system implemented in Coal SAS to check the functionality of the parameterization. - Manage the scope plan so that it contains in detail and clearly the purpose of the parameterization of the information system. Results: - Obtaining data from the administration of coal royalties. - Design of the new processes, procedures, instructions and formats corresponding to the parameterization of the information system of the company Coal SAS. - Definition of the indicators that will limit us or indicate the improvements that are required. Defining the project's target expectation. - Application and creation of folders with unique and unrepeatable information. - Parameterization of the information system with the required for its correct operation. - Implementation of the system in the company coal SAS. Conclusions: - to ensure that the objectives set at the beginning, for the development and implementation of the project were carried out according to plan in order to have a proper functioning of the information system. Validate whether the implemented objectives met the estimated expectations. - The proper functioning of the platform is guaranteed with the members of the company that make constant use of the information system. - The quality of the information and documentation required for export procedures is guaranteed through the automation, indexing and traceability of the processes. - Consolidation of export documents in a single folder for the storage of relevant information. - Elimination of duplicity of the documents required to be used for export procedures, they will be named as unique and unrepeatable files. - Delivery of the final report and final closure to the corrections, improvements and other observations raised at each meeting throughout the development and implementation of the parameterization project required for the proper control of export royalties in the company Coal SAS.
Palabras clave
Regalías, Parametrización, Indexación, Exportación, Tramites, Royalties, Parameterization, Indexing, Export, Procedures