Religación del currículo, las prácticas pedagógicas y la inclusión para la enseñanza de la educación física en básica primaria.
Gómez Garcés, Laura Natalia
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Colombia establece en su Constitución la educación como un servicio estatal y un
derecho fundamental, y la Ley 115 de 1994 regula la educación en el país, con
énfasis en la formación integral y la dignidad de los individuos, además, reconoce
el derecho a la educación para personas con discapacidad, sentando sus bases en
los principios de igualdad, dignidad y autonomía. Asimismo, el Decreto 1421 de
2017 enmarca la política de inclusión y busca generar prácticas inclusivas, fortalecer
las capacidades del sistema educativo, promover la participación de personas que
en el pasado fueron invisibilizadas, sensibilizar a la comunidad y eliminar las
barreras que impiden la inclusión en la escuela.
Sin embargo, a pesar de las políticas inclusivas existentes en Colombia y que los
estudiantes con discapacidad han sido integrados en la escuela, esto no garantiza
su participación real en los diferentes procesos formativos, por tal razón, en este
estudio se busca construir en colectivo una propuesta de inclusión que permita
transformar el currículo y las prácticas pedagógicas en la enseñanza de la
Educación Física (EF) para estudiantes con discapacidad de básica primaria.
La investigación se desarrolla desde el enfoque cualitativo, con la estrategia
metodológica Investigación Acción Educativa (IAE), teniendo en cuenta su
naturaleza participativa y su carácter colaborativo. El proceso está enmarcado en
cuatro fases, donde se inicia con una fase de inmersión y la identificación de los
tipos y prácticas pedagógicas de los maestros de primaria, seguido por la
sistematización de las necesidades y potencialidades de los estudiantes y la
construcción en colectivo de una propuesta curricular inclusiva para la enseñanza
de la EF en básica primaria, para finalizar con la sistematización de experiencias
significativas. Utiliza como herramientas, el análisis de documentos, entrevistas
focalizadas, conversatorios y devoluciones sistemáticas.
Los resultados destacan varias etapas que abordan la inclusión de estudiantes con
discapacidad en la EF. En la primera etapa, se encuentra una discrepancia entre
las concepciones teóricas y las prácticas pedagógicas de los docentes en EF,
quienes valoran la importancia de la EF en la formación integral de los estudiantes.
Durante la segunda etapa, se exploran las necesidades y experiencias de los
estudiantes con discapacidad en la EF, destacando su interés en la interacción con
compañeros y la importancia del juego. La tercera etapa se enfoca en la creación
de una propuesta curricular inclusiva, abordando barreras y promoviendo la equidad
y respeto por la diversidad. En la cuarta etapa, se implementa la propuesta,
generando un impacto positivo en el bienestar y la participación de los estudiantes,
así como un mayor compromiso de los maestros en prácticas pedagógicas
inclusivas. A pesar de los desafíos, la comunidad educativa demuestra un fuerte
compromiso con la inclusión, lo que contribuye a un ambiente escolar más equitativo
y enriquecedor.
La investigación resalta la importancia de una educación inclusiva en EF y la
necesidad de alinear las concepciones teóricas con las prácticas pedagógicas en
este ámbito, se subraya que la inclusión debe ir más allá de la integración y abordar
transformaciones estructurales para eliminar barreras y desigualdades en la
educación. Los estudiantes con discapacidad muestran un genuino interés en la
interacción social y la participación en actividades compartidas, destacando el juego
recreativo como esencial en EF. La colaboración entre escuelas, familias y la
comunidad es fundamental para desarrollar un currículo inclusivo, la construcción de una propuesta curricular inclusiva con la participación activa de
docentes, estudiantes y padres, genera cambios positivos en actitudes y
comportamientos, y la implementación de prácticas pedagógicas inclusivas tiene un
impacto positivo en la participación y el bienestar de los estudiantes con
Colombia's Constitution establishes education as a state service and a fundamental right, and Law 115 of 1994 regulates education in the country, with emphasis on comprehensive training and dignity of individuals, in addition, it recognizes the right to education for people with disabilities, laying its foundations on the principles of equality, dignity and autonomy. Likewise, Decree 1421 of 2017 frames the inclusion policy and seeks to generate inclusive practices, strengthen the capacities of the education system, promote the participation of people who in the past were made invisible, raise awareness in the community and eliminate barriers that prevent inclusion in school. However, despite the existing inclusive policies in Colombia and the fact that students with disabilities have been integrated into the school, this does not guarantee their real participation in the different educational processes. For this reason, this study seeks to collectively build an inclusion proposal that allows transforming the curriculum and pedagogical practices in the teaching of Physical Education (PE) for students with disabilities in elementary school. The research is developed from the qualitative approach, with the methodological strategy Educational Action Research (EAR), taking into account its participatory nature and collaborative character. The process is framed in four phases, where it begins with an immersion phase and the identification of the types and pedagogical practices of primary school teachers, followed by the systematization of the needs and potential of the students and the collective construction of an inclusive curricular proposal for the teaching of PE in elementary school, to end with the systematizati on of significant experiences. It uses as tools the analysis of documents, focused interviews, discussions and systematic feedback. The results highlight several stages that address the inclusion of students with disabilities in PE. In the first stage, a discrepancy is found between the theoretical conceptions and pedagogical practices of teachers in PE, who value the importance of PE in the integral formation of students. During the second stage, the needs and experiences of students with disabilitiesin PEare explored, highlighting their interest in interaction with peers and the importance of play. The third stage focuses on the creation of an inclusive curriculum proposal, addressing barriers and promoting equity and respect for diversity. In the fourth stage, the proposal is implemented, generating a positive impact on student well-being and participation, as well as greater teacher engagement in inclusive pedagogical practices. Despite the challenges, the educational community demonstrates a strong commitment to inclusion, which contributes to a more equitable and enriching school environment. The research highlights the importance of inclusive education in PE and the need to align theoretical conceptions with pedagogical practices in this area, stressing that inclusion must go beyond integration and address structural transformations to eliminate barriers and inequalities in education. Students with disabilities show a genuine interest in social interaction and participation in shared activities, highlighting recreational play as essential in EF. Collaboration between schools, families and the community is fundamental to develop an inclusive curriculum, the co-construction of an inclusive curriculum proposal with the active participation of teachers, students and parents generates positive changes in attitudes and behaviors, and the implementation of inclusive pedagogicalpractices has a positive impact on the participation and well-being of students with disabilities.
Colombia's Constitution establishes education as a state service and a fundamental right, and Law 115 of 1994 regulates education in the country, with emphasis on comprehensive training and dignity of individuals, in addition, it recognizes the right to education for people with disabilities, laying its foundations on the principles of equality, dignity and autonomy. Likewise, Decree 1421 of 2017 frames the inclusion policy and seeks to generate inclusive practices, strengthen the capacities of the education system, promote the participation of people who in the past were made invisible, raise awareness in the community and eliminate barriers that prevent inclusion in school. However, despite the existing inclusive policies in Colombia and the fact that students with disabilities have been integrated into the school, this does not guarantee their real participation in the different educational processes. For this reason, this study seeks to collectively build an inclusion proposal that allows transforming the curriculum and pedagogical practices in the teaching of Physical Education (PE) for students with disabilities in elementary school. The research is developed from the qualitative approach, with the methodological strategy Educational Action Research (EAR), taking into account its participatory nature and collaborative character. The process is framed in four phases, where it begins with an immersion phase and the identification of the types and pedagogical practices of primary school teachers, followed by the systematization of the needs and potential of the students and the collective construction of an inclusive curricular proposal for the teaching of PE in elementary school, to end with the systematizati on of significant experiences. It uses as tools the analysis of documents, focused interviews, discussions and systematic feedback. The results highlight several stages that address the inclusion of students with disabilities in PE. In the first stage, a discrepancy is found between the theoretical conceptions and pedagogical practices of teachers in PE, who value the importance of PE in the integral formation of students. During the second stage, the needs and experiences of students with disabilitiesin PEare explored, highlighting their interest in interaction with peers and the importance of play. The third stage focuses on the creation of an inclusive curriculum proposal, addressing barriers and promoting equity and respect for diversity. In the fourth stage, the proposal is implemented, generating a positive impact on student well-being and participation, as well as greater teacher engagement in inclusive pedagogical practices. Despite the challenges, the educational community demonstrates a strong commitment to inclusion, which contributes to a more equitable and enriching school environment. The research highlights the importance of inclusive education in PE and the need to align theoretical conceptions with pedagogical practices in this area, stressing that inclusion must go beyond integration and address structural transformations to eliminate barriers and inequalities in education. Students with disabilities show a genuine interest in social interaction and participation in shared activities, highlighting recreational play as essential in EF. Collaboration between schools, families and the community is fundamental to develop an inclusive curriculum, the co-construction of an inclusive curriculum proposal with the active participation of teachers, students and parents generates positive changes in attitudes and behaviors, and the implementation of inclusive pedagogicalpractices has a positive impact on the participation and well-being of students with disabilities.
Palabras clave
Inclusión, Educación física, Prácticas pedagógicas, Currículo, Discapacidad, Inclusion, Physical education, Pedagogical practices, Curriculum, Disability