La reparación integral como principio orientador en procesos de responsabilidad civil médica en Colombia
Olarte, Carlos Andrés
Carvajal Castellanos, Cindy Katherine
Duran Soto, Dimitri
García Contreras, Javier Humberto
Arias Ruiz, Yuli Tatiana
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La responsabilidad civil extracontractual o contractual médica en Colombia, se torna importante por el hecho de estar ligada a derechos fundamentales como la salud, la vida y la dignidad humana, es por esto que Este articulo tiene como propósito principal analizar los elementos esenciales para la configuración de la responsabilidad civil médica en la actualidad, también analizar el principio de la reparación integral como principio orientador en la responsabilidad civil médica y de cómo aplicar dicho principio en la cuantificación de los daños padecidos por la “victima”, a fin de que sea tomado en cuenta a la hora de valorar los daños sufridos por las personas.
Para encontrar resultados veraces en esta investigación fue necesario usar la metodología planteada por Martínez migueles como una investigación de paradigma interpretativo, o como el autor lo determina un modelo de conocimiento dialectico, con un enfoque cualitativo y de diseño hermenéutico desde el desarrollo del análisis documental de temas con relación a lo estudiado; dando como resultado que para la configuración de la responsabilidad se debe dar bajo 4 parámetros y que para la aplicación de la reparación en estos procesos es bajo 5 parámetros. En conclusión, la indemnización en los procesos de responsabilidad civil no se satisface a las víctimas solo con sumas pecuniarias, ni tampoco se dirige exclusivamente al restablecimiento de los intereses de la víctima. Para su configuración plena, en el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano, requiere de la reparación integral, con el objetivo de propiciar el máximo nivel de restauración
Extra-contractual or contractual medical civil liability in Colombia becomes important due to the fact that it is linked to fundamental rights such as health, life and human dignity, which is why this article has as its main purpose to analyze the essential elements for the configuration of medical civil liability today, also analyze the principle of comprehensive reparation as a guiding principle in medical civil liability and how to apply said principle in the quantification of the damages suffered by the "victim", so that it is taken into account when assessing the damage suffered by people. In order to find accurate results in this research, it was necessary to use the methodology proposed by Martínez Migueles as an interpretative paradigm investigation, or as the author determines it, a model of dialectical knowledge, with a qualitative approach and hermeneutic design from the development of documentary analysis of topics related to what was studied; giving as a result that for the configuration of responsibility it must be given under 4 parameters and that for the application of reparation in these processes it is under 5 parameters. In conclusion, compensation in civil liability processes is not paid to the victims only with pecuniary sums, nor is it directed exclusively to the restoration of the victim's interests. e of comprehensive repair, with the aim of promoting the highest level of restoration.
Extra-contractual or contractual medical civil liability in Colombia becomes important due to the fact that it is linked to fundamental rights such as health, life and human dignity, which is why this article has as its main purpose to analyze the essential elements for the configuration of medical civil liability today, also analyze the principle of comprehensive reparation as a guiding principle in medical civil liability and how to apply said principle in the quantification of the damages suffered by the "victim", so that it is taken into account when assessing the damage suffered by people. In order to find accurate results in this research, it was necessary to use the methodology proposed by Martínez Migueles as an interpretative paradigm investigation, or as the author determines it, a model of dialectical knowledge, with a qualitative approach and hermeneutic design from the development of documentary analysis of topics related to what was studied; giving as a result that for the configuration of responsibility it must be given under 4 parameters and that for the application of reparation in these processes it is under 5 parameters. In conclusion, compensation in civil liability processes is not paid to the victims only with pecuniary sums, nor is it directed exclusively to the restoration of the victim's interests. e of comprehensive repair, with the aim of promoting the highest level of restoration.
Palabras clave
Reparación Integral, Responsabilidad civil médica, Daño, Víctima, Justicia restaurativa, Comprehensive reparation, Medical civil liability, Damage, Victim, Restorative justice