Caracterización de los resultados del examen Saber Pro en los programas de Fonoaudiología en Colombia en los años 2018 – 2022
Picón-Castellanos, Jessika Janneth
Zambrano Medina, Nixon Albeiro
Llanos Redondo, Andrés
Salazar-Torres, Juan-Pablo
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Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
INTRODUCCIÓN: El examen de estado de calidad de la educación superior Saber Pro, en Colombia, está dirigido
a estudiantes de programas académicos profesionales que están por terminar su ciclo de Educación Superior, es un
indicador de la calidad de la educación superior presente en la universidad; este examen está reglamentado por el
decreto 3963 del 14 de octubre de 2009 y el cual fue convertido en un requisito adicional para el grado mediante
el decreto 4216 del 30 de octubre de 2009. METODOS: Estudio cuantitativo de alcance descriptivo. Se analizaron
los resultados de las competencias genéricas publicados por el ICFES, del examen Saber Pro en los años 2018 al
2022. Se usaron los puntajes de los promedios, desviaciones estándar y niveles de desempeño que obtuvieron los
15 programas de Fonoaudiología de Colombia que presentaron la prueba en el periodo de estudio. RESULTADOS:
A nivel nacional, el módulo de lectura critica es la competencia con mejor promedio (153,39) con una máxima
de (191,0) y una mínima de (132,0) y, razonamiento cuantitativo, obtuvo el promedio más bajo en Colombia
(142,28) con una máxima de (181,0) y una mínima de (118,0). ANÁLISIS Y DISCUSIÓN: Hay una tendencia a
mantenerse en promedio los resultados, con algunas exenciones en resultados con una diferencia de casi 30 puntos
en el módulo de comunicación escrita en el año 2018. CONCLUSIONES: Los programas de Fonoaudiología de
Colombia evidencian su mayor fortaleza en la competencia de lectura crítica y su debilidad en la competencia de
razonamiento cuantitativo.
INTRODUCTION: The Saber Pro higher education quality state exam, in Colombia, is aimed at students of professional academic programs who are about to finish their Higher Education cycle, it is an indicator of the quality of higher education present in the university ; this exam is regulated by decree 3963 of October 14, 2009 and which was converted into an additional requirement for the degree by decree 4216 of October 30, 2009. METHODS: Quantitative study of descriptive scope. The results of the generic competences published by ICFES, of the Saber Pro exam in the years 2018 to 2022, were analyzed. The average scores, standard deviations and performance levels obtained by the 15 Colombian Speech Therapy programs that presented the exam were used. test during the study period. RESULTS: At the national level, the critical reading module is the competition with the best average (153.39) with a maximum of (191.0) and a minimum of (132.0) and, quantitative reasoning, obtained the lowest average in Colombia (142.28) with a maximum of (181.0) and a minimum of (118.0). ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION: There is a tendency to maintain the average results, with some exemptions in results with a difference of almost 30 points in the written communication module in 2018. CONCLUSIONS: The Colombian Speech Pathology programs show their greatest strength in critical reading competence and its weakness in quantitative reasoning competence.
INTRODUCTION: The Saber Pro higher education quality state exam, in Colombia, is aimed at students of professional academic programs who are about to finish their Higher Education cycle, it is an indicator of the quality of higher education present in the university ; this exam is regulated by decree 3963 of October 14, 2009 and which was converted into an additional requirement for the degree by decree 4216 of October 30, 2009. METHODS: Quantitative study of descriptive scope. The results of the generic competences published by ICFES, of the Saber Pro exam in the years 2018 to 2022, were analyzed. The average scores, standard deviations and performance levels obtained by the 15 Colombian Speech Therapy programs that presented the exam were used. test during the study period. RESULTS: At the national level, the critical reading module is the competition with the best average (153.39) with a maximum of (191.0) and a minimum of (132.0) and, quantitative reasoning, obtained the lowest average in Colombia (142.28) with a maximum of (181.0) and a minimum of (118.0). ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION: There is a tendency to maintain the average results, with some exemptions in results with a difference of almost 30 points in the written communication module in 2018. CONCLUSIONS: The Colombian Speech Pathology programs show their greatest strength in critical reading competence and its weakness in quantitative reasoning competence.
Palabras clave
Fonoaudiología, Examen Saber Pro, Educación Superior Colombiana, Competencias Genéricas, Comunicación escrita, Razonamiento cuantitativo, Lectura crítica, Competencias ciudadanas, Inglés
Picón-Castellanos J.J., Zambrano-Medina N.A., Llanos-Redondo A., Salazar-Torres J.P., “Caracterización de los resultados del examen Saber Pro en los programas de Fonoaudiología en Colombia en los años 2018 – 2022.”. Perspectivas, vol. 7, no. S1, pp. 363-373, 2022.