Capacidades emprendedoras en población de la base de la pirámide en Cúcuta, Colombia
Albornoz-Arias, Neida
Contreras-Velásquez, Julio Cesar
Espinosa-Castro, Jhon Franklin
Sotelo Barrios, Mauricio Enrique
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Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
El presente artículo estudia las cualidades emprendedoras en población de la Base de la Pirámide (BoP) en Cúcuta, Norte de Santander, Colombia. El objetivo fue determinar la relación entre la percepción de la habilidad para detectar y aprovechar oportunidades para la mejora de los resultados (variable dependiente) y las variables independientes: género, edad, nivel educativo, perfil ocupacional, pasión, visión, capacidad de aprendizaje, logro de resultados, determinación, creatividad e innovación, persistencia, trabajo en equipo, liderazgo, autoestima, asumir riesgos y organización. Se desarrolló bajo el paradigma positivista, enfoque cuantitativo, utilizando un muestreo no probabilístico. La muestra estuvo conformada por 197 emprendedores con edades entre 18 y 60 años. En la recolección de datos se empleó una encuesta estructurada y luego se hizo un análisis multivariante a través de una regresión categórica con escalamiento óptimo (CatReg). Las medidas de importancia relativa de Pratt, muestran la importancia de los predictores: 1) persistencia; 2) visión; 3) organización y 4) logro de resultados, aportan el 86.4 % del modelo para explicar la variable dependiente. Se observa la ausencia de la variable creatividad e innovación, indispensable para un emprendimiento por oportunidad, sostenible en el tiempo; así como otras variables.
This article studies the entrepreneurial skills in population of the Pyramid Base (BoP) in Cúcuta, Norte de Santander, Colombia. The objective was to determine the relationship between the perception of the ability to detect and take advantage of opportunities for improving results (dependent variable) and independent variables: gender, age, educational level, occupational profile, passion, vision, learning capacity, achievement of results, determination, creativity and innovation, persistence, teamwork, leadership, self-esteem, taking risks and organization. It was developed under the positivist paradigm, quantitative approach, using non-probabilistic sampling. The sample consisted of 197 entrepreneurs between the ages of 18 and 60. A structured survey was used in the data collection and then a multivariate analysis was performed through a categorical regression with optimal scaling (CatReg). Pratt's measures of relative importance show the importance of predictors: 1) persistence; 2) vision; 3) organization and 4) achievement of results, contribute 86.4% of the model to explain the dependent variable. We observe the absence of creativity and innovations variables, indispensable for an entrepreneurship for opportunity, sustainable over time; as well as other variables.
This article studies the entrepreneurial skills in population of the Pyramid Base (BoP) in Cúcuta, Norte de Santander, Colombia. The objective was to determine the relationship between the perception of the ability to detect and take advantage of opportunities for improving results (dependent variable) and independent variables: gender, age, educational level, occupational profile, passion, vision, learning capacity, achievement of results, determination, creativity and innovation, persistence, teamwork, leadership, self-esteem, taking risks and organization. It was developed under the positivist paradigm, quantitative approach, using non-probabilistic sampling. The sample consisted of 197 entrepreneurs between the ages of 18 and 60. A structured survey was used in the data collection and then a multivariate analysis was performed through a categorical regression with optimal scaling (CatReg). Pratt's measures of relative importance show the importance of predictors: 1) persistence; 2) vision; 3) organization and 4) achievement of results, contribute 86.4% of the model to explain the dependent variable. We observe the absence of creativity and innovations variables, indispensable for an entrepreneurship for opportunity, sustainable over time; as well as other variables.
Palabras clave
Emprendimiento, Cualidades emprendedoras, Base de la pirámide, Negocios inclusivos, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial skills, Base of the pyramid, Inclusive businesses