Análisis de la participación ciudadana en las elecciones de Alcaldía de Barranquilla: Lapso 2003-2019
Reyes Acosta, Vita Paola
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
El presente ensayo analizó la participación política de los ciudadanos en las elecciones de Alcaldía en la Ciudad de Barranquilla basándose en los datos estadísticos de la Registraduría Nacional del Estado Civil utilizando como herramienta principal “el Centro de Estudios en Democracia y Asuntos Electorales CEDAE” plataforma que permitió obtener información acerca de los comicios electorales que van desde el año 2003 al 2019 y que conllevó a transitar por la historia de la democracia en la Ciudad de Barranquilla. Por consiguiente, se analizó el artículo 103 de la Constitución Política que reglamenta los mecanismos de participación ciudadana que son el pilar fundamental en la investigación partiendo de base que es el instrumento con el que cuenta la ciudadanía para participar en los debates electorales. Del mismo modo el ensayo se abordó desde la técnica de análisis de texto y se utilizó el formato de análisis de norma y formato de análisis de jurisprudencia. Por consiguiente, se emplearon fuentes secundarias y se le dio un enfoque desde el punto de vista cualitativo, además se llegó a la conclusión que una de las principales causas del abstencionismo en la población Barranquillera está asociada con la falta de credibilidad en los dirigentes políticos, la corrupción y la cultura.
The Present essay analyzed the political Participation of citizens in the mayoral elections in the city of Barranquilla, based on statistical data the National registry of civil status, using the center for democracy and electoral Affairs (CEDAE)" as the main tool. a Platform that allowed obtaining information about the electoral elections that go from the year 2003 to 2019 and that led to transit through the history of democracy in the city of Barranquilla. therefore, article 103 of the political constitution that regulates the mechanisms of citizen Participation that are the fundamental Pillar in the investigation was analyzed based on the fact that it is the instrument with which citizens have to participate in electoral debates. In the same way the essay was Approached using text analysis technique and the formats of norm analysis and Jurisprudence analysis were Used. Consequently, secondary sources were employed, and an approach was given from the qualitative Point of view, in addition, it was concluded that one of main causes of abstentionism in the Barranquilla population is associated with the lack of credibility in Political Leaders the corruption and cultural.
The Present essay analyzed the political Participation of citizens in the mayoral elections in the city of Barranquilla, based on statistical data the National registry of civil status, using the center for democracy and electoral Affairs (CEDAE)" as the main tool. a Platform that allowed obtaining information about the electoral elections that go from the year 2003 to 2019 and that led to transit through the history of democracy in the city of Barranquilla. therefore, article 103 of the political constitution that regulates the mechanisms of citizen Participation that are the fundamental Pillar in the investigation was analyzed based on the fact that it is the instrument with which citizens have to participate in electoral debates. In the same way the essay was Approached using text analysis technique and the formats of norm analysis and Jurisprudence analysis were Used. Consequently, secondary sources were employed, and an approach was given from the qualitative Point of view, in addition, it was concluded that one of main causes of abstentionism in the Barranquilla population is associated with the lack of credibility in Political Leaders the corruption and cultural.
Palabras clave
Participación ciudadana, Elecciones, Democracia, Mecanismos de participación, Citizen participation, Election, Democracy, Participation Mechanisms