La constitucionalización de las redes sociales: En el uso por los funcionarios públicos
Bossio Pacheco, Lucero Graciela
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Los funcionarios públicos son agentes del estado, son personas naturales que
se encuentran investidos por unas funciones señalados expresamente en la
ley; estos sujetos que mantiene una relación laboral con el estado, están
obligados a defender la constitución y a llevar a cabo ciertas actividades
para las cuales han sido designados con transparencia, moralidad, eficacia,
dinamismo e imparcialidad, bajo el entendido que La labor que desarrollan
los funcionarios públicos está directamente relacionada con la
administración pública.
La constitucionalizacion de las redes sociales en el uso por los funcionarios
públicos, es un asunto que tiene que ver con la libertad de expresión, esta
es un derecho fundamental que le concierne a todas las naciones del
mundo y la misma por esencia tiene una relación directa con la libertad de
pensamiento en el cual “se permite la realización de los valores superiores
del ordenamiento constitucional, la democracia, el pluralismo político,
cultural o religioso y, al mismo tiempo, es un derecho que se proyecta
directamente sobre muchos otros derechos y libertades reconocidos en la
Constitución”. Camisón Yagüe, J. Ángel (2012).
Public officials are agents of the state, they are natural persons who are invested by functions expressly indicated in the law; these subjects who maintain an employment relationship with the state, are obliged to defend the constitution and to carry out certain activities for which they have been appointed with transparency, morality, efficiency, dynamism and impartiality, under the understanding that the work carried out by public officials is directly related to the public administration. The constitutionalization of social networks in the use by public officials, is a matter that has to do with freedom of expression, this is a fundamental right that concerns all the nations of the world and it essentially has a direct relationship with freedom of thought in which "the realization of the higher values of the constitutional order is allowed, democracy, political, cultural or religious pluralism and, at the same time, is a right that projects directly on many other rights and freedoms recognized in the Constitution". Camisón Yagüe, J. Ángel (2012).
Public officials are agents of the state, they are natural persons who are invested by functions expressly indicated in the law; these subjects who maintain an employment relationship with the state, are obliged to defend the constitution and to carry out certain activities for which they have been appointed with transparency, morality, efficiency, dynamism and impartiality, under the understanding that the work carried out by public officials is directly related to the public administration. The constitutionalization of social networks in the use by public officials, is a matter that has to do with freedom of expression, this is a fundamental right that concerns all the nations of the world and it essentially has a direct relationship with freedom of thought in which "the realization of the higher values of the constitutional order is allowed, democracy, political, cultural or religious pluralism and, at the same time, is a right that projects directly on many other rights and freedoms recognized in the Constitution". Camisón Yagüe, J. Ángel (2012).
Palabras clave
Funcionarios públicos, Administración pública, Redes sociales, Libertad de expresión, Libertad de pensamiento, Public officials, Public administration, Social networks, Freedom of expression, Freedom of thought