Propiedades psicométricas de la escala "creciendo fuertes" en estudiantes universitarios de Maracaibo, Venezuela
García-Álvarez, Diego
Hernández-Lalinde, Juan
Cobo-Rendón, Rubia
Espinosa-Castro, Jhon-Franklin
Soler, María José
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Sociedad Venezolana de Farmacología Clínica y Terapéutica
La escala «creciendo fuertes» está basada en el modelo teórico de las virtudes y fortalezas del carácter de Peterson y Seligman. Al ser una propuesta reciente, carece de estudios psicométricos formales que avalen su utilización. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar las propiedades psicométricas de dicha escala en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios
marabinos. Es una investigación con diseño instrumental en la que se trabajó con 967 estudiantes. Los resultados del análisis factorial confirmatorio validan la estructura teórica subyacente de seis factores. Además, se encontraron elevados índices de consistencia interna, así como coeficientes de correlación positivos con autoestima, autoeficacia, bienestar psicológico, satisfacción vital y optimismo; y coeficientes de correlación negativos con pesimismo. Estos resultados constituyen una evidencia de confiabilidad, validez factorial, convergente y divergente. Se concluye que la escala «creciendo fuertes» puede ser una alternativa breve, útil y económica para evaluar el constructo, tanto en investigaciones básicas, como aplicadas. Se recomiendan futuros estudios que sigan aportando pruebas acerca del funcionamiento del instrumento.
The "growing up strong" scale is based on Peterson y Seligman's (2004) theoretical model of the character strengths and virtues. As it's a recent proposal, it lacks formal psychometric studies to support its use. The aim of this work was to determine the psychometric properties of this scale in a sample of university students from Maracaibo. It’s an instrumental investigation which involved 967students. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis validate the underlying theoretical structure of six factors. In addition, high indexes of internal consistency were found, as well as positive correlations with self-esteem, self-efficacy, psychological well-being, life satisfaction and optimism; and negative correlations with pessimism. These results constitute evidence of reliability and factorial, convergent and discriminant validity. It's concluded that the “growing up strong” scale can be a short, useful and economical alternative to evaluate the construct both in basic and applied research. Future studies are recommended that will continue to provide evidence about the operation of the instrument.
The "growing up strong" scale is based on Peterson y Seligman's (2004) theoretical model of the character strengths and virtues. As it's a recent proposal, it lacks formal psychometric studies to support its use. The aim of this work was to determine the psychometric properties of this scale in a sample of university students from Maracaibo. It’s an instrumental investigation which involved 967students. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis validate the underlying theoretical structure of six factors. In addition, high indexes of internal consistency were found, as well as positive correlations with self-esteem, self-efficacy, psychological well-being, life satisfaction and optimism; and negative correlations with pessimism. These results constitute evidence of reliability and factorial, convergent and discriminant validity. It's concluded that the “growing up strong” scale can be a short, useful and economical alternative to evaluate the construct both in basic and applied research. Future studies are recommended that will continue to provide evidence about the operation of the instrument.
Palabras clave
Virtudes y fortalezas del carácter, Estudios de validación, Estudiantes universitarios, character strengths and virtues, validation studies, university students