Efectos legales de la liquidación empresarial frente a los trabajadores en Colombia
Barajas Tarazona, Herman Ricardo
Lizcano Rodríguez, Eddison
Solano Burgos, Luís Fernando
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El presente artículo de reflexión, se enfocó principalmente en conocer los principales efectos legales de la liquidación empresarial frente a los trabajadores en Colombia, donde muchas veces se le vulneran sus derechos, principalmente por el factor tiempo, falta de conocimiento, al igual que mucha tramitología que ocasiona demoras en su proceso liquidador y omiten en llevar a cabo esta actividad que se debe de garantizar, ocasionándole inestabilidad en su contexto social, familia, económico, laboral y educativo. Por eso, se buscó desarrollar los siguientes objetivos específicos:
1. Establecer de manera jurisprudencial que derechos son vulnerados cuando se liquida una empresa. 2. Indagar las repercusiones jurisprudenciales que tiene el proceso de liquidación de una empresa en los derechos de los trabajadores. 3. Conocer los diferentes pronunciamientos que han hecho la Corte Constitucional y la Corte Suprema de Justicia en materia de liquidación empresarial. Bajo una metodología que presentó el paradigma hermenéutico, basado en los principios filosóficos; el enfoque fue de carácter descriptivo, porque se basó en los pronunciamientos de la Corte Constitucional y el Consejo de Estado; y el método fue de carácter documental, basado en otras investigaciones encontradas en Scielo, Redalyc, Science, Proquest, Dialnet y Google Académico, principalmente. Como resultado y discusión se pudo apreciar que todos los aspectos normativos, legales y socio- jurídico que plantean se enfocan principalmente en garantizar los derechos de los trabajadores en materia salarial, prestaciones sociales dadas en una empresa que ha sido liquidada, por cuestiones económicas.
This reflection article focused mainly on knowing the main legal effects of business liquidation against workers in Colombia, where their rights are often violated, mainly due to the time factor, lack of knowledge, as well as a lot of paperwork. That causes delays in their liquidation process and they omit to carry out this activity that must be guaranteed, causing instability in their social, family, economic, labor and educational context. Therefore, it sought to develop the following specific objectives: 1. Establish in a jurisprudential manner which rights are violated when a company is liquidated. 2. Investigate the jurisprudential repercussions that the liquidation process of a company has on the rights of workers. 3. Know the different pronouncements that have been made by the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court of Justice in matters of business liquidation. Under a methodology that presented the hermeneutic paradigm, based on philosophical principles; the approach was descriptive, because it was based on the pronouncements of the Constitutional Court and the Council of State; and the method was of a documentary nature, based on other research found in Scielo, Redalyc, Science, Proquest, Dialnet and Google Scholar, mainly. As a result, and discussion, it was possible to appreciate that all the normative, legal and socio-legal aspects that they raise are mainly focused on guaranteeing the rights of workers in terms of salary, social benefits given in a company that has been liquidated, for economic reasons.
This reflection article focused mainly on knowing the main legal effects of business liquidation against workers in Colombia, where their rights are often violated, mainly due to the time factor, lack of knowledge, as well as a lot of paperwork. That causes delays in their liquidation process and they omit to carry out this activity that must be guaranteed, causing instability in their social, family, economic, labor and educational context. Therefore, it sought to develop the following specific objectives: 1. Establish in a jurisprudential manner which rights are violated when a company is liquidated. 2. Investigate the jurisprudential repercussions that the liquidation process of a company has on the rights of workers. 3. Know the different pronouncements that have been made by the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court of Justice in matters of business liquidation. Under a methodology that presented the hermeneutic paradigm, based on philosophical principles; the approach was descriptive, because it was based on the pronouncements of the Constitutional Court and the Council of State; and the method was of a documentary nature, based on other research found in Scielo, Redalyc, Science, Proquest, Dialnet and Google Scholar, mainly. As a result, and discussion, it was possible to appreciate that all the normative, legal and socio-legal aspects that they raise are mainly focused on guaranteeing the rights of workers in terms of salary, social benefits given in a company that has been liquidated, for economic reasons.
Palabras clave
Liquidación empresarial, Derecho de los trabajadores, Salarios y prestaciones sociales, Business liquidation, Workers' rights, Wages and social benefits