Diseño de un sistema de riego automático para los cultivos del Colegio San José Barranquilla
Rojas Bolivar, Dylan
Sierra Estrada, Jorge
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ingenierías
Facultad de Ingenierías
El proyecto busca realizar el diseño de un sistema de riego automático para el desarrollo de los cultivos de vegetales y florales que desarrolla el alumnado de
primer grado, segundo grado y tercero y de noveno a once grado como parte de los proyectos de ciencias y diversificadas y aplicaciones de matemáticas y tecnologías
del colegio San José de Barranquilla y dar de esta forma solución a un conjunto de requisitos e inconvenientes propuestos por un grupo interdisciplinario de interesados previamente identificados, en asociación con el proyecto huerto orgánico realizado previamente por la institución educativa y sus profesores líderes en el área de ciencias naturales, matemática y tecnología. Para ello se conformara un equipo de trabajo multidisciplinario con experiencia en sistemas de riego, amplio conocimiento en sus respectivos campos y en las buenas
prácticas agrícolas , el cual realizara los distintos planes para establecer los costos, cronogramas, cambios, riesgos, alcance, comunicaciones, adquisiciones y control
de la calidad pertinentes, generado el impacto deseado en la comunidad estudiantil. El sistema constara de una estructura física con la capacidad de ser rediseñada y
re ensamblada a la conveniencia de los profesores de ciencias naturales responsables del proyecto huerto o a la distribución de las camas de cultivo y
necesidades de las plantas dentro de huerto esto con el fin de brindarles la dinámica necesaria para tener a todos los que interactúan con el proyecto motivados y
creativos en el proceso de desarrollo y de esta forma reconozcan como propio el proyecto y los resultados que pueden obtener del mismo. El sistema tendrá una distribución inicial que contara con una tubería principal
colocada alrededor del borde del techo, con una longitud de 29 metros y válvulas tipo cheque de donde se podrá distribuir el agua a las conexiones secundarias de
los cultivos, las cuales tendrán longitudes variables para hacer flexible el sistema, entre 30 metros de tubería y 15 metros de mangueras, aquí se destaca la facilidad de la adquisición y disponibilidad en el mercado de los elementos necesarios para el desarrollo del proyecto además de su bajo costo lo que facilita el desarrollo del mismo. El sistema será controlado por medio de una tarjeta Arduino uno de código abierto y reprogramable colocada dentro de un cobertizo que protegerá todo los elementos eléctricos o sensibles a las condiciones atmosféricas, la cual gestionara los tiempos de funcionamiento de la motobomba que surtirá de un flujo constante de agua a la estructura física del sistema, con la finalidad de reduzca el consumo del agua, la programación del sistema al utilizar este tipo de tarjeta permite su fácil manejo y sistematización lo que facilita la participación de estudiantes de todos los grados y de esta forma llevarlos de la mano en el conocimiento y aplicación de la tecnología en los procesos renovables ambientales. Para ello se necesitara un periodo de tiempo de alrededor de 8 meses para la ejecución de todas las etapas de planeación, ejecución y cierre del proyecto junto con las distintas actividades y sus correspondientes entregables, detallados en los planes de gestión y el ciclo de vida, con un valor cercano a $51.876.900 pesos colombianos. Al desarrollarse el proyecto en este periodo de tiempo permite que durante el año lectivo de cada grupo de estudiantes logren realizar todo el proyecto brindándoles la oportunidad de ver los resultados de su trabajo, esfuerzo y dedicación.
The project seeks to carry out the design of an automatic irrigation system for the development of vegetable and flower crops developed by students in first grade, second grade and third and from ninth to eleventh grade as part of science and diversification projects and applications of mathematics and technologies of the San José de Barranquilla school and thus provide a solution to a set of requirements and drawbacks proposed by an interdisciplinary group of previously identified stakeholders, in association with the organic garden project previously carried out by the educational institution and its teachers leaders in the area of natural sciences, mathematics and technology. For this, a multidisciplinary team with experience in irrigation systems, extensive knowledge in their respective fields and in good agricultural practices will be formed, which will carry out the different plans to establish costs, schedules, changes, risks, scope, communications, relevant acquisitions and quality control, generating the desired impact in the student community. The system will consist of a physical structure with the ability to be redesigned and reassembled at the convenience of the natural science teachers responsible for the garden project or the distribution of the growing beds and plant needs within the garden, in order to provide them with the necessary dynamics to have all those who interact with the project motivated and creative in the development process and thus recognize as their own the project and the results they can obtain from it. The system will have an initial distribution that will have a main pipe placed around the edge of the roof, with a length of 29 meters and check valves from which the water can be distributed to the secondary connections of the crops, which will have variable lengths to make the system flexible, between 30 meters of pipe and 15 meters of hoses, here the ease of acquisition and availability in the market of the elements necessary for the development of the project, in addition to its low cost, which facilitates its development, are highlighted. The system will be controlled by means of an open source and reprogrammable Arduino card placed inside a shed that will protect all the electrical elements or those sensitive to atmospheric conditions, which will manage the operation times of the motor pump that will provide a constant flow of water to the physical structure of the system, in order to reduce water consumption, the programming of the system when using this type of card allows its easy handling and systematization which facilitates the participation of students of all grades and in this way take them by the hand in the knowledge and application of technology in renewable environmental processes. For this, a time period of around 8 months will be needed for the execution of all the planning, execution and closure stages of the project together with the different activities and their corresponding deliverables, detailed in the management plans and the life cycle, with a value close to $ 51,876,900 Colombian pesos. By developing the project in this period of time, it allows that during the school year of each group of students they can carry out the entire project, giving them the opportunity to see the results of their work, effort and dedication.
The project seeks to carry out the design of an automatic irrigation system for the development of vegetable and flower crops developed by students in first grade, second grade and third and from ninth to eleventh grade as part of science and diversification projects and applications of mathematics and technologies of the San José de Barranquilla school and thus provide a solution to a set of requirements and drawbacks proposed by an interdisciplinary group of previously identified stakeholders, in association with the organic garden project previously carried out by the educational institution and its teachers leaders in the area of natural sciences, mathematics and technology. For this, a multidisciplinary team with experience in irrigation systems, extensive knowledge in their respective fields and in good agricultural practices will be formed, which will carry out the different plans to establish costs, schedules, changes, risks, scope, communications, relevant acquisitions and quality control, generating the desired impact in the student community. The system will consist of a physical structure with the ability to be redesigned and reassembled at the convenience of the natural science teachers responsible for the garden project or the distribution of the growing beds and plant needs within the garden, in order to provide them with the necessary dynamics to have all those who interact with the project motivated and creative in the development process and thus recognize as their own the project and the results they can obtain from it. The system will have an initial distribution that will have a main pipe placed around the edge of the roof, with a length of 29 meters and check valves from which the water can be distributed to the secondary connections of the crops, which will have variable lengths to make the system flexible, between 30 meters of pipe and 15 meters of hoses, here the ease of acquisition and availability in the market of the elements necessary for the development of the project, in addition to its low cost, which facilitates its development, are highlighted. The system will be controlled by means of an open source and reprogrammable Arduino card placed inside a shed that will protect all the electrical elements or those sensitive to atmospheric conditions, which will manage the operation times of the motor pump that will provide a constant flow of water to the physical structure of the system, in order to reduce water consumption, the programming of the system when using this type of card allows its easy handling and systematization which facilitates the participation of students of all grades and in this way take them by the hand in the knowledge and application of technology in renewable environmental processes. For this, a time period of around 8 months will be needed for the execution of all the planning, execution and closure stages of the project together with the different activities and their corresponding deliverables, detailed in the management plans and the life cycle, with a value close to $ 51,876,900 Colombian pesos. By developing the project in this period of time, it allows that during the school year of each group of students they can carry out the entire project, giving them the opportunity to see the results of their work, effort and dedication.
Palabras clave
Medio ambiente, Diseño, Sistema de riego, Ahorro en el consumo de agua, Techo verde, Huerto orgánico, Environment, Design, irrigation system, saving in water consumption, green roof, organic garden