El consentimiento informado en prácticas médicas a menores de edad con hermafroditismo y ambigüedad sexual
Gómez Restrepo, María Shirley
Ortiz Prada, Elvia María
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El presente artículo tiene como objetivo principal identificar la capacidad de los menores de edad para dar consentimiento informado en la realización de prácticas médicas; esto se llevó a cabo después de examinar los pronunciamientos de la Corte Constitucional sobre el consentimiento informado en menores de edad, especialmente los que cuentan con órganos reproductivos tanto femeninos como masculinos, es decir, hermafroditismo y ambigüedad sexual; las consecuencias que puede llegar a causar el no consentimiento del menor, la importancia del principio de autonomía que refleja la voluntad y la decisión del paciente, además del rol que juegan los terceros como lo son padres de familia o tutores que dan consentimiento sustituto, el alcance que este puede generar y las ocasiones en las que es de vital necesidad que se dé. Por esto la concepción y contenido de las posibles soluciones frente a cada caso en particular, todo esto debido a la evolución científico-investigativa que se ha venido desarrollando desde hace muchos años, para poder brindarle al menor una estabilidad tanto emocional como física, además de las diferentes actividades relacionadas con el origen, la protección, la salud e integridad del individuo a la hora de practicar o someterse a procedimientos en donde su autonomía como paciente le permite la libertad de definir cómo aceptar el cuidado que debe recibir su cuerpo y los cambios que tendrá, por ende, como estos tratamientos médicos deben contar con su autorización y los menores de edad al ser sujetos de especial protección su cuerpo también lo es.
The aim of this article is to identify the ability of minors to give informed consent in the conduct of medical practices, especially those with both female and male reproductive organs, that is, hermaphroditism and sexual ambiguity; the consequences of failure to consent of the child; the importance of the principle of autonomy which reflects the patient’s will and decision, in addition to the role played by third parties such as parents or guardians who give substitute consent, the scope it can generate and the occasions when it is of vital need to be given. This is why it is sought to establish that through medical law, it allows the patient and the professional to see several alternatives as regards the conception and content of the possible solutions to each particular case, all this due to the scientific-research evolution that has been developing for many years, in order to give the child both emotional and physical stability, in addition to the different activities related to origin, the protection, health and integrity of the individual when practicing or undergoing procedures where his autonomy as a patient allows him the freedom to define how to accept the care his body should receive and the changes you will have, therefore, as these medical treatments must have their authorization and the minors being subjects of special protection your body is also.
The aim of this article is to identify the ability of minors to give informed consent in the conduct of medical practices, especially those with both female and male reproductive organs, that is, hermaphroditism and sexual ambiguity; the consequences of failure to consent of the child; the importance of the principle of autonomy which reflects the patient’s will and decision, in addition to the role played by third parties such as parents or guardians who give substitute consent, the scope it can generate and the occasions when it is of vital need to be given. This is why it is sought to establish that through medical law, it allows the patient and the professional to see several alternatives as regards the conception and content of the possible solutions to each particular case, all this due to the scientific-research evolution that has been developing for many years, in order to give the child both emotional and physical stability, in addition to the different activities related to origin, the protection, health and integrity of the individual when practicing or undergoing procedures where his autonomy as a patient allows him the freedom to define how to accept the care his body should receive and the changes you will have, therefore, as these medical treatments must have their authorization and the minors being subjects of special protection your body is also.
Palabras clave
Consentimiento informado, Hermafroditismo, Autonomía, libertad y Principio de beneficencia, Informed consent, Hermaphroditism, Autonomy, Freedom and Charity Principle