Percepción de la Cultura de Seguridad del Paciente en trabajadores de una Institución de Salud Barranquilla Colombia 2018-2023.
Morrón Barrios, Beatriz Elena
Martínez Bolívar, Dayana Margarita
Orozco Cantillo, Erika Patricia
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
La seguridad del paciente constituye uno de los principales pilares de la atención médica y
representa un desafío significativo para los sistemas de salud a nivel global. En Colombia,
la Resolución 2134 de 2015 establece la obligación de implementar un Sistema de Gestión
de Seguridad del Paciente en las instituciones de salud. Objetivo: Describir la Percepción
de la cultura de Seguridad del Paciente en trabajadores de una Institución de Salud de
Barranquilla 2018-2023. En este contexto, la cultura de seguridad del paciente abarca los
valores, actitudes, percepciones, habilidades y patrones de conducta tanto de individuos
como de grupos, que influyen en el compromiso, el estilo y la efectividad de los programas
de seguridad en una organización de salud. Comprender la percepción que tienen los
colaboradores sobre esta cultura es esencial para identificar áreas de mejora y reforzar las
estrategias institucionales dirigidas a prevenir eventos adversos. Metodología: El presente
estudio se propone describir la percepción de la cultura de seguridad del paciente entre los
colaboradores de una Institución Prestadora de Salud (IPS) en la ciudad de Barranquilla
durante el período 2018-2023. La investigación adoptó un enfoque de tipo no experimental
cuantitativo. Se empleó un razonamiento deductivo, con un diseño transversal. La muestra
del estudio estuvo constituida por 263 colaboradores de una Institución Prestadora de Salud
de Barranquilla. Resultados: Al examinar las variables sociodemográficas, se observa que
la mayoría de los participantes son mujeres (88.6%). En cuanto a los roles y unidades de
trabajo, los datos revelan una diversidad de cargos y áreas, los hallazgos adicionales
también revelaron algunas áreas de oportunidad, se identifican percepciones mixtas en
cuestiones como la dotación de personal suficiente, el impacto del ritmo de trabajo en la
seguridad del paciente, y la efectividad de la comunicación y la transferencia de información
entre servicios y turnos. Otro punto de convergencia fue el reconocimiento del liderazgo y
el compromiso de la administración como factores clave para promover una cultura de
seguridad sólida. La mayoría de los encuestados calificaron la seguridad del paciente como
"Buena", "Excelente" o "Muy Buena". Sin embargo, es importante destacar que, aunque la
percepción general fue positiva, un pequeño porcentaje de los encuestados calificó la
seguridad del paciente como "Regular". Por lo tanto, a pesar de los resultados alentadores,
es fundamental que la IPS de Barranquilla no baje la guardia y siga trabajando en fortalecer
y mantener esta cultura de seguridad, identificando y abordando las áreas de mejora
detectadas. Conclusiones: Los resultados de este estudio proporcionan información
valiosa para comprender la percepción y las necesidades del personal en relación con la
seguridad del paciente en la institución prestadora de salud de Barranquilla. Estos hallazgos
pueden servir como base para el diseño e implementación de intervenciones dirigidas a
mejorar la calidad y la seguridad de la atención médica brindada, con el objetivo final de
garantizar mejores resultados clínicos y una experiencia positiva para los pacientes
Patient safety is one of the main pillars of health care and represents a significant challenge for health systems globally. In Colombia, Resolution 2134 of 2015 establishes the obligation to implement a Patient Safety Management System in health institutions. Objective: To describe the perception of the culture of Patient Safety in workers of a Health Institution in Barranquilla 2018-2023. In this context, patient safety culture encompasses the values, attitudes, perceptions, skills, and behavior patterns of both individuals and groups, which influence the commitment, style, and effectiveness of safety programs in a healthcare organization. Understanding employees' perception of this culture is essential to identify areas for improvement and reinforce institutional strategies aimed at preventing adverse events. Methodology: This study aims to describe the perception of the patient safety culture among the employees of a Health Provider Institution (SPI) in the city of Barranquilla during the period 2018-2023. The research adopted a quantitative non-experimental approach. Deductive reasoning was used, with a cross-sectional design. The study sample consisted of 263 collaborators from a Health Provider Institution in Barranquilla. Results: When examining the sociodemographic variables, it is observed that most of the participants are women (88.6%). In terms of roles and work units, the data reveal a diversity of positions and areas, additional findings also revealed some areas of opportunity, mixed perceptions are identified on issues such as sufficient staffing, the impact of work pace on patient safety, and the effectiveness of communication and information transfer between services and shifts. Another point of convergence was the recognition of management's leadership and commitment as key factors in promoting a strong safety culture. The majority of respondents rated patient safety as "Good," "Excellent," or "Very Good." However, it is important to note that although the overall perception was positive, a small percentage of respondents rated patient safety as "Fair." Therefore, despite the encouraging results, it is essential that the IPS of Barranquilla does not lower its guard and continues to work on strengthening and maintaining this culture of security, identifying and addressing the areas of improvement detected. Conclusions: The results of this study provide valuable information to understand the perception and needs of the staff in relation to patient safety in the health care institution of Barranquilla. These findings can serve as a basis for the design and implementation of interventions aimed at improving the quality and safety of healthcare provided, with the ultimate goal of ensuring better clinical outcomes and a positive patient experience.
Patient safety is one of the main pillars of health care and represents a significant challenge for health systems globally. In Colombia, Resolution 2134 of 2015 establishes the obligation to implement a Patient Safety Management System in health institutions. Objective: To describe the perception of the culture of Patient Safety in workers of a Health Institution in Barranquilla 2018-2023. In this context, patient safety culture encompasses the values, attitudes, perceptions, skills, and behavior patterns of both individuals and groups, which influence the commitment, style, and effectiveness of safety programs in a healthcare organization. Understanding employees' perception of this culture is essential to identify areas for improvement and reinforce institutional strategies aimed at preventing adverse events. Methodology: This study aims to describe the perception of the patient safety culture among the employees of a Health Provider Institution (SPI) in the city of Barranquilla during the period 2018-2023. The research adopted a quantitative non-experimental approach. Deductive reasoning was used, with a cross-sectional design. The study sample consisted of 263 collaborators from a Health Provider Institution in Barranquilla. Results: When examining the sociodemographic variables, it is observed that most of the participants are women (88.6%). In terms of roles and work units, the data reveal a diversity of positions and areas, additional findings also revealed some areas of opportunity, mixed perceptions are identified on issues such as sufficient staffing, the impact of work pace on patient safety, and the effectiveness of communication and information transfer between services and shifts. Another point of convergence was the recognition of management's leadership and commitment as key factors in promoting a strong safety culture. The majority of respondents rated patient safety as "Good," "Excellent," or "Very Good." However, it is important to note that although the overall perception was positive, a small percentage of respondents rated patient safety as "Fair." Therefore, despite the encouraging results, it is essential that the IPS of Barranquilla does not lower its guard and continues to work on strengthening and maintaining this culture of security, identifying and addressing the areas of improvement detected. Conclusions: The results of this study provide valuable information to understand the perception and needs of the staff in relation to patient safety in the health care institution of Barranquilla. These findings can serve as a basis for the design and implementation of interventions aimed at improving the quality and safety of healthcare provided, with the ultimate goal of ensuring better clinical outcomes and a positive patient experience.
Palabras clave
Percepción, Cultura, Seguridad del paciente, IPS