La RSU un nuevo modelo para la gestión social desde el alma mater
Barrios Parejo, Ignacio
Contreras Salinas, Jheison
Vargas Mercado, Carlos
Orellano Llinas, Nataly
Pitre Redondo, Remedios
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Asociacion de Profesionales y Tecnicos del CONICIT.
A medida que pasa el tiempo muchas organizaciones o
entidades tratan de entablar una serie de compromisos
o deberes con la sociedad y medio ambiente. Esto es lo
que hoy conocemos como Responsabilidad Social. Por lo
general se relacionaba directamente a las empresas con
este término siendo las más señaladas para contribuir al
mejoramiento de la sociedad y medio ambiente. Las
universidades siempre han tenido el papel importante
de transmitir conocimientos y ser un puente entre las
empresas y la sociedad. Es por esta razón, que se ha
posicionado la RSU (Responsabilidad Social
Universitaria) con el fin de crear en los estudiantes una
conciencia social sostenible y un compromiso social al
ejercer su profesión. A continuación, se presenta un
estudio que tuvo por fin observar las impresiones del
profesorado frete a esta tendencia y recopilar los
aportes que desde su experticia pueden generarse para
la promoción de la RSU.
As time goes by many organizations or entities try to enter into a series of commitments or duties with society and the environment. This is what we know today as Social Responsibility. It was usually directly related to companies with this term being the most pointed to contribute to the improvement of society and environment. Universities have always had the important role of transmitting knowledge and being a bridge between companies and society. It is for this reason that the RSU (University Social Responsibility) has been positioned in order to create in the students a sustainable social awareness and a social commitment in the exercise of their profession. Next, a study was presented that had the purpose of observing the impressions of the faculty frete to this tendency and to collect the contributions that from their expertise can be generated for the promotion of the RSU.
As time goes by many organizations or entities try to enter into a series of commitments or duties with society and the environment. This is what we know today as Social Responsibility. It was usually directly related to companies with this term being the most pointed to contribute to the improvement of society and environment. Universities have always had the important role of transmitting knowledge and being a bridge between companies and society. It is for this reason that the RSU (University Social Responsibility) has been positioned in order to create in the students a sustainable social awareness and a social commitment in the exercise of their profession. Next, a study was presented that had the purpose of observing the impressions of the faculty frete to this tendency and to collect the contributions that from their expertise can be generated for the promotion of the RSU.
Palabras clave
Responsabilidad social universitaria, Impacto, Sociedad, Estudiantes, University social responsibility, Impact, society, Students