Vendedores informales en el espacio público del centro de Cúcuta
Flórez Sanjuan, Andrea Juliana
Peñaranda Santamaria, Deisy Lorena
Ayala Llanes, Jacson Yesid
Gómez Vahos, Jovany
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Esta investigación se centra en la informalidad que se presenta en la ciudad de Cúcuta, sobre la
avenida sexta entre calles once y sexta ya que ahí es donde se evidencia el mayor número de
informalidad. El principal problema que se abarco en esta investigación es la invasión ejercida por
la informalidad, ya que afecta el flujo peatonal y vehicular en estas calles, se crea tráfico vehicular
ya que los vendedores informales se sitúan a diario en el espacio público junto con sus
«mercancías» y modifican el espacio, entonces los peatones prefieren caminar por la vía por que
los puestos informales invaden los andenes lo que dificulta el transitar por ahí, asimismo los
ciudadanos prefieren evitar transitar por la avenida sexta entre calles novena y décima porque el
tiempo puede ser hasta el triple del promedio, otro problema que es muy común en estas calles es
el robo mediante cosquilleo, debido a la aglomeración de personas se presenta mayor cantidad de
robos. Por consiguiente, el trabajo informal es un conflicto en la ciudad tanto para los que hacen
parte de ella, como para las personas que residen en la misma. Que la Ley 1450 de 2011 dispuso
como objetivo del Plan Nacional de Desarrollo 2010- 2014, formalizar el empleo y reducir los
índices de pobreza y prescribe entre los mecanismos para su ejecución, la igualdad de
oportunidades para la prosperidad social, a partir del diseño de un esquema financiero y operativo
que posibilite la vinculación de los trabajadores informales por subsistencia al Sistema de
Seguridad Social Integral.
This research focuses on the informality that occurs in the city of Cúcuta, on Sixth Avenue between eleventh and sixth streets, since it is there where the greatest number of informality is evident. The main problem that was covered in this investigation is the invasion exerted by informality, since it affects the pedestrian and vehicular flow in these streets, vehicular traffic is generated since informal vendors are located daily in the public space together with their "merchandise ” and they modify the space, then pedestrians prefer to walk along the road because informal stalls invade the sidewalks, making traffic difficult, likewise citizens prefer to avoid walking along sixth avenue between ninth and tenth streets because the weather can get to triple the average, another problem that is very common in these streets is theft due to tickling, due to the crowd of people there is a greater number of robberies, consequently informal work is a conflict in the city both for those who form it and for which Law 1450 of 2011 establishes as an objective of the National Development Plan 2010-2014, to formalize employment and reduce unemployment rates. poverty and prescribes, among the mechanisms for its execution, equal opportunities for social prosperity, based on the design of a financial and operational scheme that enables the linking of informal subsistence workers to the Comprehensive Social Security System.
This research focuses on the informality that occurs in the city of Cúcuta, on Sixth Avenue between eleventh and sixth streets, since it is there where the greatest number of informality is evident. The main problem that was covered in this investigation is the invasion exerted by informality, since it affects the pedestrian and vehicular flow in these streets, vehicular traffic is generated since informal vendors are located daily in the public space together with their "merchandise ” and they modify the space, then pedestrians prefer to walk along the road because informal stalls invade the sidewalks, making traffic difficult, likewise citizens prefer to avoid walking along sixth avenue between ninth and tenth streets because the weather can get to triple the average, another problem that is very common in these streets is theft due to tickling, due to the crowd of people there is a greater number of robberies, consequently informal work is a conflict in the city both for those who form it and for which Law 1450 of 2011 establishes as an objective of the National Development Plan 2010-2014, to formalize employment and reduce unemployment rates. poverty and prescribes, among the mechanisms for its execution, equal opportunities for social prosperity, based on the design of a financial and operational scheme that enables the linking of informal subsistence workers to the Comprehensive Social Security System.
Palabras clave
Invasión espacio público, Trabajo informal, Derecho al trabajo, Orden público, Salud