La revocatoria del mandato como estrategia política
Jaimes Vera, Luis Arturo
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Dentro de ese espectro participativo que trajo consigo para Colombia la Constitución de 1991, nació la posibilidad para que los ciudadanos colombianos puedan llegar a cancelar el mandato de aquellos dirigentes que mediante voto popular han llegado al poder, pero este mecanismo de participación ciudadana denominado revocatoria del mandato, ha sido mal utilizado en el país, debido al alto nivel de corrupción presente en Colombia. Esta mala práctica democrática es la razón por la cual se fija el objeto de este artículo de reflexión, el cual busca mostrar el verdadero empleo que se le viene dando a este mecanismo de participación, el cual es usado como un mecanismo estratégico para atacar a los rivales políticos, cuando se han perdido las elecciones populares, y así nuevamente tener la opción de participar en la justa democrática, tal vez ya contra un contrincante o rival político con menos trayectoria o alternativa para ganar. Para lograr establecer como ha sido empleado este mecanismo, se hizo un barrido sobre diversas solicitudes de revocatoria que se han surtido desde su creación y determinar si su motivación concuerda con el propósito altruista de la norma o por el contrario obedece a una estrategia política en contra de los valores democráticos. Es por ello que se necesita crear medidas que refuercen este mecanismo, el cual de ser aplicado correctamente puede contribuir al mejoramiento de la institucionalidad.
Within that participatory spectrum that the Constitution of 1991 brought to Colombia, it was the possibility that Colombian citizens have to cancel the mandate of those leaders who through popular vote have come to power, but this mechanism of citizen participation called revocation of the mandate, has been misused in the country, due to the high level of corruption present in Colombia. This bad democratic practice is the reason why the object of this article of reflection is fixed, which seeks to show the true employment that has been given to this mechanism of participation, which is used as a strategic mechanism to attack the political rivals, when the popular elections have been lost, and thus again have the option to participate in the democratic fair, perhaps already against an opponent or political rival with less trajectory or alternative to win. In order to establish how this mechanism has been used, a sweep was made of various requests for revocation that have been made since its creation and to determine whether its motivation is consistent with the altruistic purpose of the norm or, on the contrary, it obeys a political strategy against of democratic values. That is why it is necessary to create measures that reinforce this mechanism, which if applied correctly could contribute to the improvement of the institutional framework
Within that participatory spectrum that the Constitution of 1991 brought to Colombia, it was the possibility that Colombian citizens have to cancel the mandate of those leaders who through popular vote have come to power, but this mechanism of citizen participation called revocation of the mandate, has been misused in the country, due to the high level of corruption present in Colombia. This bad democratic practice is the reason why the object of this article of reflection is fixed, which seeks to show the true employment that has been given to this mechanism of participation, which is used as a strategic mechanism to attack the political rivals, when the popular elections have been lost, and thus again have the option to participate in the democratic fair, perhaps already against an opponent or political rival with less trajectory or alternative to win. In order to establish how this mechanism has been used, a sweep was made of various requests for revocation that have been made since its creation and to determine whether its motivation is consistent with the altruistic purpose of the norm or, on the contrary, it obeys a political strategy against of democratic values. That is why it is necessary to create measures that reinforce this mechanism, which if applied correctly could contribute to the improvement of the institutional framework
Palabras clave
Democracia participativa, Plan de gobierno, Insatisfacción ciudadana, Corrupción, Estrategia política, Participatory democracy, Government plan, Citizen dissatisfaction, Corruption, Political strategy