Posturas jurisprudenciales y legales en argentina y Colombia frente al aborto
Beltrán Gélvez, Martha
Mendoza Castilla, Andrea
Nova Sánchez, Evelyn
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Este artículo de investigación se encamino a la presentación de las distintas posturas, tomadas por los países en cuestión, es decir chile y Colombia, frente a un tema tan controversial y que genera tanta polémica como el la interrupción del embarazo, centrándose en el camino tomadas de estas naciones y por medio de cuales instituciones han generado esos cambios y los argumentos esgrimidos por las mismas. Todo esto bajo un paradigma interpretativo que permita la aprensión correcta del tema y del sujeto d estudio en este caso las mujeres en situación de embarazo, que se encuentran en las causales previstas por ambos ordenamientos jurídicos, que eximen de culpabilidad de un conducta penalizada como lo es el aborto además de que el diseño empleado para el presente artículo investigativo es hermenéutico permite comprender el problema de la realidad social en cuanto el prejuicio que se tiene ante el aborto al igual permite que se comprenda el sentido que tienen las acciones para los actores. Obtenido por medio análisis de las distintas posturas que permiten inferir que la prohibición implica una coartación de los derechos de las mujeres al contrario de una premisa de corte más liberal, como es la posibilidad de un acceso libre a la interrupción del embarazo como se da en algunos países europeos.
This research article is aimed at the presentation of the different positions taken by the countries in question, ie Chile and Colombia, in the face of a controversial issue that generates as much controversy as the interruption of pregnancy, focusing on the path taken of these nations and through which institutions have generated those changes and the arguments put forward by them. All this under an interpretive paradigm that allows the correct apprehension of the subject and of the subject d study in this case the women in situation of pregnancy, that are in the causes foreseen by both legal systems, that exempt of culpability of a penalized behavior as Abortion is also that the design used for this research article is hermeneutic to understand the problem of social reality in that the prejudice that is faced with abortion as well allows you to understand the meaning of actions for actors. Obtained by means of analysis of the different positions that allow us to infer that the prohibition implies a coercion of the rights of women contrary to a more liberal premise, such as the possibility of a free access to the interruption of pregnancy as occurs in some European countries.
This research article is aimed at the presentation of the different positions taken by the countries in question, ie Chile and Colombia, in the face of a controversial issue that generates as much controversy as the interruption of pregnancy, focusing on the path taken of these nations and through which institutions have generated those changes and the arguments put forward by them. All this under an interpretive paradigm that allows the correct apprehension of the subject and of the subject d study in this case the women in situation of pregnancy, that are in the causes foreseen by both legal systems, that exempt of culpability of a penalized behavior as Abortion is also that the design used for this research article is hermeneutic to understand the problem of social reality in that the prejudice that is faced with abortion as well allows you to understand the meaning of actions for actors. Obtained by means of analysis of the different positions that allow us to infer that the prohibition implies a coercion of the rights of women contrary to a more liberal premise, such as the possibility of a free access to the interruption of pregnancy as occurs in some European countries.
Palabras clave
Aborto, Despenalización, Violencia sexual, Feto, Abortion, Decriminalization, Sexual violence, Fetus