Riesgos laborales: Una revisión general
Guzman Cubides , Mayra Alejandra
Garcia Torres, Nestor Orlando
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Este artículo de revisión aborda la temática de riesgos laborales y destaca la importancia de contar con técnicas e instrumentos de recolección de datos para obtener información precisa y confiable. La metodología propuesta se basa en revisiones documentales, con el objetivo general de enfocarse en la integridad y bienestar del trabajador. A pesar de los esfuerzos realizados por entidades gubernamentales y empresariales, se reconoce la ineficacia actual en la prevención de accidentes y enfermedades laborales en el país. El artículo aboga por profundizar en los factores que inciden en la generación de riesgos laborales y promover medidas efectivas para su prevención, subrayando la importancia de una coordinación más efectiva entre todas las partes involucradas.
This review article addresses the topic of occupational hazards and emphasizes the importance of having techniques and data collection instruments to obtain accurate and reliable information. The proposed methodology is based on documentary reviews, with the general objective of focusing on the worker's integrity and well-being. Despite the efforts made by governmental and business entities, the current inefficiency in preventing workplace accidents and illnesses in the country is acknowledged. The article advocates for a deeper understanding of the factors influencing the generation of occupational hazards and for promoting effective measures for their prevention, emphasizing the importance of more effective coordination among all involved parties.
This review article addresses the topic of occupational hazards and emphasizes the importance of having techniques and data collection instruments to obtain accurate and reliable information. The proposed methodology is based on documentary reviews, with the general objective of focusing on the worker's integrity and well-being. Despite the efforts made by governmental and business entities, the current inefficiency in preventing workplace accidents and illnesses in the country is acknowledged. The article advocates for a deeper understanding of the factors influencing the generation of occupational hazards and for promoting effective measures for their prevention, emphasizing the importance of more effective coordination among all involved parties.
Palabras clave
Riesgos laborales, Bienestar del trabajador, Prevención, Occupational hazards, Worker well-being, Prevention