Caracterización fitoquímica preliminar y cuantificación de fenoles totales de extractos etanólicos obtenidos de Hylocereus undatus y Hylocereus megalanthus
Brito Tapia, Leonor
Pimienta Daza, Lucia Alexandra
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Básicas y Biomédicas
Facultad de Ciencias Básicas y Biomédicas
En la actualidad, las investigaciones con productos naturales han tomado un gran auge, debido a que son fuente de diferentes compuestos con gran interés terapéutico, entre estos encontramos los compuestos antioxidantes que pueden a ayudar a minimizar enfermedades como el cáncer, y el envejecimiento prematuro, entre otras, encontrándose que una de las mejores fuentes de este tipo de compuestos son las frutas.
El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo identificar la abundancia relativa de metabolitos segundarios y cuantificar el contenido de fenoles totales, presentes en la cascara, pulpa y semilla del fruto de dos especies de pitahaya, pitahaya roja (Hylocereus undatus) y pitahaya amarilla (Hylocereus megalanthus) relacionada con la actividad antioxidante.
Esta investigación se llevó a cabo en 4 etapas específicas; inicialmente se hizo la colecta y caracterización del material vegetal, obteniendo la especie de pitahaya roja (Hylocereus undatus) del departamento de la Guajira, mientras que la especie de pitahaya amarilla (Hylocereus megalanthus) se obtuvo de establecimientos comerciales, para cada una se separaron sus partes, en cascara, pulpa y semillas. Seguidamente, mediante el método de maceración, se obtuvieron los extractos etanólicos de la pulpa, la cáscara y las semillas, a los cuales se les realizó la caracterización fitoquímica, para identificar metabolitos secundarios, mediante pruebas cualitativas de coloración, con las que se pudo establecer la presencia de compuestos fenólicos para finalmente realizar la cuantificación de fenoles totales, por el método de Folin-Ciocalteu.
Todas las pruebas y análisis se llevaron a cabo en el laboratorio de química y nanotecnología en el Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Vida-CICV, de la Universidad Simón Bolívar.
Como muestra vegetal se usaron dos especies de la fruta de pitahaya, pitahaya roja (Hylocereus undathus) y pitahaya amarilla (Hylocereus megalanthus). De cada una se obtuvo por separado los extractos de cáscaras, de semillas y de pulpa. La marcha fitoquímica, realizada para cada extracto, mostro una presencia relevante de las diferente familias de metabolitos secundarios y una abundancia considerable de compuestos fenólicos, con lo que fue posible comparar la capacidad del contenido de compuestos fenólicos totales empleando el método espectrofotométrico de Folin-Ciocalteu a una absorbancia a 765 nm obteniendo que la semilla de la especie de pitahaya roja tiene mayor contenido compuestos fenólicos totales en comparación con la Pitahaya amarilla.
Con la marcha fitoquímica se pudo establecer de manera cualitativa la presencia de diferentes familias de metabolitos secundarios, resaltando la presencia de compuestos fenólicos, en los extractos de semillas de ambas especies. Así mismo, con la cuantificación de fenoles totales, se corroboró la información y la comparación llevó a categorizar a la especie de pitahaya roja (Hylocereus undathus) como la de mayor contenido de compuestos fenólicos totales, a los cuales, muy posiblemente se les atribuye la actividad antioxidante del fruto.
Currently, research with natural products has taken a great boom, because they are a source of different compounds with great therapeutic interest, among these we find antioxidant compounds that can help minimize diseases such as cancer, and premature aging, among others, finding that one of the best sources of such compounds are fruits. The objective of the present work was to identify the relative abundance of secondary metabolites and to quantify the content of total phenols present in the skin, pulp and seed of the fruit of two species of pitahaya, red pitahaya (Hylocereus undatus) and yellow pitahaya (Hylocereus megalanthus) related to antioxidant activity. This research was carried out in 4 specific stages; initially the collection and characterization of the plant material was done, obtaining the red pitahaya species (Hylocereus undatus) from the department of La Guajira, while the yellow pitahaya species (Hylocereus megalanthus) was obtained from commercial establishments, for each of them their parts were separated into shell, pulp and seeds. Then, by means of the maceration method, ethanolic extracts were obtained from the pulp, peel and seeds, from which phytochemical characterization was carried out to identify secondary metabolites, by means of qualitative coloration tests, with which the presence of phenolic compounds could be established to finally quantify total phenols by the Folin-Ciocalteu method. All tests and analyses were carried out in the chemistry and nanotechnology laboratory at the Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Vida-CICV, Universidad Simón Bolívar. Two species of pitahaya fruit, red pitahaya (Hylocereus undathus) and yellow pitahaya (Hylocereus megalanthus), were used as plant samples. Extracts of peels, seeds and pulp were obtained separately from each one. The phytochemical march, carried out for each extract, showed a relevant presence of the different families of secondary metabolites and a considerable abundance of phenolic compounds, with which it was possible to compare the capacity of the content of total phenolic compounds using the spectrophotometric method of Folin-Ciocalteu at an absorbance at 765 nm, obtaining that the seed of the red pitahaya species has a higher content of total phenolic compounds compared to the yellow pitahaya. With the phytochemical march it was possible to establish qualitatively the presence of different families of secondary metabolites, highlighting the presence of phenolic compounds in the seed extracts of both species. Likewise, with the quantification of total phenols, the information was corroborated and the comparison led to categorize the red pitahaya species (Hylocereus undathus) as the one with the highest content of total phenolic compounds, to which, very possibly, the antioxidant activity of the fruit is attributed.
Currently, research with natural products has taken a great boom, because they are a source of different compounds with great therapeutic interest, among these we find antioxidant compounds that can help minimize diseases such as cancer, and premature aging, among others, finding that one of the best sources of such compounds are fruits. The objective of the present work was to identify the relative abundance of secondary metabolites and to quantify the content of total phenols present in the skin, pulp and seed of the fruit of two species of pitahaya, red pitahaya (Hylocereus undatus) and yellow pitahaya (Hylocereus megalanthus) related to antioxidant activity. This research was carried out in 4 specific stages; initially the collection and characterization of the plant material was done, obtaining the red pitahaya species (Hylocereus undatus) from the department of La Guajira, while the yellow pitahaya species (Hylocereus megalanthus) was obtained from commercial establishments, for each of them their parts were separated into shell, pulp and seeds. Then, by means of the maceration method, ethanolic extracts were obtained from the pulp, peel and seeds, from which phytochemical characterization was carried out to identify secondary metabolites, by means of qualitative coloration tests, with which the presence of phenolic compounds could be established to finally quantify total phenols by the Folin-Ciocalteu method. All tests and analyses were carried out in the chemistry and nanotechnology laboratory at the Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Vida-CICV, Universidad Simón Bolívar. Two species of pitahaya fruit, red pitahaya (Hylocereus undathus) and yellow pitahaya (Hylocereus megalanthus), were used as plant samples. Extracts of peels, seeds and pulp were obtained separately from each one. The phytochemical march, carried out for each extract, showed a relevant presence of the different families of secondary metabolites and a considerable abundance of phenolic compounds, with which it was possible to compare the capacity of the content of total phenolic compounds using the spectrophotometric method of Folin-Ciocalteu at an absorbance at 765 nm, obtaining that the seed of the red pitahaya species has a higher content of total phenolic compounds compared to the yellow pitahaya. With the phytochemical march it was possible to establish qualitatively the presence of different families of secondary metabolites, highlighting the presence of phenolic compounds in the seed extracts of both species. Likewise, with the quantification of total phenols, the information was corroborated and the comparison led to categorize the red pitahaya species (Hylocereus undathus) as the one with the highest content of total phenolic compounds, to which, very possibly, the antioxidant activity of the fruit is attributed.
Palabras clave
Hylocereus undathus, Hylocereus megalanthus, Capacidad antioxidante, Fenoles totales, Espectrofotometría, Dragon fruit, Antioxidant capacity, Total phenols, Spectrophotometry