La interacción social y su relación con las prácticas pedagógicas de la educación inicial en el contexto socio histórico actual
Redondo Salas, Danni Dexi
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La investigación profundiza en la incidencia de la interacción social con las prácticas pedagógicas del docente en el contexto actual, bajo el enfoque de la teoría sociohistórica de Vygotsky; la cual plantea la construcción de los aprendizajes con base en las interacciones sociales que experimentan los estudiantes con sus docentes y otros actores sociales ante una realidad que se debate producto de las situaciones circunstanciales que han impactado sobre los sistemas educativos en general y que han dejado espacios vacíos sobre esa interacción social y las prácticas pedagógicas. Para cumplir con el propósito anterior, se emplea una metodología bajo los criterios del enfoque cualitativo con un tipo de investigación descriptiva y método de investigación inductivo, interpretativo y fenomenológico. Los sujetos participantes fueron seis docentes adscritas a instituciones de carácter público como de carácter privado, empleando la entrevista como técnica de recolección de información y el instrumento; el guion de entrevista, el método de análisis de la información fue la triangulación de fuentes. Entre los principales hallazgos, se comprueba la existencia de modos de interacción social en los servicios educativos de nivel inicial en el contexto sociohistórico, se recalca la importancia de la interacción social de las prácticas docentes dentro de la licenciatura en educación inicial; y también las características de las practicas pedagógica y educativas del docente en educación infantil. Como conclusión se resalta la necesidad de resignificar la importancia de la interacción social en la práctica pedagógica del docente y se explica porque los niños vienen de un contexto socio histórico que deja duda o permite cuestionamiento sobre que aprendieron los niños; ante lo cual se propone como solución a la problemática el diseño de un modelo estratégico para la operacionalización de la interacción social en las prácticas pedagógicas del docente, bajo el enfoque sociohistórico de Vygotsky.
The research delves into the incidence of social interaction with the teacher's pedagogical practices in the current context, under the focus of Vygotsky's sociohistorical theory; which proposes the construction of learning based on the social interactions that students experience with their teachers and other social actors in the face of a reality that is debated as a result of the circumstantial situations that have impacted educational systems in general and that have left spaces gaps about that social interaction and pedagogical practices. To fulfill the previous purpose, a methodology is used under the criteria of the qualitative approach with a type of descriptive research and inductive, interpretive and phenomenological research method. The participating subjects were six teachers assigned to public and private institutions, using the interview as a data collection technique and the instrument, the interview script, the method of data analysis was the triangulation of sources. Among the main findings, the existence of modes of social interaction in initial level educational services in the sociohistorical context is verified, the importance of social interaction of teaching practices within the degree in initial education is emphasized; and also the characteristics of the pedagogical and educational practices of the teacher in early childhood education. In conclusion, the need to re-signify the importance of social interaction in the teacher's pedagogical practice is highlighted and it is explained why children come from a socio-historical context that leaves doubt or allows questioning about what the children learned; Therefore, the design of a strategic model for the operationalization of social interaction in the teacher's pedagogical practices is proposed as a solution to the problem, under Vygotsky's sociohistorical approach.
The research delves into the incidence of social interaction with the teacher's pedagogical practices in the current context, under the focus of Vygotsky's sociohistorical theory; which proposes the construction of learning based on the social interactions that students experience with their teachers and other social actors in the face of a reality that is debated as a result of the circumstantial situations that have impacted educational systems in general and that have left spaces gaps about that social interaction and pedagogical practices. To fulfill the previous purpose, a methodology is used under the criteria of the qualitative approach with a type of descriptive research and inductive, interpretive and phenomenological research method. The participating subjects were six teachers assigned to public and private institutions, using the interview as a data collection technique and the instrument, the interview script, the method of data analysis was the triangulation of sources. Among the main findings, the existence of modes of social interaction in initial level educational services in the sociohistorical context is verified, the importance of social interaction of teaching practices within the degree in initial education is emphasized; and also the characteristics of the pedagogical and educational practices of the teacher in early childhood education. In conclusion, the need to re-signify the importance of social interaction in the teacher's pedagogical practice is highlighted and it is explained why children come from a socio-historical context that leaves doubt or allows questioning about what the children learned; Therefore, the design of a strategic model for the operationalization of social interaction in the teacher's pedagogical practices is proposed as a solution to the problem, under Vygotsky's sociohistorical approach.
Palabras clave
Interacción social, Constructivismo, Practica pedagógica, Contexto sociohistórico