Las emociones en el aprendizaje de la lectoescritura en grado primero de básica primaria en la Institución Educativa Nuestra Señora de Belén
Castellanos Riveros, Karla Daniela
Gelvis Castellanos, Diana Fernanda
Torres Ortega, Blanca Nieves
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y sociales
La presente investigación emerge del objetivo de analizar las emociones en el aprendizaje de los procesos de lectura y escritura en los estudiantes de grado primero de la Institución Educativa Nuestra Señora de Belén. Los fundamentos teóricos que dieron soporte a las categorías base, fueron los aportes de Goleman y Bisquerra con sus análisis sobre las emociones, Ausubel y Torres sobre el aprendizaje, así como Ferreiro, Morris y Torrijos sobre las competencias de lectura y escritura. El desarrollo metodológico de la investigación estuvo orientado desde el paradigma sociocrítico con enfoque cualitativo, permitiendo el acercamiento a las experiencias de los estudiantes de grado primero y las concepciones de los docentes del área de lengua castellana de la institución. El diseño, investigación acción, permitió la recolección de la información de los actores educativos para construir una propuesta de secuencia didáctica que impacte la realidad educativa, logrando encaminar las emociones hacia el fortalecimiento de los procesos de lectoescritura analizados. Las técnicas aplicadas en la investigación fueron la observación no participante, un grupo focal y la triangulación hermenéutica con los instrumentos de ficha de observación, entrevista semiestructurada y matriz documental de análisis, respectivamente. Es así cómo se logra descubrir una realidad educativa en la cual los docentes son conscientes del factor emocional presente, pero éstos no son tenidos en cuenta para potenciar los procesos de aprendizaje de la lectura y escritura que orientan, realidad que pretende ser transformada con la secuencia didáctica diseñada como producto de la investigación.
The present investigation emerges from the main objective of analyzing the incidence that emotions have in the learning of reading and writing processes in first grade students of the Educational Institution Nuestra Señora de Belén. The theoretical foundations that supported the base categories were the contributions of Goleman and Bisquerra with their analysis of emotions, Ausubel and Torres on learning, as well as Ferreiro, Morris and Torrijos on reading and writing skills. The methodological development of the research was oriented from the sociocritical paradigm with a qualitative approach, allowing the approach to the experiences of the first-grade students and the conceptions of the teachers of the Spanish language area of the institution. The design, action research, allowed the recollection of information from educational actors to build a proposal for a didactic sequence that impacts the educational reality, directing emotions towards strengthening the reading and writing processes analyzed. The techniques applied in the research were non-participant observation, a focus group and hermeneutic triangulation with the instruments of observation rubric, semi-structured interview and analysis documentary matrix respectively. This is how it is possible to discover an educational reality in which teachers are aware of the emotional factor present, but these are not taken into account to enhance the learning processes of reading and writing that they guide, a reality that aims to be transformed with the sequence teaching designed as a product of research.
The present investigation emerges from the main objective of analyzing the incidence that emotions have in the learning of reading and writing processes in first grade students of the Educational Institution Nuestra Señora de Belén. The theoretical foundations that supported the base categories were the contributions of Goleman and Bisquerra with their analysis of emotions, Ausubel and Torres on learning, as well as Ferreiro, Morris and Torrijos on reading and writing skills. The methodological development of the research was oriented from the sociocritical paradigm with a qualitative approach, allowing the approach to the experiences of the first-grade students and the conceptions of the teachers of the Spanish language area of the institution. The design, action research, allowed the recollection of information from educational actors to build a proposal for a didactic sequence that impacts the educational reality, directing emotions towards strengthening the reading and writing processes analyzed. The techniques applied in the research were non-participant observation, a focus group and hermeneutic triangulation with the instruments of observation rubric, semi-structured interview and analysis documentary matrix respectively. This is how it is possible to discover an educational reality in which teachers are aware of the emotional factor present, but these are not taken into account to enhance the learning processes of reading and writing that they guide, a reality that aims to be transformed with the sequence teaching designed as a product of research.
Palabras clave
Emociones, Aprendizaje, Lectura, Escritura, Secuencia didáctica, Emotions, Learning, Reading, Writing, Didactic sequence