Evaluación de la pancreatitis aguda en el servicio de hospitalización de una IPS en la ciudad de Barranquilla (Atl, Co). en los años 2019 y 2020.
Diaz Orozco, Luis Rafael
Salas Campo, Ana Carolina
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
La pancreatitis aguda es una de las principales causas que constituyen una variable
morbimortalidad a nivel mundial. Debido a su severidad es importante determinar
por medio de la clínica, estudios de laboratorio e imagenológicos, su etiología.
Son muchas las causas de pancreatitis aguda, siendo la primera causa los cálculos
biliares debido a que los cálculos obstruyen el conducto pancreático, seguido del
consumo prolongado de alcohol, más frecuente en el sexo masculino, por
diferencias en la ingesta y factores genéticos y como tercera causa la
hipertrigliceridemia. Otras causas menos frecuentes son el tabaquismo, la
hipercalcemia, enfermedades autoinmunes, la exposición a fármacos, la obesidad
y la pancreatitis idiopática que puede estar relacionada con toxinas ambientales y
polimorfismos genéticos.
Para el diagnóstico de pancreatitis aguda el paciente debe cumplir con al menos 2
de los siguientes 3 criterios: dolor en hemiabdomen superior, generalmente
irradiado a espalda; niveles de amilasa y/o lipasa séricos superior a 3 veces el límite
de lo normal y hallazgos típicos de pancreatitis aguda por estudios imagenológicos
de abdomen.
Objetivo: Evaluar la pancreatitis aguda de acuerdo a su etiología en los años 2019
y 2020 en una clínica de cuarto nivel.
Speaking of acute pancreatitis we must make clear the main causes that constitute a morbidity and mortality variable worldwide. Due to its severity, it is important to determine its etiology through clinical, laboratory and imaging studies. There are many causes of acute pancreatitis, the first cause being gallstones because the stones obstruct the pancreatic duct, followed by prolonged alcohol consumption, more frequent in males, due to differences in intake and genetic factors, and third causes hypertriglyceridemia. Other less common causes include smoking, hypercalcaemia, autoimmune diseases, drug exposure, obesity, and idiopathic pancreatitis, which may be related to environmental toxins and genetic polymorphisms. For the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis, the patient must meet at least 2 of the following 3 criteria: pain in the upper abdomen, generally radiating to the back; serum amylase and/or lipase levels greater than 3 times the normal limit and typical findings of acute pancreatitis on abdominal imaging studies. Objective: To evaluate acute pancreatitis according to its etiology in the years 2019 and 2020 in a fourth level clinic.
Speaking of acute pancreatitis we must make clear the main causes that constitute a morbidity and mortality variable worldwide. Due to its severity, it is important to determine its etiology through clinical, laboratory and imaging studies. There are many causes of acute pancreatitis, the first cause being gallstones because the stones obstruct the pancreatic duct, followed by prolonged alcohol consumption, more frequent in males, due to differences in intake and genetic factors, and third causes hypertriglyceridemia. Other less common causes include smoking, hypercalcaemia, autoimmune diseases, drug exposure, obesity, and idiopathic pancreatitis, which may be related to environmental toxins and genetic polymorphisms. For the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis, the patient must meet at least 2 of the following 3 criteria: pain in the upper abdomen, generally radiating to the back; serum amylase and/or lipase levels greater than 3 times the normal limit and typical findings of acute pancreatitis on abdominal imaging studies. Objective: To evaluate acute pancreatitis according to its etiology in the years 2019 and 2020 in a fourth level clinic.
Palabras clave
Pancreatitis aguda, Calculo biliar, Abuso de alcohol, Hipertrigliceridemia, Comorbilidades, Acute pancreatitis, Gallstones, Alcohol abuse, Hypertriglyceridemia, Comorbidities