Marcadores inmunológicos como predictores de shock endotoxico en pacientes con sepsis por Gram negativos




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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de ciencias de la Salud


La sepsis es un conjunto de manifestaciones clínicas y biológicas, que se da como respuesta inmune inflamatoria exagerada, frente a la exposición de agentes infecciosos en la cual intervienen múltiples moléculas endógenas y exógenas que desencadenan esta cascada inflamatoria, las cuales pueden ser evaluadas en sangre para determinar la posible presencia de un shock endotóxico. Objetivos: seleccionar datos sobre los marcadores inflamatorios inmunológicos asociados con la sepsis mediante la revisión de artículos de investigación para determinar si existen predictores inmunológicos específicos que puedan determinar el progreso a shock séptico por Gram negativo. Métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda en pubmed/clinicalKey/scienceDirect que incluyo trabajos realizados al respecto entre 2009 y 2018, utilizando términos como: sepsis, biomarkers in sepsis, septic shock, ademas se extrajeron otros trabajos a partir de las referencias de algunos de estos.
Sepsis is a set of clinical and biological manifestations, given as an exaggerated inflammatory immune response, against the exposure of infectious agents in which multiple endogenous and exogenous molecules are involved that trigger this inflammatory cascade, which can be evaluated in blood for determine the possible presence of an endotoxic shock.Objective: Collect data on the immunological inflammatory markers associated with sepsis by reviewing research articles to determine if there are specific immune predictors that can determine the progress to septic shock by Gram negative. Materials and methods: A search was conducted in pubmed / scielo / clinicalKey / scienceDirect that included work done in this regard between 2009 and 2018, using terms such as: sepsis, biomarkers in sepsis, septic shock, in addition other works were extracted from the references of some of theseResults: A total of 3196 articles were found with the terms sepsis, of which they were excluded because they had no clear utility relationship between shock immunological markers, and another 3177 because of their main focus on other pathologies. Therefore, for this work, 19 references with studies were selected and reviewed between 2009 and 2018.


Palabras clave

Sepsis, Shock, Marcadores inmunológicos, Immune marker

