Estado de los derechos fundamentales en los migrantes venezolanos asentados en Cúcuta
Becerra Zúñiga, Kelly Johanna
Quintero Bonett, Gisela Alexandra
Rodríguez Palacios, Andrey Alejandro
Suescún claro, Ángela Johana
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolivar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La investigación sobre el análisis del estado de los derechos fundamentales en los migrantes venezolanos asentados en Cúcuta, partió de la identificación de las bases jurídicas del reconocimiento a los derechos de los migrantes en el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano; y seguidamente se reconoció la situación actual del estado de los derechos de los migrantes que se encuentran asentados en la ciudad de Cúcuta; y, en tercer lugar, se establecieron desde los pronunciamientos internacionales los elementos a considerar en una política pública integral para la atención de la migración en zonas de frontera.
La investigación está enmarcada en el paradigma hermenéutico o interpretativo, y el enfoque empleado es el cualitativo, el diseño aplicado es el del estudio de caso. Los informantes clave fueron las personas encargas de las Organizaciones que están prestando asistencia humanitaria a éstas personas, las cuales fueron seleccionados a través de la técnica de muestreo probabilístico a conveniencia. Las técnicas e Instrumentos para recolectar la información, fueron: matriz de análisis documental; entrevista semi-estructurada, y, matriz de análisis de textos, los cuales fueron validados mediante un acta firmada dos expertos disciplinares.
Se concluye que en cuanto al estado de los derechos fundamentales en los migrantes venezolanos asentados en Cúcuta, que afrontan serias dificultades, que en alguna medida están tratando de ser subsanadas a través de organizaciones humanitarias, que cuentan con apoyo de organismos internacionales que entregan recursos económicos, para financiar alimentación, atención en salud, personal de apoyo, pero como una actividad más humanitaria que como una obligación del Estado colombiano.
The investigation on the analysis of the state of the fundamental rights of Venezuelan migrants settled in Cúcuta, started from the identification of the juridical bases of the recognition of the rights of the migrants in the Colombian legal system; and then the current status of the rights of migrants who are settled in the city of Cúcuta was recognized; and, thirdly, the elements to be considered in a comprehensive public policy for the attention of migration in border areas were established from the international pronouncements. The research is framed in the hermeneutic or interpretative paradigm, and the approach used is the qualitative, the applied design is that of the case study. The key informants were the persons in charge of the Organizations that are providing humanitarian assistance to these people, which were selected through the probabilistic sampling technique at convenience. The techniques and tools to collect the information were: matrix of documentary analysis; semi-structured interview, and matrix of text analysis, which were validated through a signed act by two disciplinary experts. It is concluded that regarding the state of the fundamental rights of Venezuelan migrants settled in Cúcuta, who face serious difficulties, that to some extent are trying to be corrected through humanitarian organizations, which have the support of international organizations that provide economic resources , to finance food, health care, support personnel, but as a more humanitarian activity than as an obligation of the Colombian State.
The investigation on the analysis of the state of the fundamental rights of Venezuelan migrants settled in Cúcuta, started from the identification of the juridical bases of the recognition of the rights of the migrants in the Colombian legal system; and then the current status of the rights of migrants who are settled in the city of Cúcuta was recognized; and, thirdly, the elements to be considered in a comprehensive public policy for the attention of migration in border areas were established from the international pronouncements. The research is framed in the hermeneutic or interpretative paradigm, and the approach used is the qualitative, the applied design is that of the case study. The key informants were the persons in charge of the Organizations that are providing humanitarian assistance to these people, which were selected through the probabilistic sampling technique at convenience. The techniques and tools to collect the information were: matrix of documentary analysis; semi-structured interview, and matrix of text analysis, which were validated through a signed act by two disciplinary experts. It is concluded that regarding the state of the fundamental rights of Venezuelan migrants settled in Cúcuta, who face serious difficulties, that to some extent are trying to be corrected through humanitarian organizations, which have the support of international organizations that provide economic resources , to finance food, health care, support personnel, but as a more humanitarian activity than as an obligation of the Colombian State.
Palabras clave
Migrantes, Atención, Asistencia humanitaria, Organizaciones, Política pública, Derechos fundamentales., Migrants, Attention, Humanitarian assistance, Organizations, Public policy, Fundamental rights