Mecanismo de sistematización del programa de auditoría del mejoramiento continuo de la calidad en salud en UCIS Colombia SAS
Ascanio Meza, Karina Andrea
Rueda Monsalve, Yessica Katherine
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
El objetivo principal del presente proyecto fue “Diseñar un mecanismo de sistematización del PAMEC en UCIS Colombia S.A.S.”; para lo cual, se implementó una metodología con paradigma cuantitativo, para lograr la medición del estado actual y cumplimiento de los planes de mejora de la empresa; y un enfoque deductivo que, admitió el diseño de sistematización del PAMEC para la entidad mencionada, se trató un diseño no experimental- transeccional, debido que, la compilación de los datos se ejecutó en un momento único, en donde se estableció uso de la Ruta Crítica del PAMEC, para que la entidad pudiera ser evaluada. La población objeto de estudio fue la IPS UCIS Colombia S.A.S., en fundamento con los resultados de los informes internos. Se obtuvo como resultado que, se identificó en el estado actual, la empresa tan sólo cumple con el inicial elemento “autoevaluación”, así mismo, al determinar el cumplimiento de la misma se valoró que no cumple en un 100% con los planes de mejoramiento, por lo que, se
definió en la “categoría B1-baja ejecución”. Y finalmente, se diseñó un instrumento de sistematización, que se dejó como herramienta para que la empresa inicie de forma ordenada la aplicación de los 9 pasos estudiados, y así, consiga mejorar la calidad de atención al usuario y al cliente interno. Se concluye que, el desarrollo de la ruta en el nuevo modelo, le permitirá a la
organización optar por una mejora y posible certificación al desarrollar y cumplir con los estándares básicos para la mejora continua.
The main objective of this project was "To design a systematization mechanism of the PAMEC in UCIS Colombia S.A.S."."For this purpose, a methodology with a quantitative paradigm was implemented, to achieve the measurement of the current status and compliance of the company's improvement plans; and a deductive approach that admitted the design of the PAMEC systematization for the mentioned entity, it was a non-experimental-transectional design, because the compilation of the data was executed in a single moment, where the use of the PAMEC Critical Path was established, so that the entity could be evaluated. The population under study was the IPS UCIS Colombia S.A.S., based on the results of the internal reports. As a result, it was identified in the current state, the company only complies with the initial element "selfevaluation", likewise, when determining the compliance of the same, it was assessed that it does not comply 100% with the improvement plans, therefore, it was defined in the "category B1-low execution". And finally, a systematization instrument was designed, which was left as a tool for the company to initiate in an orderly manner the application of the 9 steps studied, and thus, improve the quality of attention to the user and the internal customer. It is concluded that the development of the route in the new model will allow the organization to opt for an improvement and possible certification by developing and complying with the basic standards for the new model.
The main objective of this project was "To design a systematization mechanism of the PAMEC in UCIS Colombia S.A.S."."For this purpose, a methodology with a quantitative paradigm was implemented, to achieve the measurement of the current status and compliance of the company's improvement plans; and a deductive approach that admitted the design of the PAMEC systematization for the mentioned entity, it was a non-experimental-transectional design, because the compilation of the data was executed in a single moment, where the use of the PAMEC Critical Path was established, so that the entity could be evaluated. The population under study was the IPS UCIS Colombia S.A.S., based on the results of the internal reports. As a result, it was identified in the current state, the company only complies with the initial element "selfevaluation", likewise, when determining the compliance of the same, it was assessed that it does not comply 100% with the improvement plans, therefore, it was defined in the "category B1-low execution". And finally, a systematization instrument was designed, which was left as a tool for the company to initiate in an orderly manner the application of the 9 steps studied, and thus, improve the quality of attention to the user and the internal customer. It is concluded that the development of the route in the new model will allow the organization to opt for an improvement and possible certification by developing and complying with the basic standards for the new model.
Palabras clave
Calidad, PAMEC, Sistematización, Salud, UCIS, Quality, Systematization, Health