El uso de las redes sociales: emociones que se producen en estudiantes del octavo grado del Colegio San José Trigal
Sandoval Romero, Deivy
Mosquera Quintero, Jorge Mario
Rodríguez Jaimes, María Eulalia
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La presente investigación se trata de una propuesta novedosa que pretende que los docentes, padres de familia y estudiantes generen procesos de orientación emocional asertivos, a través de medios de intervención innovadora como las TIC y las redes sociales en beneficio de los estudiantes. El texto hace un recorrido por distintos foques paradigmáticos y epistémicos propuestos por Hernández, Fernández y Baptista. También señala las contribuciones de autores como Bianco y Anzola a las teorías que respaldan la importancia de las emociones en los procesos de aprendizaje y al uso de las redes como herramienta para la formación emocional. El trabajo tiene como objetivo explorar las emociones que se producen con el uso de las redes sociales en los estudiantes de octavo grado del colegio san José Trigal. Bert Hellinger es relevante dentro de la problemática investigada, porque él proporciona una metodología propia de los modelos de intervención fenomenológica y sistémica en el modelo de las constelaciones familiares y en el modelo de las representaciones sociales. se usó la técnica de análisis documental como técnica para sistematizar la información. También se emplea la matriz de análisis como instrumento apropiado que organiza las revisiones documentales y permite construir conceptos y términos relacionados con las categorías de análisis. Asimismo, una ordenada técnica de recolección de información que empleó la entrevista de grupo focal, en la que participaba un entrevistador y los informantes. El análisis del discurso de los informantes pasó por un proceso de categorización que permitió clasificar la información y analizar las respuestas dadas. Ello permitió una interpretación profunda de los hallazgos encontrados. La investigación indica que la falta de afecto, la carencia de desarrollo de valores y del carácter tienen una incidencia significativa en el aprendizaje. Es una propuesta que brinda herramientas basadas en las TIC y en las redes sociales para que se faciliten las interrelaciones entre los estudiantes y los docentes en el grado octavo. Se busca el fomento de una cultura institucional que logre una orientación emocional en los estudiantes de las diferentes instituciones educativas. Con la educación emocional y el reconocimiento del uso de las redes sociales en la educación se puede intervenir y modificar sociedades, cultura, costumbres, es por eso que en los estudiantes se debe crear conciencia de la responsabilidad social y ética que se deriva de los productos que se crean y producen y esto comienza por los docentes ya que ellos conocen la perspectiva que tiene la integración de las TIC en su quehacer para el fortalecimiento de valores y esto se refleja en el componente formación docente dentro del acto de educar. La familia es un factor indispensable pare el logro de las habilidades mentales del ser humano, necesariamente, se recomienda educar desde la familia las habilidades emocionales ya que son las destrezas y procesos de la mente necesarios para cumplir un rol social. El docente es el gestor del aprendizaje y de la formación social y para la vida, incidiendo en el estudiante una visión más humana, social, política con valores democráticos y las características de la sociedad, desde esta visión la educación es reducida como un medio que no es capaz de atender sus escenarios, por ende, el docente debe ser es un agente facilitador del conocimiento al utilizar los “micros y macros entornos en las prácticas pedagógicas. El texto concluye que “los estudiantes no saben usar sus emociones ante la convivencia en las redes sociales” en la medida en que existe una suerte de criterios desfasados que poco ayudan a la construcción de la personalidad de los estudiantes. Los procesos de orientación emocional han sido emprendidos sin considerar los elementos culturales, familiares, y sociales de los estudiantes, de este modo es necesario, reconocer los atributos particulares de cada uno de los estudiantes. En cuanto a la necesidades sociales y educativas encontrada en la investigación se puede concluir, que los docentes juegan un papel fundamental en la consolidación de la formación emocional de los estudiantes.
This research is about a novel proposal that aims for teachers, parents, and students to generate assertive emotional orientation processes through innovative intervention means such as ICT and social networks for the benefit of students. The text makes a journey through different paradigmatic and epistemic foci proposed by Hernández, Fernández and Baptista. It also points out the contributions of authors such as Bianco and Anzola to the theories that support the importance of emotions in learning processes and networks as a tool for emotional formation. The objective of the work is to explore the feelings produced with the use of social networks in the eighth-grade students of the San José Trigal school. Bert Hellinger is relevant to the investigated problem because he provides his methodology of the phenomenological and systemic intervention models in family constellations and social representations. The documentary analysis technique was used as a technique to systematize the information. The analysis matrix is also an appropriate instrument that organizes the documentary reviews and allows the construction of concepts and terms related to the analysis categories. Likewise, an orderly information-gathering technique used the focus group interview, in which an interviewer and informants participated. The analysis of the informants' discourse went through a categorization process that allowed classifying the information and analyzing the answers given. It allows for a profound interpretation of the findings. Research indicates that lack of affection, character, and values development significantly impact learning. It is a proposal that provides tools based on ICT and social networks to facilitate interrelationships between students and teachers in the eighth grade. Promoting an institutional culture that achieves an emotional orientation in the students of the different educational institutions is sought. With dynamic education and the recognition of social networks in education, it is possible to intervene and modify societies, cultures, customs. That is why students must create awareness of the social and ethical responsibility derived from the products designed and produced. It should begin with teachers since they must know the perspective of ICT integration in their work to strengthen values , which can reflect in the teacher training component within the act of educating. The family is an indispensable factor in achieving the mental abilities of the human being; necessarily, emotional skills should be enhanced through education from the family since they are the skills and processes of the mind necessary to fulfill a social role. The teacher is the manager of learning and social and life training, influencing the student with a more human, social, political vision with democratic values and characteristics of society; from this vision, education is reduced as a means that it cannot attend to its scenarios. Therefore, teachers should be the facilitator of knowledge when using the "micros and macros environments in pedagogical practices. The text stated that "students do not have the know-how to use their emotions when coexisting in social networks." There is a kind of outdated criteria that do little to help build students' personalities. The emotional orientation process is evident without considering the students' cultural, family, and social elements. Thus it is necessary to recognize the particular attributes of each of the students. Regarding the social and educational needs found in the research, there is evidence that teachers play a fundamental role in consolidating the emotional formation of students.
This research is about a novel proposal that aims for teachers, parents, and students to generate assertive emotional orientation processes through innovative intervention means such as ICT and social networks for the benefit of students. The text makes a journey through different paradigmatic and epistemic foci proposed by Hernández, Fernández and Baptista. It also points out the contributions of authors such as Bianco and Anzola to the theories that support the importance of emotions in learning processes and networks as a tool for emotional formation. The objective of the work is to explore the feelings produced with the use of social networks in the eighth-grade students of the San José Trigal school. Bert Hellinger is relevant to the investigated problem because he provides his methodology of the phenomenological and systemic intervention models in family constellations and social representations. The documentary analysis technique was used as a technique to systematize the information. The analysis matrix is also an appropriate instrument that organizes the documentary reviews and allows the construction of concepts and terms related to the analysis categories. Likewise, an orderly information-gathering technique used the focus group interview, in which an interviewer and informants participated. The analysis of the informants' discourse went through a categorization process that allowed classifying the information and analyzing the answers given. It allows for a profound interpretation of the findings. Research indicates that lack of affection, character, and values development significantly impact learning. It is a proposal that provides tools based on ICT and social networks to facilitate interrelationships between students and teachers in the eighth grade. Promoting an institutional culture that achieves an emotional orientation in the students of the different educational institutions is sought. With dynamic education and the recognition of social networks in education, it is possible to intervene and modify societies, cultures, customs. That is why students must create awareness of the social and ethical responsibility derived from the products designed and produced. It should begin with teachers since they must know the perspective of ICT integration in their work to strengthen values , which can reflect in the teacher training component within the act of educating. The family is an indispensable factor in achieving the mental abilities of the human being; necessarily, emotional skills should be enhanced through education from the family since they are the skills and processes of the mind necessary to fulfill a social role. The teacher is the manager of learning and social and life training, influencing the student with a more human, social, political vision with democratic values and characteristics of society; from this vision, education is reduced as a means that it cannot attend to its scenarios. Therefore, teachers should be the facilitator of knowledge when using the "micros and macros environments in pedagogical practices. The text stated that "students do not have the know-how to use their emotions when coexisting in social networks." There is a kind of outdated criteria that do little to help build students' personalities. The emotional orientation process is evident without considering the students' cultural, family, and social elements. Thus it is necessary to recognize the particular attributes of each of the students. Regarding the social and educational needs found in the research, there is evidence that teachers play a fundamental role in consolidating the emotional formation of students.
Palabras clave
Formación emocional, Redes sociales, Rol del docente, Familia, Retos educativos, Emotional formation, Social networks, Teacher's role, Family, Educational challenges