Rentabilidad de los inversionistas en las PYMES en la ciudad de Barranquilla durante el periodo 2008 - 2009
Buzon Navarro, Álvaro
Robledo Rivera, Ruber
Ortiz Cantillo, José
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
En Barranquilla toda empresa debe estar regida por leyes que son creadas por instituciones gubernamentales o independientes para controlar a las empresas y que a su vez deben cumplir estas disposiciones legales para que funcionen sin ningún inconveniente legal, y las PYMES industriales no pueden quedar por afuera a estos reglamentos establecidos por el gobierno.
En la ciudad de Barranquilla hay 521 empresas en los sectores de industria, que ocupan 1.430 trabajadores aproximadamente, Las microempresas son en su mayoría empresas familiares, conformadas más que todo por estratos 1, 2 y 3. Una empresa rentable es aquella que otorga rendimientos adecuados sobre la inversión considerando el riesgo de la misma.
Por lo anterior, Invertir en una empresa tiene sus riesgos, por supuesto. No todos los negocios tienen porqué funcionar ni las sociedades son ajenas a esto, pero las inversiones con mayor potencial de crecimiento, relativamente líquidas y con posibilidades importantes de crecimiento las tenemos al alcance de todos. Estas inversiones son nuestras propias empresas, que en realidad son el motor y sustento de todo nuestro tejido económico
In Barranquilla every company should be governed by laws that are created by government institutions to control or independent companies and that in turn must comply with these laws to operate without any legal difficulty, and industrial SMEs can not be on the outside to These regulations set by the government. In the city of Barranquilla are 521 companies in industry sectors, which employ about 1430 workers, Microenterprises are mostly family businesses, mostly formed by levels 1, 2 and 3. A profitable company is one that gives adequate returns on investment considering the risk of it. For these reasons, investing in a company is risky, of course. Not all businesses have to operate or why societies are unrelated to this, but investments with higher growth potential, relatively liquid and the significant growth opportunities we have available to everyone. These investments are our own businesses, they really are the engine and support of our entire economic fabric.
In Barranquilla every company should be governed by laws that are created by government institutions to control or independent companies and that in turn must comply with these laws to operate without any legal difficulty, and industrial SMEs can not be on the outside to These regulations set by the government. In the city of Barranquilla are 521 companies in industry sectors, which employ about 1430 workers, Microenterprises are mostly family businesses, mostly formed by levels 1, 2 and 3. A profitable company is one that gives adequate returns on investment considering the risk of it. For these reasons, investing in a company is risky, of course. Not all businesses have to operate or why societies are unrelated to this, but investments with higher growth potential, relatively liquid and the significant growth opportunities we have available to everyone. These investments are our own businesses, they really are the engine and support of our entire economic fabric.
Palabras clave
PYMES, Rentabilidad, Competitividad, Inversión