Bioprospección de microorganismos marinos del departamento del Atlántico
Reyes Almeida, Giovanna
Vega Benites, Shersy Sarith
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Básicas y Biomédicas
Facultad de Ciencias Básicas y Biomédicas
Los ecosistemas marinos poseen una alta biodiversidad de microorganismos que son utilizados en distintos campos de interés como la biotecnología, agricultura, industria farmacéutica, entre otros, por sus capacidades de producir enzimas extracelulares y metabolitos, por ende, la bioprospección juega un rol importante para la búsqueda apropiada de componentes naturales y organismos con potencial uso. No obstante, se calcula que una cuarta parte de los productos obtenidos de las investigaciones de bioprospección se obtienen a partir ambientes diferentes a los marinos, de tal forma que países como Colombia que tienen un gran potencial de diversidad a causa de su amplio territorio marítimo y al poseer costas en el Caribe y Pacífico, no exploran la amplia reserva de microorganismos marinos que presenta.
En este trabajo se busca analizar la capacidad metabólica de microorganismos en muestras de sedimentos marinos y agua de mar en el departamento del Atlántico; tras la toma de muestras en Puerto Caimán, Tubará, Atlántico, las cuales fueron sometidas a ensayos de: (i) solubilización de fosfato empleando el agar Pikovskaya’s siendo incubador por 10 días a 25ºC, (ii) solubilización de potasio con medio Aleksandrov en incubación por 12 horas para bacterias y 7 días para hongos, (iii) actividad amilolítica utilizando agar Triptona Soja
(TSA) suplementado con almidón soluble al 1% e incubado por 72 horas a 27ºC. La presencia de halo en cada una de las pruebas fue considero como positivo. Asimismo, se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en las bases de datos Google Scholar y Pubmed sobre bioprospección de microorganismos marinos en Colombia, utilizando descriptores tanto en español (“microorganismos marinos”, “sedimentos”, “agua”, “Colombia”, “levaduras”, “bacterias”, “hongos”) como en inglés (“marine Microorganisms”, “sediment”, “water”, “Colombia”, “yeast”, “bacteria”, “mushroom”), los cuales fueron combinados con operadores booleanos AND, OR y NOT. Para considerar si los documentos cumplían con los criterios de selección, se tuvo en cuenta: documentos de investigación original, estudios sobre la investigación de microorganismos marinos, investigación sobre la extracción y/o aislamientos de compuestos, extractos o metabolitos derivados de microorganismos marinos; mientras que los criterios de exclusión eran: estudios realizados en zonas diferentes a Colombia, muestras que no procedan de ambientes marinos, compuesto o metabolitos obtenidos de microorganismo que no procedan de ecosistemas marinos. Una vez se contaba con los documentos adecuados, estos fueron clasificados por autor y año, localidad de procedimiento de la muestra, fuente de aislamiento (sedimento, agua, etc.), microorganismos identificados, tipo de pruebas realizadas, resultados y conclusión.
En total se obtuvieron 22 aislados procedentes de dos muestras de agua (agua 1 y agua 2) y sedimentos (arena 1 y arena 2), cada uno de esto fue codificado con un nombre especifico a partir de sus características. De los tres aislados sometidos a ensayos (AR1R, AR2F y AG2O), solo AR2F presentó actividad amilolítica, capacidad de solubilizar fosfato y potasio, mostrando su potencialidad de aplicación como microorganismo promotor de crecimiento vegetal, puesto que, puede contribuir en el aumento de la absorción de nutrientes en la planta con la cual interactúa, facilitando la disponibilidad de fosfato y potasio insoluble o complejo en el suelo. En la búsqueda bibliográfica se obtuvieron inicialmente 1869 documentos, de los cuales 223 se encontraban en Pubmed y 3646 en Google Scholar; de estos, se identificaron 219 documentos posterior a la lectura del título, resumen y la aplicación de los criterios de inclusión y exclusión, teniendo 77 documentos en Pubmed y 142 en Google Scholar; posteriormente se seleccionaron las investigaciones para la lectura completa del texto, contando al final con 12 documentos para los datos de la bioprospección marina en Colombia. Dichos documentos se enfocan principalmente en el aislamiento de microorganismos con actividad antimicrobiana con aplicación en el sector farmacéutico, seguido de la producción de biosurfactante y polihidroxialcanoatos (PHA), donde el primero puede utilizarse en la biorremediación de ambientes contaminados con hidrocarburos, mientras que el segundo como reemplazo para el plástico sintético. En menor proporción se encuentran los ensayos sobre actividad enzimática, citotóxica y larvicida por parte de microorganismos marinos.
Estos datos sugieren que el enfoque dado a la bioprospección en Colombia se encuentra enfocada principalmente en la exploración de ambientes distintos a los marinos (tan solo 12 documentos), los cuales, a pesar de ser una fuente
considerable de comunidades microbianas y tener una gran diversidad, no representa una importancia relevante para el mejoramiento económico y social en el país, por consiguiente, las futuras investigaciones de bioprospección deben enfocarse en el estudios de dichos ecosistemas, sobre todo si Colombia es un país con costas en el Caribe y el Pacifico, lo que demuestra el gran potencial que puede tener.
Marine ecosystems have a high biodiversity of microorganisms that are used in different fields of interest such as biotechnology, agriculture, pharmaceutical industry, among others, for their ability to produce extracellular enzymes and metabolites, therefore, bioprospecting plays an important role in the appropriate search for natural components and organisms with potential use. However, it is estimated that a quarter of the products obtained from bioprospecting research are obtained from environments other than marine environments, so that countries such as Colombia, which has a great potential for diversity due to its large maritime territory and its Caribbean and Pacific coasts, do not explore the large reserve of marine microorganisms it has. This work seeks to analyze the metabolic capacity of microorganisms in samples of marine sediments and seawater in the department of Atlántico, after taking samples in Puerto Caimán, Tubará, Atlántico, which were subjected to tests of: (i) solubilization of microorganisms, (ii) solubilization of microorganisms, (iii) solubilization of microorganisms, and (iv) solubilization of microorganisms: (i) phosphate solubilization using Pikovskaya's agar being incubated for 10 days at 25ºC, (ii) potassium solubilization with Aleksandrov medium in incubation for 12 hours for bacteria and 7 days for fungi, (iii) amylolytic activity using Tryptone Soy agar (TSA) supplemented with 1% soluble starch and incubated for 72 hours at 27ºC. The presence of halo in each of the tests was considered positive. Likewise, a bibliographic search was carried out in the Google Scholar and Pubmed databases on bioprospecting of marine microorganisms in Colombia, using descriptors in Spanish ("microorganismos marinos", "sedimentos", "agua", "Colombia", "yeast", "bacteria", "fungi") and in English ("marine Microorganisms", "sediment", "water", "Colombia", "yeast", "bacteria", "mushroom"), which were combined with Boolean operators AND, OR and NOT. To consider whether the documents met the selection criteria, the following were taken into account: original research documents, studies on the research of marine microorganisms, research on the extraction and/or isolation of compounds, extracts or metabolites derived from marine microorganisms; while the exclusion criteria were: studies carried out in areas other than Colombia, samples that do not come from marine environments, compounds or metabolites obtained from microorganisms that do not come from marine ecosystems. Once the appropriate documents were available, they were classified by author and year, locality of sample procedure, isolation source (sediment, water, etc.), microorganisms identified, type of tests performed, results and conclusion. A total of 22 isolates were obtained from two water samples (water 1 and water 2) and sediments (sand 1 and sand 2), each of which was coded with a specific name based on its characteristics. Of the three isolates tested (AR1R, AR2F and AG2O), only AR2F showed amylolytic activity and the ability to solubilize phosphate and potassium, showing its potential application as a plant growth promoting microorganism, since it can contribute to increase the absorption of nutrients in the plant with which it interacts, facilitating the availability of insoluble or complex phosphate and potassium in the soil. In the bibliographic search, 1869 documents were initially obtained, of which 223 were in Pubmed and 3646 in Google Scholar; of these, 219 documents were identified after reading the title, abstract and the application of the inclusion and exclusion criteria, having 77 documents in Pubmed and 142 in Google Scholar; later the researches were selected for the complete reading of the text, having at the end 12 documents for the data of marine bioprospecting in Colombia. These documents focus mainly on the isolation of microorganisms with antimicrobial activity with application in the pharmaceutical sector, followed by the production of biosurfactant and polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), where the former can be used in the bioremediation of environments contaminated with hydrocarbons, while the latter as a replacement for synthetic plastic. In smaller proportion are assays on enzymatic, cytotoxic and larvicidal activity by marine microorganisms. These data suggest that the focus given to bioprospecting in Colombia is mainly focused on the exploration of non-marine environments (only 12 papers), which, despite being a considerable source of microbial communities and having a great diversity, do not represent a relevant importance for economic and social improvement in the country, therefore, future bioprospecting research should focus on the study of these ecosystems, especially if Colombia is a country with coasts in the Caribbean and the Pacific, which shows the great potential it may have
Marine ecosystems have a high biodiversity of microorganisms that are used in different fields of interest such as biotechnology, agriculture, pharmaceutical industry, among others, for their ability to produce extracellular enzymes and metabolites, therefore, bioprospecting plays an important role in the appropriate search for natural components and organisms with potential use. However, it is estimated that a quarter of the products obtained from bioprospecting research are obtained from environments other than marine environments, so that countries such as Colombia, which has a great potential for diversity due to its large maritime territory and its Caribbean and Pacific coasts, do not explore the large reserve of marine microorganisms it has. This work seeks to analyze the metabolic capacity of microorganisms in samples of marine sediments and seawater in the department of Atlántico, after taking samples in Puerto Caimán, Tubará, Atlántico, which were subjected to tests of: (i) solubilization of microorganisms, (ii) solubilization of microorganisms, (iii) solubilization of microorganisms, and (iv) solubilization of microorganisms: (i) phosphate solubilization using Pikovskaya's agar being incubated for 10 days at 25ºC, (ii) potassium solubilization with Aleksandrov medium in incubation for 12 hours for bacteria and 7 days for fungi, (iii) amylolytic activity using Tryptone Soy agar (TSA) supplemented with 1% soluble starch and incubated for 72 hours at 27ºC. The presence of halo in each of the tests was considered positive. Likewise, a bibliographic search was carried out in the Google Scholar and Pubmed databases on bioprospecting of marine microorganisms in Colombia, using descriptors in Spanish ("microorganismos marinos", "sedimentos", "agua", "Colombia", "yeast", "bacteria", "fungi") and in English ("marine Microorganisms", "sediment", "water", "Colombia", "yeast", "bacteria", "mushroom"), which were combined with Boolean operators AND, OR and NOT. To consider whether the documents met the selection criteria, the following were taken into account: original research documents, studies on the research of marine microorganisms, research on the extraction and/or isolation of compounds, extracts or metabolites derived from marine microorganisms; while the exclusion criteria were: studies carried out in areas other than Colombia, samples that do not come from marine environments, compounds or metabolites obtained from microorganisms that do not come from marine ecosystems. Once the appropriate documents were available, they were classified by author and year, locality of sample procedure, isolation source (sediment, water, etc.), microorganisms identified, type of tests performed, results and conclusion. A total of 22 isolates were obtained from two water samples (water 1 and water 2) and sediments (sand 1 and sand 2), each of which was coded with a specific name based on its characteristics. Of the three isolates tested (AR1R, AR2F and AG2O), only AR2F showed amylolytic activity and the ability to solubilize phosphate and potassium, showing its potential application as a plant growth promoting microorganism, since it can contribute to increase the absorption of nutrients in the plant with which it interacts, facilitating the availability of insoluble or complex phosphate and potassium in the soil. In the bibliographic search, 1869 documents were initially obtained, of which 223 were in Pubmed and 3646 in Google Scholar; of these, 219 documents were identified after reading the title, abstract and the application of the inclusion and exclusion criteria, having 77 documents in Pubmed and 142 in Google Scholar; later the researches were selected for the complete reading of the text, having at the end 12 documents for the data of marine bioprospecting in Colombia. These documents focus mainly on the isolation of microorganisms with antimicrobial activity with application in the pharmaceutical sector, followed by the production of biosurfactant and polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), where the former can be used in the bioremediation of environments contaminated with hydrocarbons, while the latter as a replacement for synthetic plastic. In smaller proportion are assays on enzymatic, cytotoxic and larvicidal activity by marine microorganisms. These data suggest that the focus given to bioprospecting in Colombia is mainly focused on the exploration of non-marine environments (only 12 papers), which, despite being a considerable source of microbial communities and having a great diversity, do not represent a relevant importance for economic and social improvement in the country, therefore, future bioprospecting research should focus on the study of these ecosystems, especially if Colombia is a country with coasts in the Caribbean and the Pacific, which shows the great potential it may have
Palabras clave
Puerto Caimán, Mar caribe, Sedimentos marinos, Colombia, Puerto Caiman, Caribbean Sea, Marine sediments, Colombia