Efectividad de la demanda inducida en los programas de promoción y mantenimiento de la salud en una E.A.P.B. en el departamentos de Atlántico, 2019
Murillo Murillo, Diana Carolina
Tomases Mendoza, Miguel Ángel
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Introducción: A través de las acciones, políticas e intervenciones encaminadas a fortalecer la promoción de la salud y prevención de las enfermedades, identificando las competencias de los actores del Sistema general de Seguridad Social en salud (SGSSS) aportándole a los nuevos modelos de prestación de servicio en Colombia, un eje principal en la oferta de una atención integral de los servicios de salud, como respuesta a las necesidades de la población Objetivos: Evaluar la efectividad de la demanda inducida en los programas de promoción y mantenimiento de la salud en una E.A.P.B. en el departamentos de Atlántico, 2019. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo cuantitativo de corte retrospectivo, con un muestreo aleatorio simplificado realizando una selección de 3.235 sujetos individuales Resultados: Se identificó que la poblaciones de mayor asistencia son los adolescentes con el 28%, Siendo el género femenino las que más asisten con un 53%, y sobre el nivel de escolaridad primaria el predomino la primaria con el 24,7% y en cuanto al aseguramiento 66% son subsidiados, con
procedencia urbana del 64% del total de la población, en cuanto a la asistencia a los programas de promoción y mantenimiento de la salud fueron los de demanda Inducida encaminadas a protección específica con un 58.4%; así mismo entre los factores que inciden con el acceso a los programas es la oportunidad y por ultimo teniendo en cuenta la efectividad de la demanda inducida, se logra establecer que los programas que tienen la protección específica y la detección temprana alcanzan niveles de valoración excelente (58,4%) y óptimo (41,6%) Conclusiones: Se logró caracterizar a la población de los usuarios analizados en la BDUA de la EAPB. se logró determinar que la asistencia de mayor participación son los programas de promoción y mantenimiento de la salud con demanda inducida, con gran participación de los programas de protección específica; cuyos los factores que inciden en esta asistencia es de oportunidad estableciendo que los programas alcanzan niveles de valoración de excelente y óptimo.
Introduction: Through actions, policies and interventions aimed at strengthening health promotion and disease prevention, identifying the competencies of the actors of the general Social Security System in health (SGSSS) contributing to new models of provision of service in Colombia, a main axis in the offer of comprehensive care of health services, in response to the needs of the population Objectives: Evaluate the effectiveness of the demand induced in health promotion and maintenance programs in an EAPB in the departments of Atlántico, 2019. Materials and Methods: A retrospective quantitative descriptive study was carried out, with a simplified random sampling making a selection of 3,235 individual subjects. Results: It was identified that the populations with the highest attendance are adolescents with 28 %, Being the female gender those who attend the most with 53%, and above the level of primary schooling, the primary one predominated with 24.7% and in terms of insurance 66% are subsidized, with urban origin 64% of the total of the population, in terms of assistance to health promotion and maintenance programs were those of Induced demand aimed at specific protection with 58.4%; Likewise, among the factors that affect access to the programs is the opportunity and finally, taking into account the effectiveness of the induced demand, it is possible to establish that the programs that have specific protection and early detection reach excellent assessment levels ( 58.4%) and optimal (41.6%) Conclusions: It was possible to characterize the population of users analyzed in the BDUA of the EAPB. It was possible to determine that the assistance with the greatest participation is health promotion and maintenance programs with induced demand, with a large participation of specific protection programs; whose factors that influence this assistance is opportunity, establishing that the programs achieve excellent and optimal evaluation lev
Introduction: Through actions, policies and interventions aimed at strengthening health promotion and disease prevention, identifying the competencies of the actors of the general Social Security System in health (SGSSS) contributing to new models of provision of service in Colombia, a main axis in the offer of comprehensive care of health services, in response to the needs of the population Objectives: Evaluate the effectiveness of the demand induced in health promotion and maintenance programs in an EAPB in the departments of Atlántico, 2019. Materials and Methods: A retrospective quantitative descriptive study was carried out, with a simplified random sampling making a selection of 3,235 individual subjects. Results: It was identified that the populations with the highest attendance are adolescents with 28 %, Being the female gender those who attend the most with 53%, and above the level of primary schooling, the primary one predominated with 24.7% and in terms of insurance 66% are subsidized, with urban origin 64% of the total of the population, in terms of assistance to health promotion and maintenance programs were those of Induced demand aimed at specific protection with 58.4%; Likewise, among the factors that affect access to the programs is the opportunity and finally, taking into account the effectiveness of the induced demand, it is possible to establish that the programs that have specific protection and early detection reach excellent assessment levels ( 58.4%) and optimal (41.6%) Conclusions: It was possible to characterize the population of users analyzed in the BDUA of the EAPB. It was possible to determine that the assistance with the greatest participation is health promotion and maintenance programs with induced demand, with a large participation of specific protection programs; whose factors that influence this assistance is opportunity, establishing that the programs achieve excellent and optimal evaluation lev
Palabras clave
Efectividad, Demanda Inducida, Promoción, Salud, E.A.P.B., Detección temprana, Effectiveness, Induced demand, Promotion, Health, E.A.P.B., Early detection