Factores Laborales que influyen en los problemas de salud mental en los trabajadores de un centro de salud del Banco - Magdalena
Rodríguez Castillo, Reinel Darío
Ospino Castro, María Mónica
Ospino Escorcia, Tibisay
Pérez Diaz, Liney
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
El objetivo de este artículo fue identificar los factores laborales que influyen en los
problemas de salud mental en los trabajadores de un centro de salud en el Banco,
Magdalena-Colombia. Es un estudio de corte transversal con 106 trabajadores de un
centro de salud. Se evalúo la salud mental mediante del cuestionario DASS-21 que
mide depresión, ansiedad y estrés en las personas. Los resultados arrojaron que el
17.9% de los trabajadores manifestó tener o sentir síntomas depresivos, el 34%
presentó síntomas de ansiedad y el 21.7% expresó tener o sentir síntomas de estrés.
En total un 39,6% de la muestra presenta algún tipo de síntoma asociado al estrés,
ansiedad y/o depresión a nivel significativo. La mayoría de los casos de ansiedad y
depresión se encuentran en el nivel moderado, mientras que en el estrés en el nivel
leve. Hay casos en el nivel extremo para cada tipo de sintomatología, pero la
cantidad es mayor en los que tienen síntomas de ansiedad. En conclusión, se
determinó que variables laborales como el tipo de cargo, turnos nocturnos y
antigüedad en el trabajo influyen en la manifestación de síntomas de estrés,
ansiedad y/o depresión en el personal de salud en el centro evaluado.
The objective of this article was to identify the occupational factors that influence mental health problems in workers of a health center in El Banco, Magdalena- Colombia. It is a cross-sectional study with 106 workers of a health center. Mental health was evaluated by means of the DASS-21 questionnaire that measures depression, anxiety, and stress in people. The results showed that 17.9% of the workers reported having or feeling depressive symptoms, 34% presented symptoms of anxiety and 21.7% reported having or feeling symptoms of stress. In total, 39.6% of the sample presented some type of symptom associated with stress, anxiety and/or depression at a significant level. Most cases of anxiety and depression are at the moderate level, while in stress at the mild level. There are cases at the extreme level for each type of symptomatology, but the number is higher in those with anxiety symptoms. In conclusion, it was determined that labor variables such as type of position, night shifts and seniority in the job influence the manifestation of symptoms of stress, anxiety and/or depression in the health personnel in the center evaluated.
The objective of this article was to identify the occupational factors that influence mental health problems in workers of a health center in El Banco, Magdalena- Colombia. It is a cross-sectional study with 106 workers of a health center. Mental health was evaluated by means of the DASS-21 questionnaire that measures depression, anxiety, and stress in people. The results showed that 17.9% of the workers reported having or feeling depressive symptoms, 34% presented symptoms of anxiety and 21.7% reported having or feeling symptoms of stress. In total, 39.6% of the sample presented some type of symptom associated with stress, anxiety and/or depression at a significant level. Most cases of anxiety and depression are at the moderate level, while in stress at the mild level. There are cases at the extreme level for each type of symptomatology, but the number is higher in those with anxiety symptoms. In conclusion, it was determined that labor variables such as type of position, night shifts and seniority in the job influence the manifestation of symptoms of stress, anxiety and/or depression in the health personnel in the center evaluated.
Palabras clave
Salud mental, Trabajadores, Factores laborales, Mental health, Workers, Occupational factors