Salud mental: El bienestar psicológico y el afrontamiento de estrés académico en jóvenes universitarios
Ávila Oliveros, Deilys Brigitte
Cardona Ascanio, Andrea Carolina
Castro Puello, Gabriela Paola
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El afrontamiento se interpreta como un tipo de estrategia obtenida por el individuo
como acción ante una situación estresante, por otro lado, el bienestar es una percepción de
satisfacción ante aquellos aspectos significativos por medio de una valoración subjetiva; de
acuerdo a lo anterior, hoy en día a nivel general el comportamiento de los estudiantes se
encuentra enmarcada por múltiples problemáticas a nivel interpersonal o intrapersonal las
cuales afectan su nivel de salud mental, por lo que, la presente investigación tiene como
finalidad describir el bienestar psicológico y las estrategias de afrontamiento del estrés
académico en jóvenes estudiantes de la Universidad Simón Bolívar; se realizó un estudio con
una muestra de 12 estudiantes del programa de psicología, entre los semestres VII a IX, a
quienes, seguidamente se les aplicó el Cuestionario Escalas de Bienestar Psicológico de Ryff
la versión española de Díaz y la A-CEA de Cabanach et al., versión 2010; de ahí, se obtienen
unos resultados los cuales, permitieron llevar a cabo un margen para la discusión y una
conclusión que permitan ampliar o marcar un conocimiento para futuras investigaciones.
Coping is interpreted as a type of strategy obtained by the individual as an action before a stressful situation, on the other hand, well-being is a perception of satisfaction before those significant aspects by means of a subjective valuation; According to the above, nowadays at a general level the behavior of students is framed by multiple problems at an interpersonal or intrapersonal level which affect their level of mental health, therefore, this research aims to describe the psychological well-being and coping strategies of academic stress in young students of the Universidad Simón Bolívar; A study was conducted with a sample of 12 students of the psychology program, between semesters VII to IX, who were then administered the Psychological Well-Being Scales Questionnaire by Ryff, the Spanish version by Díaz and the A-CEA by Cabanach et al. , 2010 version; from there, some results were obtained, which allowed a margin for discussion and a conclusion to be drawn that would allow expanding or marking a knowledge for future research.
Coping is interpreted as a type of strategy obtained by the individual as an action before a stressful situation, on the other hand, well-being is a perception of satisfaction before those significant aspects by means of a subjective valuation; According to the above, nowadays at a general level the behavior of students is framed by multiple problems at an interpersonal or intrapersonal level which affect their level of mental health, therefore, this research aims to describe the psychological well-being and coping strategies of academic stress in young students of the Universidad Simón Bolívar; A study was conducted with a sample of 12 students of the psychology program, between semesters VII to IX, who were then administered the Psychological Well-Being Scales Questionnaire by Ryff, the Spanish version by Díaz and the A-CEA by Cabanach et al. , 2010 version; from there, some results were obtained, which allowed a margin for discussion and a conclusion to be drawn that would allow expanding or marking a knowledge for future research.
Palabras clave
Bienestar psicológico, Afrontamiento, Estrés, Estudiantes universitarios, Psychological well-being, Coping, Stress, University students