Intervención desde el modelo cognitivo comportamental para el tratamiento de esquizofrenia paranoide y trastornos mentales del comportamiento por el uso de múltiples drogas y uso de otras sustancias psicoactivas: caso de estudio
Arrazola Mercado, Jennifer
Mercado Miranda, Estefany Johana
Mangones Austin, Vanessa Del Carmen
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El presente estudio de caso se centra en un paciente llamado MR, quien presenta esquizofrenia paranoide y trastornos mentales relacionados con el consumo de múltiples drogas y sustancias psicoactivas. Se implementó un plan de intervención basado en la terapia cognitivo-conductual para abordar los aspectos cognitivos negativos y los comportamientos problemáticos del paciente. El primer objetivo del plan de intervención fue reducir el consumo de cannabis por parte de MR. Para lograr esto, se brindó al paciente una explicación detallada sobre las consecuencias y riesgos del consumo de esta sustancia, así como opciones para prevenir recaída. Además, se implementó la técnica de relajación muscular progresiva y se asignaron tareas para el hogar, que incluían el repaso de las sesiones, la anticipación de problemas y la preparación para posibles resultados negativos. En cuanto al problema de la sensopercepción, el objetivo fue mejorar el grado de funcionalidad del paciente. Se proporcionó orientación sobre el diagnóstico de esquizofrenia paranoide, brindando información clara sobre los síntomas, el manejo, las causas y la importancia del tratamiento. Además, se utilizó la técnica de control y programación de actividades para fomentar la participación de MR en la mayor cantidad posible de actividades deseadas. Estas intervenciones se desarrollaron en un conjunto específico de sesiones. Como resultado, se observaron avances terapéuticos significativos. MR adquirió una mayor conciencia de las consecuencias negativas del consumo de sustancias psicoactivas y de su propio diagnóstico.
This case study focuses on a patient named MR, who presents with paranoid schizophrenia and mental disorders related to the use of multiple drugs and psychoactive substances. An intervention plan based on cognitive-behavioral therapy was implemented to address the patient's negative cognitive aspects and problem behaviors. The first objective of the intervention plan was to reduce the use of cannabis by MR. To achieve this, the patient was provided with a detailed explanation of the consequences and risks of consuming this substance, as well as options to prevent relapse. In addition, the progressive muscle relaxation technique was implemented and homework was assigned, which included reviewing the sessions, anticipating problems, and preparing for possible negative outcomes. Regarding the problem of sensory perception, the objective was to improve the degree of functionality of the patient. Guidance on the diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia was provided, giving clear information on symptoms, management, causes and the importance of treatment. In addition, the activity control and scheduling technique was perfected to encourage MR participation in as many desired activities as possible. These interventions were developed in a specific set of sessions. As a result, significant therapeutic advances were observed. MR became more aware of the negative consequences of psychoactive substance use and of his own diagnosis.
This case study focuses on a patient named MR, who presents with paranoid schizophrenia and mental disorders related to the use of multiple drugs and psychoactive substances. An intervention plan based on cognitive-behavioral therapy was implemented to address the patient's negative cognitive aspects and problem behaviors. The first objective of the intervention plan was to reduce the use of cannabis by MR. To achieve this, the patient was provided with a detailed explanation of the consequences and risks of consuming this substance, as well as options to prevent relapse. In addition, the progressive muscle relaxation technique was implemented and homework was assigned, which included reviewing the sessions, anticipating problems, and preparing for possible negative outcomes. Regarding the problem of sensory perception, the objective was to improve the degree of functionality of the patient. Guidance on the diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia was provided, giving clear information on symptoms, management, causes and the importance of treatment. In addition, the activity control and scheduling technique was perfected to encourage MR participation in as many desired activities as possible. These interventions were developed in a specific set of sessions. As a result, significant therapeutic advances were observed. MR became more aware of the negative consequences of psychoactive substance use and of his own diagnosis.
Palabras clave
Esquizofrenia paranoide, Trastornos mentales, Sustancias psicoactivas, Modelo cognitivo conductual, Paranoid schizophrenia, Mental disorders, Psychoactive substances, Cognitive behavioral model