Capacidades para la transformación de conflictos en sobrevivientes de minas antipersonales: una mirada desde la salud mental
López-Jaimes, Ruth-Jimena
Araque-Castellanos, Franlet
Jaimes-Parada, Gerson-Yesith
Rivera-Porras, Diego
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Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El conflicto armado en Colombia ha generado múltiples hechos victimizantes en la población
civil, particularmente los accidentes con minas antipersonales dejan secuelas físicas,
psicológicas y sociales. El objetivo del estudio es describir las capacidades de transformación
de conflictos de los sobrevivientes de minas antipersonal en contextos sociales y familiares. El
diseño de la investigación es transversal con un alcance descriptivo y enfoque cualitativo.
La población estudiada fue una Asociación Víctimas de minas antipersonas con domicilio
en la ciudad de Cúcuta. En la selección de los participantes, 19 en total, se utilizó la
metodología bola de nieve, determinando la participación de 7 víctimas, 9 hijos de las víctimas
y 3 profesionales de atención a víctimas. Para la recolección de los datos se
utilizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a las víctimas y profesionales y en los hijos de
las víctimas se usó la construcción de historias de vida. Los resultados, fueron
sometidos a la triangulación por participantes y técnicas, luego del análisis de contenido
por categorías axiales. El estudio concluye que el sistema familiar se convierte en el apoyo
fundamental para el afrontamiento del hecho victimizante. Así mismo, las capacidades para la
transformación de conflictos logradas en los sobrevivientes a nivel familiar son: comunicación,
adaptación y red de apoyo; en el ámbito social: liderazgo, participación social, herramientas
de gestión, aspectos potencializadores de salud mental y calidad de vida que permiten
superar dificultades sociales en la cotidianidad.
The armed conflict in Colombia has led to multiple victimizing incidents among the civilian population, particularly accidents involving anti-personnel mines, which have long term physical, psychological and social consequences. The objective of the study is to describe the conflict transformation capacities of anti-personnel mine survivors in social and family contexts. The research design is transversal with a descriptive scope and qualitative approach. The population studied was an Association of Victims of Antipersonnel Mines residents in Cucuta City. In the selection of the participants, 19 in total, the snowball methodology was used, determining the participation of 7 victims, 9 children of the victims and 3 professionals for victim care. Semi structured interviews with victims and professionals were used to collect the data, and the construction of life stories was used in the children of the victims. The results were subjected to triangulation by participants and techniques, after content analysis by axial categories. The study concludes that the family system becomes the fundamental support for confronting with the victimizing event. Likewise, the capacities for the transformation of conflicts achieved in survivors at the family level are: communication, adaptation and support network; in the social sphere: leadership, social participation, management tools, potentiating aspects of mental health and quality of life that allow overcoming social difficulties in everyday life.
The armed conflict in Colombia has led to multiple victimizing incidents among the civilian population, particularly accidents involving anti-personnel mines, which have long term physical, psychological and social consequences. The objective of the study is to describe the conflict transformation capacities of anti-personnel mine survivors in social and family contexts. The research design is transversal with a descriptive scope and qualitative approach. The population studied was an Association of Victims of Antipersonnel Mines residents in Cucuta City. In the selection of the participants, 19 in total, the snowball methodology was used, determining the participation of 7 victims, 9 children of the victims and 3 professionals for victim care. Semi structured interviews with victims and professionals were used to collect the data, and the construction of life stories was used in the children of the victims. The results were subjected to triangulation by participants and techniques, after content analysis by axial categories. The study concludes that the family system becomes the fundamental support for confronting with the victimizing event. Likewise, the capacities for the transformation of conflicts achieved in survivors at the family level are: communication, adaptation and support network; in the social sphere: leadership, social participation, management tools, potentiating aspects of mental health and quality of life that allow overcoming social difficulties in everyday life.
Palabras clave
Violencia armada, Personas con discapacidad, Sobrevivientes, Salud mental, Conflicto familiar, Integración social
López- Jaimes R, Arranque-Castellanos F, Jaimes-Parada G, Rivera-Porras D. Capacidades para la transformación de conflictos en sobrevivientes de minas antipersonales: una mirada desde la salud mental. Ciencia e Innovación en Salud. 2020. e107: 491-504 DOI 10.17081/innosa.107