Análisis de la responsabilidad social universitaria y la creación de valor compartido en la Universidad Simón Bolívar
Baratta Bossio, Karelyn
Güette Caballero, Cindy Paola
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
La Responsabilidad Social Universitaria se ha concebido como las directrices emanadas hacia la gestión de las Instituciones de Educación Superior tendientes a impactar positivamente desde las funciones sustantivas a la sociedad, asimismo, la Creación de Valor Compartido se presenta como una propuesta de valor que involucra a los stakeholders que permita alcanzar un desarrollo organizacional y social. En este sentido, este estudio está orientado a analizar la Responsabilidad Social Universitaria y la Creación de Valor Compartido en la Universidad Simón Bolívar, para reconocer el conjunto de prácticas en torno a los ejes e impactos que se deben gestar en las Instituciones de Educación Superior. Se realizó mediante el enfoque cuantitativo, a través del método lógico deductivo; utilizando el tipo de investigación descriptivo. El instrumento fue aplicado de forma virtual por correo electrónico a 54 directivos de la institución de los niveles estratégico y táctico. Dicho instrumento fue validado por un grupo de expertos, a su vez, los datos obtenidos fueron analizados en el software R en su parte estadística, lo que permitió concluir que la Universidad Simón Bolívar realiza acciones de responsabilidad social, la cual está vinculada a su política de gestión de RSU, igualmente se reconocieron los potenciales beneficios de la creación de valor compartido y como se deben promover dentro de la política de gestión.
The University Social Responsibility has been conceived as the guideline issued towards the management of higher education institutions with the purpose of positively impact society from the substantive functions, additionally, the creation of the shared value is presented as the value proposition that involves the stakeholders that allows achieving organizational and social development. with that in mind, this study is focused on analyzed the university social responsibility and the creation of the shared value at the Universidad Simon Bolivar, to recognize the group of practices around the axes and impacts that must be created in Higher education Institutions. This was made through the quantitative approach, through the logical deductive method, using the descriptive type of research. the study was applied virtually via email to 54 managers of the institution at the strategic and tactical level. This study was validated for a group of experts, likewise, all the data obtained were analyzed in the R software in its statistical part, which allows concluding that the Universidad Simon Bolivar carries out social responsibility actions, which is linked to is the policy of USR management, in the same way, the potentials benefits of creating shared value recognized and how they should be promoted within the management policy.
The University Social Responsibility has been conceived as the guideline issued towards the management of higher education institutions with the purpose of positively impact society from the substantive functions, additionally, the creation of the shared value is presented as the value proposition that involves the stakeholders that allows achieving organizational and social development. with that in mind, this study is focused on analyzed the university social responsibility and the creation of the shared value at the Universidad Simon Bolivar, to recognize the group of practices around the axes and impacts that must be created in Higher education Institutions. This was made through the quantitative approach, through the logical deductive method, using the descriptive type of research. the study was applied virtually via email to 54 managers of the institution at the strategic and tactical level. This study was validated for a group of experts, likewise, all the data obtained were analyzed in the R software in its statistical part, which allows concluding that the Universidad Simon Bolivar carries out social responsibility actions, which is linked to is the policy of USR management, in the same way, the potentials benefits of creating shared value recognized and how they should be promoted within the management policy.
Palabras clave
Responsabilidad social universitaria, Creación de valor compartido, Campus responsable, Participación social, Grupos de interés, Desempeño social y sostenibilidad, University social responsibility, Creation of shared value, Responsible campus, Social participation, Stakeholders, Social performance and sustainability