Transformaciones asociadas a la organización social del cuidado en el marco de la pandemia por COVID – 19 en familias del Barrio Rebolo de Barranquilla – Colombia
Torres Castro, Andrea Carolina
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La investigación permitió comprender desde la perspectiva de las participantes problemáticas que han sido divulgadas vinculadas al confinamiento y en general a la pandemia como la falta de empleo de alguno de los miembros de la familia, dificultades en la distribución de las tareas del hogar, vinculación del padre en las labores domésticas, y las pérdidas de familiares por COVID 19, así como necesidades básicas insatisfechas que han aumento sus índices de pobreza y las desigualdades por razón de género. Por estas razones la investigación se centra en analizar las transformaciones de las familias del barrio Rebolo de la ciudad de Barranquilla (Colombia) durante la pandemia asociados a la Organización Social del Cuidado. Comprender las transformaciones de las familias del barrio Rebolo de Barranquilla durante la pandemia asociados a la organización social del cuidado. Se utilizo una metodología de tipo cualitativa, enmarcada dentro del paradigma interpretativo; esto permitió conocer y analizar en las familias el fenómeno existente y con relación a la Organización Social del Cuidado teniendo en cuenta sus relatos y sus voces. Se llevaron a cabo 4 entrevistas a profundidad con madres que desempeñan el rol de jefe de hogar. Dentro de los criterios de inclusión, se tuvo en cuenta a mujeres, madres con jefatura de hogar, residentes del barrio Rebolo de Barranquilla, mujeres mayores de 18 años, perteneciente a estrato socioeconómico 1, no devengando un salario mínimo mensual vigente. De esta manera, las mujeres representantes de cada familia a partir de las experiencias vividas describieron cuales fueron esas transformaciones y como es la Organización Social del Cuidado en sus núcleos familiares.
The research allowed us to understand, from the perspective of the participants, problems that have been disclosed linked to confinement and in general to the pandemic, such as the lack of employment of some of the family members, difficulties in the distribution of household tasks, connection of the father with household chores, and the losses of family members due to COVID 19, as well as unmet basic needs that have increased their poverty rates and gender inequalities. For these reasons, the research focuses on analyzing the transformations of the families of the Rebolo neighborhood in Barranquilla (Colombia) during the pandemic associated with the Social Care Organization. To understand the transformations of the families of the Rebolo neighborhood in Barranquilla during the pandemic associated with the social organization of care. A qualitative methodology was used, framed within the interpretive paradigm; This allowed us to know and analyze the existing phenomenon in families and in relation to the Social Organization of Care, taking into account their stories and voices. Four in-depth interviews were carried out with mothers who play the role of head of household. Within the inclusion criteria, women, mothers who were heads of household, residents of the Rebolo neighborhood of Barranquilla, women over 18 years of age, belonging to socioeconomic stratum 1, not earning a current monthly minimum wage were taken into account. In this way, the women representatives of each family, based on their lived experiences, described what these transformations were and what the Social Organization of Care is like in their family core.
The research allowed us to understand, from the perspective of the participants, problems that have been disclosed linked to confinement and in general to the pandemic, such as the lack of employment of some of the family members, difficulties in the distribution of household tasks, connection of the father with household chores, and the losses of family members due to COVID 19, as well as unmet basic needs that have increased their poverty rates and gender inequalities. For these reasons, the research focuses on analyzing the transformations of the families of the Rebolo neighborhood in Barranquilla (Colombia) during the pandemic associated with the Social Care Organization. To understand the transformations of the families of the Rebolo neighborhood in Barranquilla during the pandemic associated with the social organization of care. A qualitative methodology was used, framed within the interpretive paradigm; This allowed us to know and analyze the existing phenomenon in families and in relation to the Social Organization of Care, taking into account their stories and voices. Four in-depth interviews were carried out with mothers who play the role of head of household. Within the inclusion criteria, women, mothers who were heads of household, residents of the Rebolo neighborhood of Barranquilla, women over 18 years of age, belonging to socioeconomic stratum 1, not earning a current monthly minimum wage were taken into account. In this way, the women representatives of each family, based on their lived experiences, described what these transformations were and what the Social Organization of Care is like in their family core.
Palabras clave
Organización social del cuidado, Transformaciones, COVID – 19, Confinamiento, Convivencia, Vulnerabilidad, Barrio Rebolo, Social Organization of Care, Transformations, Confinement, Coexistence, Vulnerability, Rebolo neighborhood