Factores generadores potenciales de ansiedad y depresión en adolescentes del grado 10 de una institución educativa en Soledad Atlántico -Colombia
Rodríguez Ávila, Andry Carolina
Sánchez Mendoza, Marilyn
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
De acuerdo con Navarro et al. (2017), la depresión es una problemática a nivel mundial que ha tenido un incremento gradual significativo en los países en vía de desarrollo. Se constituye en una seria problemática de salud pública y se ha comprobado que la etapa de la adolescencia existe un mayor índice de vulnerabilidad, gracias a factores psicosociales, ambientales, familiares, académicos. Además existen evidencias que indican que ésta , estaría asociada a otros problemas psicológicos o comorbilidades como lo son la ansiedad, detonantes en esta etapa de vida.
La Organización Mundial de la Salud (2021) indica que ésta es una enfermedad frecuente en todo el mundo, se estima que afecta a un 3,8% de la población, incluidos un 5% de los adultos y un 5,7% de los adultos de más de 60 años. Es la principal causa mundial de discapacidad y contribuye de manera significativa a la carga general de morbilidad, se calcula que entre un 8 % y 12 %. Se estima que para el año 2030 sea la mayor causa de carga de enfermedad (Serna Et al. 2020, pp. 2-3). Esta investigación tiene como objetivo identificar factores potenciales de ansiedad y depresión en adolescentes que cursan el grado 10, en una institución educativa de Soledad Atlántico (Colombia), teniendo en cuenta que la ansiedad y depresión
se constituyen en una problemática en la actualidad y está relacionada comúnmente con adolescentes, causando ciertos tipos de comportamientos mal adaptativos y desequilibrios en la vida en general de los jóvenes. Es por ello que se busca valorar sus comportamientos y pensamientos en diferentes contextos de su vida.
According to Navarro et al. (2017), depression is a global problem that has had a significant gradual increase in developing countries. It is a serious public health problem and it has been found that the adolescent stage is more vulnerable, owing to psychosocial, environmental, family and academic factors. In addition, there is evidence that this disease is associated with other psychological problems or comorbidities such as anxiety, which are triggers in this stage of life. According to the World Health Organization (2021) it is a common disease worldwide, affecting an estimated 3.8 per cent of the population, including 5 per cent of adults and 5.7 per cent of adults over 60 years of age. It is the leading global cause of disability and contributes significantly to the overall burden of disease, estimated to be between 8% and 12%. It is estimated to be the leading cause of disease burden by 2030 (Serna et al. 2020, pp. 2-3). This research aims to identify potential factors of anxiety and depression in adolescents attending grade 10 at an educational institution in Soledad Atlántico (Colombia), taking into account that anxiety and depression are currently a problem and are commonly associated with adolescents, causing certain types of maladaptive behaviors and imbalances in the general life of young people. This is why we seek to evaluate their behaviors and thoughts in different contexts of their lives.
According to Navarro et al. (2017), depression is a global problem that has had a significant gradual increase in developing countries. It is a serious public health problem and it has been found that the adolescent stage is more vulnerable, owing to psychosocial, environmental, family and academic factors. In addition, there is evidence that this disease is associated with other psychological problems or comorbidities such as anxiety, which are triggers in this stage of life. According to the World Health Organization (2021) it is a common disease worldwide, affecting an estimated 3.8 per cent of the population, including 5 per cent of adults and 5.7 per cent of adults over 60 years of age. It is the leading global cause of disability and contributes significantly to the overall burden of disease, estimated to be between 8% and 12%. It is estimated to be the leading cause of disease burden by 2030 (Serna et al. 2020, pp. 2-3). This research aims to identify potential factors of anxiety and depression in adolescents attending grade 10 at an educational institution in Soledad Atlántico (Colombia), taking into account that anxiety and depression are currently a problem and are commonly associated with adolescents, causing certain types of maladaptive behaviors and imbalances in the general life of young people. This is why we seek to evaluate their behaviors and thoughts in different contexts of their lives.
Palabras clave
Ansiedad, Depresión, Adolescentes, Factores generadores, Anxiety, Depression, Adolescents, Generating factors