Propuesta estratégica de gestión de la innovación para la empresa ISES S.A.S.
Godoy Molinares, Karen Milena
Zarur López, Juan Carlos
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad Administración y Negocios
Facultad Administración y Negocios
Antecedentes: El área de Innovación en ISES S.A.S. ha quedado rezagada a un enfoque parcial hacia un producto de apoyo para los clientes, el cual es la herramienta FORMAP, pero no se está dando alcance a una innovación transversal en nuevos productos, procesos, metodologías de trabajo y prácticas organizacionales. Adicionalmente, la empresa no ha destinado una parte de sus ingresos a la innovación y desarrollo, tampoco se cuenta con personal capacitado y entrenado en técnicas de innovación, generación de ideas y talentos creativos, que puedan aportar al desarrollo de nuevos productos o servicios.
El área de Innovación no ha implementado, a través de la medición de Indicadores, la manera de evaluar sus resultados y verificar si está contribuyendo a los objetivos estratégicos de la empresa. En general, la empresa carece de varios aspectos, tales como: la articulación entre el área de Innovación y las diferentes
áreas y procesos de la empresa; un grupo de dedicación exclusiva a realizar tareas de innovación al interior de la empresa; un liderazgo claro y definido con respecto a lo concerniente a la innovación en la organización; un presupuesto destinado a los esfuerzos para innovar. Todas las variables descritas anteriormente constituyen el problema actual en ISES S.A.S., y derivan en el planteamiento de la pregunta ¿Cómo desarrollar, a través de un plan estratégico, la gestión de la innovación en la empresa ISES S.A.S.?.
Objetivo: Proponer un plan estratégico de gestión de la innovación en la empresa ISES S.A.S., para el fortalecimiento de su competitividad en el mercado actual.
Materiales y Métodos: El tipo de investigación se basó en un estudio Descriptivo, Transversal y Observacional, con un enfoque Cuantitativo, ejecutado a través de la aplicación de una encuesta como herramienta metodológica y empleando como metodología de investigación el método de estudio de caso. Las bases de datos empeladas fueron SCOPUS, Google Academics y búsqueda libre en internet. Los documentos que han servido de insumo se constituyen en libros, artículos, revistas y estudios. La población participante en el estudio estuvo compuesta por 21 personas.
Resultados: Se exponen tres resultados importantes como son: la descripción de las necesidades y expectativas de innovación identificadas en ISES S.A.S., la propuesta de un plan de acción detallado y específico que da respuesta a esas necesidades de gestión de la innovación, y finalmente una Guía presentada como infografía que describe las recomendaciones para la implementación del plan estratégico de gestión de la innovación.
Conclusiones: Desde el planteamiento del problema, se concluye que ISES S.A.S. no ha logrado implementar en su totalidad los elementos que caracterizan a las organizaciones que gestionan la innovación de manera estratégica, basados en los lineamientos de Minciencias, sin embargo, como aspecto positivo se resalta que cuenta con el respaldo y la intención de la Alta Dirección para llegar a dar el paso hacia una organización innovadora, de tal forma que el alcance no se limite a la herramienta tecnológica Formap, ofrecida como apoyo en el servicio, sino que la gestión de la innovación sea transversal a todas las áreas, servicios y procesos de la organización.
Se considera que con esta propuesta se aporta al crecimiento, productividad y competitividad de la organización, y que, a partir de la implementación del plan estratégico, la cultura de innovación sea palpable en cada área de la empresa, para que cada una desde su enfoque pueda contribuir a la consolidación de los objetivos estratégicos de innovación trazados desde la Gerencia. De esta misma forma los planteamientos plasmados en la Misión y Visión de la organización, relacionados con las palabras “innovación” y “soluciones innovadoras” se constituyan en una realidad en las operaciones y servicios ofrecidos a los clientes, siendo ISES S.A.S. reconocida en el mercado por tales características.
Background: The Innovation department at ISES S.A.S. has been relegated to a partial focus on a support product for clients, which is the FORMAP tool, but transversal innovation in new products, processes, work methodologies and organizational practices is not being achieved. Additionally, the company has not assigned part of its income to innovation and development, nor does it have trained personnel in innovation techniques, ideas generation and creative talents, who can contribute to the development of new products or services. The Innovation department has not implemented, through the measurement of Indicators, the way to evaluate its results and to verify if it is contributing to the strategic objectives of the company. In general, the company lacks several aspects, such as: the articulation between the Innovation area and the different areas and processes of the company; a group dedicated exclusively to innovation tasks within the company; a clear and defined leadership with regard to the innovation in the organization; a budget earmarked for efforts to innovate. All the variables described above constitute the current problem in ISES S.A.S., and lead to the question ¿How to develop, through a strategic plan, the management of innovation in the company ISES S.A.S.?. Objective: Propose a strategic plan for the management of innovation in the company ISES S.A.S., to strengthen its competitiveness in the current market. Materials and Methods: The type of research was based on a Descriptive, Cross-sectional and Observational study, with a Quantitative approach, executed through the application of a survey as a methodological tool and using the case study method as research methodology. The databases used were SCOPUS, Google Academics and free internet search. The documents that have served as input are made up of books, articles, magazines and studies. The population participating in the study consisted of 21 people. Results: Three important results are presented, such as: the description of the needs and expectations for innovation identified in ISES SAS, the proposal of a detailed and specific action plan that responds to those innovation management needs, and finally a Guide presented as an infographic that describes the recommendations for the implementation of the innovation management strategic plan. Conclusions: From the statement of the problem, it is concluded that ISES S.A.S. has not been able to fully implement the elements that characterize the organizations that manage innovation strategically, based on the Minciencias guidelines, however, as a positive aspect it is highlighted that it has the support and intention of Senior Management to take the step towards an innovative organization, in such a way that the scope is not limited to the Formap technological tool, offered as support in the service, but that the management of innovation is transversal to all areas, services and processes of the organization. It is considered that this proposal contributes to the growth, productivity and competitiveness of the organization, and that, from the implementation of the strategic plan, the culture of innovation is palpable in each area of the company, so that each one from its approach can contribute to the consolidation of the strategic innovation objectives outlined by Management. In this same way, the approaches embodied in the Mission and Vision of the organization, related to the words "innovation" and "innovative solutions" become a reality in the operations and services offered to customers, being ISES S.A.S. recognized in the market for such characteristics.
Background: The Innovation department at ISES S.A.S. has been relegated to a partial focus on a support product for clients, which is the FORMAP tool, but transversal innovation in new products, processes, work methodologies and organizational practices is not being achieved. Additionally, the company has not assigned part of its income to innovation and development, nor does it have trained personnel in innovation techniques, ideas generation and creative talents, who can contribute to the development of new products or services. The Innovation department has not implemented, through the measurement of Indicators, the way to evaluate its results and to verify if it is contributing to the strategic objectives of the company. In general, the company lacks several aspects, such as: the articulation between the Innovation area and the different areas and processes of the company; a group dedicated exclusively to innovation tasks within the company; a clear and defined leadership with regard to the innovation in the organization; a budget earmarked for efforts to innovate. All the variables described above constitute the current problem in ISES S.A.S., and lead to the question ¿How to develop, through a strategic plan, the management of innovation in the company ISES S.A.S.?. Objective: Propose a strategic plan for the management of innovation in the company ISES S.A.S., to strengthen its competitiveness in the current market. Materials and Methods: The type of research was based on a Descriptive, Cross-sectional and Observational study, with a Quantitative approach, executed through the application of a survey as a methodological tool and using the case study method as research methodology. The databases used were SCOPUS, Google Academics and free internet search. The documents that have served as input are made up of books, articles, magazines and studies. The population participating in the study consisted of 21 people. Results: Three important results are presented, such as: the description of the needs and expectations for innovation identified in ISES SAS, the proposal of a detailed and specific action plan that responds to those innovation management needs, and finally a Guide presented as an infographic that describes the recommendations for the implementation of the innovation management strategic plan. Conclusions: From the statement of the problem, it is concluded that ISES S.A.S. has not been able to fully implement the elements that characterize the organizations that manage innovation strategically, based on the Minciencias guidelines, however, as a positive aspect it is highlighted that it has the support and intention of Senior Management to take the step towards an innovative organization, in such a way that the scope is not limited to the Formap technological tool, offered as support in the service, but that the management of innovation is transversal to all areas, services and processes of the organization. It is considered that this proposal contributes to the growth, productivity and competitiveness of the organization, and that, from the implementation of the strategic plan, the culture of innovation is palpable in each area of the company, so that each one from its approach can contribute to the consolidation of the strategic innovation objectives outlined by Management. In this same way, the approaches embodied in the Mission and Vision of the organization, related to the words "innovation" and "innovative solutions" become a reality in the operations and services offered to customers, being ISES S.A.S. recognized in the market for such characteristics.
Palabras clave
Gestión, Innovación, Plan Estratégico, Competitividad, Estudio de caso, Innovation, Strategic plan, Management, Competitiveness, Case study