Procesos de Co – adaptabilidad en familias de la Organización Aldeas Infantiles SOS Bogotá
Gamboa-Aldana, Andres-Sebastian
Bonilla-Cruz, Nidia-Johanna
Forgiony-Santos, Jesús
Rojas-Galvis, Luz Stella
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Universidad Central de Venezuela
Introducción: La organización Aldeas Infantiles
SOS Bogotá ha experimentado cambios en su
funcionamiento mediante la implementación de la Ley
1098 del 2006, estos cambios en el cotidiano fueron
entendidos por sus miembros desde la pérdida del
modelo de la organización y de la figura de madre
de acogida, lo que genera narrativas saturadas que
imposibilitan la emergencia de Mecanismos y Procesos
de Coevolución. Objetivo: Favorecer procesos
adaptativos en las familias con el fin de movilizar
narrativas dominantes en los actores participantes
de la organización Aldeas Infantiles SOS Bogotá y el
desarrollo de mecanismos Coevolutivos. Métodos: La
metodología utilizada fue de orden cualitativo, desde un
enfoque investigación/intervención de segundo orden,
con la participación del sistema social Aldeas Infantiles
SOS Bogotá, y sus sistemas miembros. Se realizaron
cinco escenarios conversacionales reflexivos. En el
análisis de la información se construyen las categorías
de análisis, entrecruzando los mecanismos y procesos
de coevolución, con los conceptos metodológicos
del macroproyecto de narrativas. Resultados: Los
resultados dan cuenta de cómo los relatos alternos
permitieron resignificar la experiencia vivida frente al
acontecimiento de la implementación de la ley 1098 de
2006. Conclusión: El sistema Aldeas Infantiles SOS
Bogotá y sus sujetos miembros, posibilitaron crear
apertura en un momento coyuntural de su historia
de vida como sistema social creando la emergencia
de relatos alternos, que permitieron la aparición
de los mecanismos y procesos de la coevolución,
facilitando los procesos de Co - adaptabilidad en
el cotidiano, en la resignificación de la experiencia
frente a acontecimientos particulares y posibilitando
procesos Coevolutivos.
Introduction: The organization Aldeas Infantiles SOS Bogotá has changed in its operation through the implementation of Law 1098 of 2006, these daily changes were understood by its members since the loss of the model of the organization and the figure of a foster mother, which generates saturated narratives that make the emergence of Coevolution Mechanisms and Processes impossible. Objective: To favor adaptive processes in families to mobilize dominant narratives in the participating actors of the organization Aldeas Infantiles SOS Bogotá and the development of Co-evolutionary mechanisms. Methods: The methodology used was qualitative, from a second-order research/intervention approach, with the participation of the Aldeas Infantiles SOS Bogota social system and its member systems, five reflective conversational scenarios were carried out. In the analysis of the information, the categories of analysis were constructed, interweaving the mechanisms and processes of co-evolution with the methodological concepts of the macro-project of narratives. Results: The results show how the alternate stories allowed to resignify the lived experience facing the development of the implementation of the 1098 law of 2006. Conclusion: The Aldeas Infantiles SOS Bogotá and its members, made it possible to create openness in a conjunctural moment of its history of life as a social system, creating the emergence of alternate stories, which allowed the appearance of the mechanisms and processes of coevolution, facilitating the processes of Coadaptability in everyday life, in the resignification of experience in the face of particular events and enabling Coevolutive processes.
Introduction: The organization Aldeas Infantiles SOS Bogotá has changed in its operation through the implementation of Law 1098 of 2006, these daily changes were understood by its members since the loss of the model of the organization and the figure of a foster mother, which generates saturated narratives that make the emergence of Coevolution Mechanisms and Processes impossible. Objective: To favor adaptive processes in families to mobilize dominant narratives in the participating actors of the organization Aldeas Infantiles SOS Bogotá and the development of Co-evolutionary mechanisms. Methods: The methodology used was qualitative, from a second-order research/intervention approach, with the participation of the Aldeas Infantiles SOS Bogota social system and its member systems, five reflective conversational scenarios were carried out. In the analysis of the information, the categories of analysis were constructed, interweaving the mechanisms and processes of co-evolution with the methodological concepts of the macro-project of narratives. Results: The results show how the alternate stories allowed to resignify the lived experience facing the development of the implementation of the 1098 law of 2006. Conclusion: The Aldeas Infantiles SOS Bogotá and its members, made it possible to create openness in a conjunctural moment of its history of life as a social system, creating the emergence of alternate stories, which allowed the appearance of the mechanisms and processes of coevolution, facilitating the processes of Coadaptability in everyday life, in the resignification of experience in the face of particular events and enabling Coevolutive processes.
Palabras clave
Formas de ser familia, Narrativas, Coevolución, Consultoría sistémica, Construccionismo, Complejidad, Ways of being family, Narratives, Coevolution, Systemic consulting, Constructionism, Complexity